
You Shall Pay For Your Sins Even If You Are A God

An assassin with godly luck was killed by some aliens and his soul was sent to another world for reincarnation but something unexpected happened and reincarnation failed !! ------------- The book cover is not mine nor do I claim it mine .

ZERO_ZENOS · แฟนตาซี
44 Chs

Ch - 35 Curse!?? (2)

[Host cannot use void magic because he is cursed by void host is needed to be atleast be a demigod to use power of void ]

The hell what is the use of this if I can't use it . I thought before reading the last notification .

[Host has used holy water which is a semi devine item it has stopped the corrosion for limited amount of time . Curse will activate itself after a month . Host is needed to be demigod]

"welp" after reading the last notification only this one word escaped my mouth I was about to check my status but before I could do anything I first stored the divine stone in my inventory so that it won't hurt me any more inside inventory there is no concept of time and space this void stone will not hurt me or any thing..

I just stored the stone in inventory when a enraged goblin came flying at me I doged the attack well I was only able to dodge the attack because one of my first skill kicked in . You know which skill am talking right ?

I looked at the raged goblin his eyes has gone blood shot wait ! they were always red ah!! forget the discriptionso where was I oh yeah that goblin came at me but I dodged and his attack landed on the ground creating web like Siries on the ground.

I jumped back and used flight flew in the air breaking speed barier . when I was about more that 500 m in the sky I created 10000 fire bolt and 1000 lightening bolt using another 7 percent of my total mana this much mana of mine . Can do similar distriction that of 500 hydrogen bomb but that's when when I am using raw mana with out making or using it any complex binding and spell right now these firebolts are enough to make Asia continent from Earth history . Well but it cannot do similar distruction on these planets because they are from the higher world's Earth was from one of the lowest worlds Well that's what A-16 told me .

So whatever I directed all of the bolts on the single point and that point was goblin. I flew this high and made all this bolt in only 2 sec. It was very small amount if you see but in a fight it is too much to take because in these 2 sec goblin was not a sitting duck target he was throwing void slash at whatis that well they are very much like sword energy slash the difference only being these ones are distorting space they are super fast not actually fast but they are joining 2 points and they are more like teleporting I don't want to know what they can do so I fired all my bolts .

Void goblin dodged more then 100 of this bolts by binding space around and traveling here and there like a short distance teleportation like blink but he also have a limit and after more than 150 bolts a bolt hit him and it damaged him !! The wound was not healing anymore after that it was just a one way fight and in this one sided fight goblin was anhilated not even his bones were left and more than 3 km area around us was also obliterated..

After killing that goblin I showered in the exp because the experience that I got from killing that goblin was similar to that of a white level monster . Well that goblin really that power that gobline alone can distroy the whole earth as many time as you want so I don't think this experience points are exaggerated .

After that I looked at my status and found that in my condition panel


Condition - Permanent Curse of void until demigod level , Blessing of mana


this was written. Huh ? you ask what is this blessing of mana well that an another story for another that was enough for flash back no jutstu . Lets get back to the present day

*****Present day ****

I drank holly water to stop this permanent curse temporary...


Too late I think ?

Current word count 30k .

20k far away from goal to post every day .

Thank you,

Zero Zenos