
You owe me that much!

"I don't know how to fight! How am I supposed to protect you?" K exclaimed whispering at me with worried expression on his handsome face. He hugging his briefcase tightly to his chest gulping down his nervous saliva back into his stomach. On other hand, he hold her hand tightly. The group of tugs coming in closer and we were both steps back as many as we can until our back touches the solid surfaces. Shit! What to do? What to do? Racking some idea from my brain. Ohhh~~my brainy brain! Please give some idea~~ "Stop!!" I held out my hand closing my eyes tightly and exclaimed them to follow my instruction. Heh, they just stopped! I'm dancing invisibly~~ The biggest question marks displayed above their heads white as a cloud, floating and dancing indicating they were confusing by me. Slowly...I step a side by side holding K hand to follow my lead. While they were confusing and looking at each other like a stupid companion, we took a long step and running away from them. Hahaha! "It's okay...I will protect you! Come on move your muscles...we got to run from them first!" Breathlessly, I said it out loud dragging his hand and we running together to the paradise... Splash! "Wargghhh..." Anita holding an empty bucket while tapping her feets on to the tiles floor. She was fuming to red. Wow, I could see her face already changed to an angry bull ready to knock me down! Sweeping the damped face, I was totally confused and searching for someone...K... Where is he? Don't we were running to the paradise just now? "Will you stopped laughing like a choking vampire in the middle of the night, L!? I've got test TOMORROW!!" Anita throw away the bucket and get back to her bed under the duvet. Gosh! That's all only a dream? I thought it was real? Waaa... ___ L: She's crazy when she wanted to be crazy. K: I'm not weak like you dreaming about, L. Anita: *Smirking like a sly fox* Alessia: "Oopss" Marilyn Monroe version with the fan fanning from behind looking as 'innocent' as she wants. Noah: "Hey sexy lady. Wanna dance with me?" Anita: Smacking Noah head. Noah: "Ouch! That hurt fox!" Anita: *Tilting her brows making a weird face* Noah: *Laughing nervously fanning her with his handkerchief* Zafira: Busying herself with full height of documents stacking ready to be her toilet paper! Messi: "Don't mess with me cause I'm Messi White! Always clean like my surname. Got it?" Mommy: "Excuse us, coming through guys!" she smiling happily on her wheelchair just done with her eye operation three hours ago. Big Boss: *Happily strolling the wheelchair to the front didn't care the bickering back there." L: "Come along people! ready to take some selfie here..." K: Standing on her side holding his phone up in the air while hugging L like she was his alone! Noah: "Say teeth everyBODY!" Well...what a dramatic selfie session! ___ In the picture: Zafira: Standing straight holding her few stack of papers on her hand with poker face while she was smoking at the back. Wait! When did she smoking? Messi: Standing like ready to punch K holding his daughter like she was belong to him alone. Oit! You guys not even married yet. So put your hand to the side! Do not touching her! —That's what he thought! Alessia: Haiya future husband, stop doing that! We are beyond touching already yet we still not married! Come, hug me! —She just grinning grabbing Messi hand while holding her floating skirt in front from the spinning fan. Welp, the fan looks like ready to be broken. Noah: Showing off all his teeth standing beside Anita. Anita: Sly smirk show her middle finger to Noah on his head! Mommy and Big Boss: Holding hands to each other lovingly beside Anita and Noah. K: Smiling lovingly only for L, totally adore her! L: Happy and thought all good until she is left half in the photo! the rest? gone! Poor you L! It's not fairr!! L bawling dissatisfied with all the photos because most of them, she was off the grid!! like her head only ~~~

jayizzabella · สมัยใหม่
27 Chs

Reality doesn't fit what you've hope for...

I thought I was hearing something last night about going fishing...

Sighing...and now here we are sitting at picnic table waiting for our lucky by fishing the big fish in the pond.

K paid the fees just to let us trying our luck today.

Seriously, I thought he will brought us fishing in the stream or natural open water instead of rented pond. He rented a small pond just for us today.

I just look around and not many people tend to spend their time here or for me wasting their time waiting for something magical to appear to the surfaces.

Don't you see they were already feed the fishes here before we came? Feed enough just us here to test if some of the fish still hungry and need more food and here we are trying to feeding the hungry monsters down there.

Lucky enough if the monster exist in this very pond!

Or worse if only a few fishes were resides here!

I snorted shaking my head disbelieve with the situation here. Mommy, I look she enjoying the breeze more to the open air. She just close her eyes inhaled smiling before leave out the air to breathe again. She repeated the same thing over and over again.

Then I went my eyes to the one man here, K, sitting and lazying himself on the lazy chair he brought exclusively from home. While me sit opposite of Mommy had to endured the unexpected events surrounded me.

Not that I hate all this but...it's not the same like I was dreamed about. I thought we were going to have a happy moments together at the river bank waiting for the fish to catch our bait with more carefree there.

I could imagine how I love soaking my feets in the cold clear running water, enjoying beautiful scenery, freely picnicking ourselves there.

Now...the reality is...I was crying inside!

I know I hate fishing but I don't mind to accompany whoever want me to be there... but~


I think I don't know how to fooling around myself here with this confinement places, like I was being trapped here, surrounded by steel fences, the bald field with dead grasses just a few splotches of lives grasses I could see scattered everywhere. Got so many plastics and tin cans rubbish scattering and loitering around.

I don't know how did they handle this place. I bet there were mosquitoes making their home somewhere among those rubbish...I don't know...

Think again, not that I don't like his idea but I hate to pretend how I was so happy to imagine the beauty about to be revealed soon...and now...here we are...

I could heard the eagle cawing echoes up in the air signaling 'I know how you feel' to me back.

A dessert with a pond in the middle of it!

I propped up my knees to my chin, sitting on the wooden bench attached to the wooden table didn't say a word since we were arrived here. Mommy wouldn't say anything cause she doesn't know where were we headed so she just thought we far away from home...

"You look sad, babe. Why? You don't like it here?"

I hung up my head on him before I strayed my eyes away from him. Once I saw he gestured his hands indicates the meaning of the surrounding he preferred, I gave up and making a disappointed look.

"Tell me about it. What do you want?" he sit in front of me putting his hand on my knees.

"I thought we were going to the river or more open spaces than this..." I know I sounds like a kid didn't get a big candy instead of a small sweet but I don't afraid to tell him that I don't like a bit about all this.

Sounds how was I such a demands person and I don't care. I want what I want.

"Sorry dear...you didn't tell me about it...so...we can go there..." he suggested following of what I want.

Sitting straight with the same expression, I shook my head disagreed.

"It's okay... besides you've already rented the pond so let me adjusting myself to it." I gave him assured smile and I know he trying to please me.

"Are you sure about it?" he giving me that look.

"Yes, K. Don't worry just enjoy your moment...look! You're fishing rod!" I suddenly pointed to his fishing rod that moving like being pulled by the force.

He run for it and grab the rod, twisting the paddle as he can than paused for moment pulling the bending rod to the shore as closed as he can. I could see how the monster retaliate to it and making difficulty to K to get the monster closer enough.

I was excited by that kind of action how you trying to land those monster up. K did struggling for quite a moment. I told Mommy of what really happening now and she also excited like me.

We both can't wait to see what kind of monster there almost pulling K into the water and I was almost laugh at that.

"Come on K. You can make it. Don't let the monster win over you!" I shouted encourage him more.

I could see he was drenched sweating, his vein popping out prominently on his forearms holding the rod tightly. He was grimacing controlling his postured.

After about half an hour fighting with the monster, playing some tug-of-war together, the monster finally defeated and K landing 4.8 kilogram of monster. I don't know what type of the fish but nevertheless I satisfied with the catch.

Doesn't matter the fish is big or small, I was appeased just looking at how worth it his expression displayed on his face. He look happy and excitedly waving his catch to us.

I snapped a few pictures between us and the catch but totally forgot to film him during the battle. Such a waste!

He decided to returning the fish back into the pond but for the exchanged he got cash in his hands. I laughed at that, what a lucky day for him. Got some thick cash just by managed to 'tame' the monster himself.

I didn't know that the pond his rented was most favourite port for the hardcore fans of pond fishing people. I just knew it after read those notice on the board while they were weighting the monster.

Plus, that pond contain only a few species and hard to get hooked. No wonder K got plenty of some Green and he chose this day to go fishing.

Did he just read something....no...did he just turned to be a fortune teller recently?

Yeah...he just knew that I would agreed to be his girlfriend, first. Then, he booked the tickets already for two after he knew I didn't sleep instead of driving his own car and now...he just won a big catch and also a big cash by himself...hmm...

"Why you gave me that look?" he paused for a moment after could sense how my eyes penetrating his skull grilling into his brain to get the answers out.

I shook my head didn't answered him and just sit down looking at him tidy up his stuff back into his fishing big box of compartment. He reassembled his fishing rod and tied it up, putting away the other essential into the tiny box and paused once again.

"Seriously, babe...I could feel your intensed stares at me. Spit it out!" he gave me a question look and walk to me.

"Now tell me what is it?" he standing right in front of me.

"I guess I should wait you guys at the car instead..." Mommy put out her stick and walk away to the car straight. I was trying to help her but he stopped me holding my hand in his.

"She knew it because this is her favourite place, her favourite chair and she knew where I used to parked the car...now...spill it, L"

Now he sounded serious calling my name instead of babe-ing me.

I didn't know this place was her favourite one! I should ask him more about this! Yeah...next time...

"Nothing...just a tiny bit of this of that..." I running my eyes everywhere didn't bother the looks he gave me.

"I know...what's on your mind..." he sit down at me.

"Maybe...if you guess it right..." still not looking at his soft demeanor self, wriggling my toes playfully.

"What I get if I guess correctly, honey?" now...he gave me smug face, honey-ing me.

"I don't know...what do you want?"

"Hmm...never thought about it but...can I claim it when I want it?"

I tracing my bottom lips looking up to the sky and making a serious face thinking hard but actually, I just thinking of nothing.

"Sure!" I shrugged don't mind at all.

"Good! I claim anything I want and no backing away! Promise?"

"Yeah, I promise!" grinning showing off my uneven teeth to him.

He pinched my cheek playfully and I just chuckled do the same thing on both his cheeks. He grimacing cause I pinched his cheeks harder.

"Come help me. I buy you some lollipop... strawberry!"

I shook my head.


"Sundae cone?"

"Nuh-uh." still shaking my head from side to side slowly.

"What do you want?" he standing asking me while sling his hands to the chest, tapping his right feet repeatedly to the ground and lifting up his left brows like The Rock, all on me.

Bitting my bottom lip, then grinning like crazy and tilted my head to the side...

He sighed finally knowing what I want.

"I'll give it later if you help me...how about that?" he smile let out his hand for me.

I nodded get up and grab his hand walking together to the unfinished business near the pond. We packing up all the stuff and pick up our bag before heading back to the car.

Mommy grinning sitting at the back with opened back door when heard our approaching footsteps.

K told her about our relationship yesterday after lunch. She was so much happy about it but I could traced that she a bit worried about our future.

I know...she worried about my parents. Will they be okay if I had a boyfriend who's son of their former caretakers.