
You Shall Pay For Your Sins Even If You Are A God

An assassin with godly luck was killed by some aliens and his soul was sent to another world for reincarnation but something unexpected happened and reincarnation failed !! ------------- The book cover is not mine nor do I claim it mine .

ZERO_ZENOS · แฟนตาซี
44 Chs

Ch - 4 A New Start! Huh! It Isn't New ?

-----------Same Underground Lab On Unknown Planet -------------

Loud Noises of siren can be heard every where . There's the panic every where in the lab 'World Criminal Catching organization' had raided the underground lab ..

The two figures in the white and Light have a calm expression on their faces and they already knew that their organisation will raided sooner or later for stealing A-16 the core of their world not planet but their world's core . The three were still in the process of sending 'child of heaven soul ' in Fenrir they were searching for good planet where he won't die just after taking birth because Fenrir is the highest and the most dangerous world but they were raided to quickly there was still some time before his soul can send into new born baby . The three of them hastened the process and his soul was fixed to reach on an easy planet in Fenrir compared to another planets in Fenrir.

His soul was about reach on the planet but some people barged in their main power source that was supplying power to the underground ground lab . And stoped the power source the soul of child of heaven was in Fenrir but was not able to fully reach its destination because the three didn't got the time lock the destination.

The men in the black 'Light' started cursing and shauting out in anger "F**k !!!! why! these mother******* why? why? WHY!!!!"

Some people came to where he was and killed Light and capture his soul that looked like a 'the souls' . They were about to kill the two figure in the white but both of them activated the cube given to them by Light ran away ...


The aliens who killed Light looked at each other and nodded at the same time and all of them said in unison that "We will report that there was no one there other than Light " Every one knew Light because he was the one who stole the A-16.

-----------In An Empty Void In The World Of Fenrir----------

The soul was floating in the empty void without any destination after Two years it came across a planet and was sucked by the world the soul wanderd in the planet before entering in life form with very weak life energy that life form just died so some faint traces of life energy could be seen .It entered in that body.

{yo ! this side author I know this chapter is rather small but I am busy so to complete the coata of some readers I will make ch 5 longer }