
You Need Some Milk

Luke Hunter was once an average dairy farmer who lived in the countryside and supplied milk to a large company. After getting involved in a work-related accident, he dies a virgin and gets reincarnated into a fantasy world as the son of a very rich and powerful noble. Even though his noble family's domain is still in the countryside, this new life is nothing like the previous one. He has Money He has Magic. He has a System. ... And he has a big PP! Watch as Luke Hunter, the last born of the Hunter Noble Family, and only male heir to the Dukedom, begins to achieve his dream of tasting the breastmilk of women belonging to every single race in this fantasy world. The journey of Milk Harvesting is just beginning! ========================== I Re-published YNSM on this account because of some cover art violations. Great novels will surely see some hindrance at first.

Booba_Lord · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Reborn In a New World


A strange feeling washed over me, a sense of disorientation.

'Where am I?'

As consciousness slowly seeps back into me, the first sensation I noticed was the distinct softness underneath me.

A squishy, comforting warmth enveloped me, cocooning me in a sense of safety.

I felt small, as if the world around me had expanded exponentially.

A sharp contrast to the last sensation I remembered - a piercing cold that ran through my veins.

'What is happening?'

I felt a sudden pressure against my lips, a hard, warm object. Then, a flood of something liquid in my mouth.

It was a taste I recognized immediately, even in my disoriented state.

A taste imprinted on my soul.


But this one is strangely light and sweet compared to cow's milk.


A warmth spread through me, familiar and comforting. My eyelids fluttered open, revealing a sight I'd never expected to see.

A woman, breathtaking in her beauty, cradled me in her arms.

She was unlike any I had ever seen, her beauty not one of youthful bloom, but of ageless elegance.

Her hair was a pure white, each strand cascading down like a waterfall of moonlight, shimmering gently in the soft light.

Her skin was smooth and flawless, the color of freshly fallen snow, unblemished by time or weather.

Her features were sharp, yet soft, a testament to countless years of wisdom and grace.

Her eyes, a clear blue, held a depth that was almost unfathomable, like the calm surface of a deep, tranquil lake.

She was breastfeeding me, the source of the familiar taste that had flooded my mouth.

'Human m-milk... it tastes so good...'

It wasn't till I had drowned sufficiently in the ecstasy of the sweet nectar that cooled my tongue that the realization hit me like a thunderbolt.

I was a baby!

'E-eh? What happened to me?'

I stared at the beauty whose nipple I was nibbling on. Our eyes met, and it felt completely natural.

I took in her clear, innocent, loving eyes. They twinkled as they met mine, a warmth in them that was soothing.

I was nestled in her arms, swaddled in soft blankets. I looked down and saw small, pudgy hands - my hands.

I could hardly believe it. My large, calloused hands were now tiny and chubby, my weather-beaten skin now soft and delicate.

I was swaddled in a soft, warm blanket, nestled against the woman's chest. A strange mixture of fear and elation washed over me.

'T-this is... it's real!'

I was reborn, given the opportunity I had wished for in my last moments.


As I looked up at the woman with my wide, infant eyes, I couldn't help but marvel at the strange turn of events.

My life had taken an unexpected turn, but perhaps it was a turn for the better.

Perhaps, this was my chance to fulfill my unfulfilled dreams, to live the life I had always wanted.

'But what's going on here? I don't recognize this woman at all.'

The woman breastfeeding me wasn't my actual mother, and now that I was hearing her soothing voice, it didn't sound like she was speaking English.

'It just feels off somehow...'

As I began to take in my surroundings, an unfamiliar sight met my gaze.

'A-ah... what are these things?'

The air was suffused with tiny particles of light, glittering like the cosmos encapsulated within the confines of this room.

They shimmered and danced around me in a mesmerizing spectacle, emanating a feeling of tranquility.

'That settles it, I guess.'

This certainly wasn't the world I knew, my quiet farm with its worn barn and pastures stretching to the horizon.

Instead, the atmosphere was filled with a strange energy, one that I'd only read about in fairy tales.

It felt like magic, like an invisible current of power weaving through everything.

'Am I in another world? D-Does Magic exist here?' 

I know it sounds crazy. However, I've never been a normal guy.

As I began to adjust to this magical energy in the air, a translucent panel suddenly materialized before me.

It seemed like a holographic display, but the technology looked far beyond anything I'd ever seen on Earth.

Text started appearing on the panel, each character glowing with a soft, luminescent light.

The language was foreign but understandable, as if I had always known it.


<Welcome, User! Your reincarnation has been confirmed. The new world you inhabit is rich with magical energy, known as mana.>


User status: Disciple of Goddess Hesat.

Name: Luke Hunter


Reward: A new beginning in a world rich with magic and opportunities.


Please note that this is a major change in your life status. You are encouraged to explore this new environment and make the most of your second chance.


The panel vanished as quickly as it had appeared, leaving a trail of glittering particles in its wake.

I stared wide-eyed at the space where it had been, a sense of awe filling me.

I was a disciple of a goddess, in a world of magic?

'What? Who is Hesat?' 

Well, none of that mattered! Overthinking or trying to answer a question I didn't know was pointless.

Here was what I did know, though.

I died.

I got reincarnated by the power of a mysterious goddess called Hesat.

This world has Magic, and I can see the flow of the Magic Particles all around me.

My new name is Luke Hunter.

... Ah, and one final thing.

'This breastmilk tastes so damn good!'

I clutched my mother's melons with my pudgy hands and greedily pressed them, allowing more of that milky goodness to gush down my throat.

'Haaa! So tasty!'

I bet a lot of people would kill to be in my shoes. Being breastfed by such a voluptuous beauty, and getting away with it.

Any man who heard my tale would be so green with envy. Ah, but they could never possibly understand how good this stuff tasted.

Not unless they could taste it for themselves.

'This is why Milk is the best!' I smiled, indulging in my only true passion in my past life and in this one as well.

I didn't understand everything, but I got it now.

This was my reward for all the services I rendered back on Earth. 

My paradise.

The once distant dream of having a second chance at life was now a reality, a path waiting to be traversed.

'I won't waste this opportunity!'





So begins Luke Hunter's new life in this magical world.

I can say that I'm just a little jealous...