
You Shall Pay For Your Sins Even If You Are A God

An assassin with godly luck was killed by some aliens and his soul was sent to another world for reincarnation but something unexpected happened and reincarnation failed !! ------------- The book cover is not mine nor do I claim it mine .

ZERO_ZENOS · แฟนตาซี
44 Chs

Ch - 25 Trail Start

When I opened my eyes I saw I was in a grassland there was nothing aside from Grass and small hills around me only grass that reaches to my knees it has been a while since I last saw sun I was very happy after seeing the sun again in my previous life I never thought that I can be this happy after seeing the sun .The warmth of the sun gave me pleasure I was happy .

"Mam where am I ?" I asked to A-16 because I thought I can stay in this world whats the need to go to that place when I don't even have any attachments there and what's the need to clear floor of Abyss if I can live here peacefully .

"You are in a world of monster any type of experience here will be 100 times more than that of in the real world that's why I told you that it's kind of bonus level as for what you are thinking it's wrong you can't live in this world for more that 60 years after 60 years you will die you have 60 years to live in this world well you are half elf and half demon so your average lifespan is 1500 years if you want to die young you are free ."

"Mam then how do I go back I remember you told me massacre or just stole the some part of power of stone that a settlement of monster have ."I asked in confusion because last time when A-16 told me about it I wasn't paying attention on what she was saying .

"Yep there are these 2 ways to return back to your world one you stole the part of power of stone that is providing the settlement power and other is kill every one and take the part and from my point of view you should just massacre the whole settlement because you will get 100 times the normal experience ones you massacre a whole settlement my wild geuss is you would be atleast of 1500 level easily maybe you can even reach level 2000 and it's when you don't use there core to increase your level and you don't have to worry about time in your world and this world because in this world you won't age and time ratio here is very different 1 year here is only 1 hour in the real world . So you don't have to worry about being 30 years old and not being a demigod .After finding the stone it's up to you whether you want to go back or clear another settlement ." she answered

I was really when she told me I won't age and the change in time ratio in this and that world is this much different "So mam where should I go now " I asked because I wanted to increase my levels in this bonus level

"Walk straight towards the South eastern side I think the most weakest settlement is on that side but the settlement is pretty week so they don't have any part of the power of stone but it's still good for leveling once you reach level 1000 lets go to the settlement which have the part I don't think it will take more than a month to reach 1000th level in this place "

I nodded and started jogging there was nothing in the sight other than grass that can be seen everywhere .

Even after jogging for 12 hours straight I didn't find any thing . So decided to take break and drink some water after that I absorbed some cores and my level increased by after an hour of absorbing slime core I absorbed atleast 150 cores of slime then I asked A-16 to look for any danger I created a Air dome and earth walls around me using 2500 mana each . After leveling up My body has gotten stronger and can keep up with this much mana control after I was done I slept next day woke up and again started walking . This routine repeated itself for the next 6 days and I reached the first settlement of the monsters it was like a small village if you ask me at most only 2000 people can leave in this village the houses were made up of wood, leaves , hay, straws , etc but they were small a human adult cannot live in that small hut I thought .

There were wood fencing outside the village it looked like a very peaceful place 'but not for long' I thought .

I looked at the 2 figures that were gaurding the entrence they had a green skin , pointed ears, a big nose, small eyes and there height was no more than that of a toddlers they were holding a wooden club in there hand they looked like a toy .

I named them goblin because no matter how I see them they were goblins .


ok every this is the start of a new arc as you have already read it in my previous ch but still this my first novel so please support I am also starting a new novel named "In another world with the one I loved because I accidentally killed her"

please review both of my novels and support me by adding my novel in your collection .

I will publish another ch today so look forward to it .

Have a good day

Zero Zenos