
You, my Bully

Freya Collymor and Eugene Hayes are worlds apart. She is the girl who has nothing while he is the boy who has everything. She’s got an abusive father. He’s got the best parents ever. She’s full of debt. He’s the heir to the biggest company ever. She’s got lashes all over her back. He’s got the looks of a model. She’s got no friends. He’s got a bunch full of followers and two loyal friends. She cannot call anyone her own to love. He’s got girls all falling on his feet. He knows that he has it all. She knows that he has everything. She knows that she has none at all. He knows that she has nothing. He finds it amusing when he sees her writhe in pain. She finds it traumatizing to go to college just because of him. He loves to bully her. She hates to be bullied. He is the king. She is just a beggar. Both of them seem worlds apart. Yet there is a connection between them. A connection that made Freya’s life worse than college should have been. A connection of past lovers who broke up with their hearts shattered completely into pieces.

Protegeofthedark · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

Chapter 7: Doll you up

Roaring music pulsed through the air, vibrating with a heavy bass that seemed to make the walls tremble. Drunk teenagers swayed and gyrated on the dance floor, moving as if their lives depended on every beat. Their faces, flushed with excitement and alcohol, glistened under the strobing lights. In shades of green, blue, and purple, these lights bathed the entire room in a surreal, almost hideous glow. The green lights, in particular, cast an eerie hue over everything, making the scene look like a strange underwater dream. This was Kayla's birthday party, a chaotic, electrifying celebration that defied all sense of time and reality.

Kayla, the centre of attention, stood on a makeshift stage, her eyes sparkling with delight as she basked in the adoration of her friends. Her laughter rang out, clear and joyful, cutting through the noise of the party. Balloons in all colours floated above, tethered to tables laden with snacks and drinks. The air was thick with spilt beer, perfume, and the unmistakable scent of a wild party in full swing.

In the corner, a group of friends shouted over the music, their animated conversations punctuated by bursts of laughter. Others took selfies, capturing the night's wild moments to remember later—or to forget, depending on how the night ended. Amidst the chaos, the DJ spun tracks that kept the energy high, each song blending seamlessly into the next, ensuring there was never a dull moment.

This was Kayla's birthday, a night of reckless abandon, a kaleidoscope of colours, sounds, and emotions, where the ordinary rules of life seemed to be suspended, if only for a few hours.

Adah stood beside me holding my hand.

"Freya, I am so excited" she shrieked.

I sighed. This will not be bad. I have Adah beside me tonight. I am not alone tonight.

"Freya, can you let me know where you are?"

"Huh," I replied confused.

"You just zoned out" Adah said looking at someone at the door. I spotted Lucy coming towards us.

"Where's Katrina?" I inquired. Although I wasn't particularly keen on her, her absence left a noticeable void.

"She won't be coming" Lucy said holding my hand and smiling.

"She will be in the library now" Adah snickered.

"Katy prefers the drudging library over Kayla's party" Lucy chimed in.

I nodded at them.

Adah looked gorgeous in her flowing wine gown while Lucy looked absolutely fantastic in her knee-length black satin dress.

I felt insecure looking at my old-fashioned, hand-me-down dress. It was a faded lavender colour, with a high collar and long sleeves, a stark contrast to the vibrant and trendy outfits of the other girls. The lace trim around the neckline and cuffs, once delicate and pretty, now seemed dated and out of place. The fabric, though soft, had lost its sheen over the years, making me feel even more out of sync with the glamorous setting of the club.

"Freya, don't get me wrong but what is with your dress?" Lucy said.

"I didn't pack anything good while coming to college" I lied.

"Why won't you? You have such a pretty face. You will soon have a boyfriend, and he will take you to clubs. Will you wear this kind of dress?" Adah shrieked out.

I hesitated before speaking "I got the letter suddenly."

I didn't say anything more.

"I should have checked what you wore, you know?" Adah gave me a sympathetic smile.

I nodded. I felt ashamed of myself. I felt ashamed that I didn't earn.

"Why not doll you up then, Freya?" Adah suddenly said.


"Yes, the party hasn't started in full blast yet. If we are quick, we can make it before the party begins in full swing."

I rushed out of the door with Adah and Lucy. 

I will look pretty today. I will not be alone today. I refuse to be tormented.