
You mean journal, right?

Dealing with the worries and issues that just seem to happen within her family, Melody acts as the Big Sis August doesn't have solidifying an unbreakable bond between the two of them.

ultrabox · วัยรุ่น
9 Chs


"So my Uncle and Aunt took notice of this after it became a reoccurring issue and confined you indoors then?" said Melody asking for positive assurance about the validity of her theory. August nods his head in affirmation. Melody continues, "Did you overcome your fear yet? Are you able to act with the normalcy you've shown me thus far while outdoors? Even if you were to stand in front of said snake, would your composure remain intact?"

"I've went through my own preparations even so far as to undergoing visualization training, but even if that wasn't enough, I've come up with a reliable capture plan to halt it in it's tracks. Otherwise, I'm confident I can ignore it as long as it's not touching me at the very least. It really is unfortunate. I wouldn't have had to talk to you about this stuff if Mother and Father would have just taken me more seriously when I said I got over the problem. I'm almost an adult. They're definitely just being annoying."

"I don't mind listening to your nonsense every now and again. If you ever need someone to talk to, as your family, I'm here for you. I understand why they locked you away, but the food stuff is my problem with this whole thing. I'll see if I can help you out." Melody gets up out of her chair and puts out her hand in front of August. He holds her hand grabbing it sideways and she begins to pull him up from out of his bed.

"Where are we going?" August asks.

"We're going to the kitchen?"

"Why? Are you hungry? The chef still hasn't prepared lunch yet."

"That's not why, Kid. I just need you to help around the house while I go have a talk with your parents."

"If you're worried about my boredom, don't. Plus, housework is for the servants. It'd be unbecoming of me to be seen working like a poor person."

"Speaking of servants, where's your usual attendant? Ms. Pointy was it?"

"Pointy? Why are you acting like you don't know her? I sent her to the library to gather me a few books but she's been gone for like half the day already." Melody squints her eyes at August in suspicion and is met with him immediately breaking eye contact and turning his head to the side.

"I see... Anyways, finish drinking your tea. You're going to be a servant today as I've said before and I'm not going to repeat myself again. No buts about it either, if you will. I'll tell Pointy to 'check' on you when I get the chance so would you like to hold my hand until we get there?"

"You suck."

"Cry about it."

August gulps down the last of his tea and the two put their cups on the tray he left upon his bed. Melody picks up the tray and in her other hand, she pulls August along. As they get out of the room, Melody asks, "Do you think I could pass as a mother?"

"You may be taller, but don't get ahead of yourself. You still have some growing to do in more than a few areas to say the least."

"Sometimes I think to myself and come to the realization that I could snap you like a twig, but I still choose not to. Remember that."

"I'm sorry, Ma'am."

"What I meant to say is, aside from my body, do you think I'd make a great mother?"

"Why are you asking a rich sixteen year old with parental issues a question like this?"

"Because there's none one else who watches me as closely as you do. For better or for worse, our time hanging out has definitely left an impression on you in some way. I just wanna hear it."

"Fair enough. It doesn't seem like the main reason you come here is to boss me around... Usually. So judging based off of that alone, you aren't exactly evil. You just do it sometimes for reasons I don't get. I can't call you kind either so why do you hang around me anyway?"

"Bossing you around is a part of it, but be it helping you with your problems, talking down to you, or even sitting in your excessively pink room, it's oddly comforting having someone younger than me around."

"Ped--" Before finishing his response he remembers that if he were to say what he was thinking, there's nobody to protect him from whatever punishment that would surely arise. The tiger already has its grip on his hand and he doesn't want to end up losing an arm.

"What were you about to say?" She taunts.

"I was saying y-you would have a pedigree on child bearing"


"Yeah. That word. I think it'd be hard for you to become a mom though."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Men can be quite stubborn and prideful. You're too capable and can't be argued with because you're not wrong enough. There wouldn't be a point in marrying you if you were just a constant reminder of a wall they can't climb over."

"In other words, there's a lot of spineless cowards who fear being reined in by the horns."

"Very animalistic sure but, it'd probably be the same for women. Ever heard the quote, 'My wife is always right, even when she's wrong?' Do remember these are just generalizations so hope isn't completely dead. Not to mention, I don't have any relationship experience whatsoever."

"It could also be as simple as my personality is a little too demeaning for some, but I don't think I want to change that."

"Why not?"

"If I'm supposedly always right, my ego should be bloated in exchange and I don't see the point in lowering myself to people who consider themselves below me. It's not that I always strive to be my best, I just have standards. I don't like cowardly people who are too stuck on something as fragile as pride. It's as simple as that."

"You'd prefer someone who didn't care then and just accepted their inferiority?"

"Exactly. When pride is out of the way, things are more convenient for me."

"I bet, you freak. I'm just glad you don't drool."

Melody tightens her grip on August's hand and squeezes bringing him to stumble.

"I may not be able to stop her from putting you in dresses but I should be able to convince her to let me beat you every once in a while."

"I'll be good. I promise. Please let me go." He begs.

Even when performing violent actions, no signs of strain can be shown on Melody's face. It's like her body is unconsciously making moves with no focus or attention required. She's too good at hiding any links to an incentive with her uncanny ability to hide all traces of emotion. This is what made her special. No matter what it was, her expression didn't change unknowingly or unwillingly. She got used to always actively putting on an expression that fit the mood that she thought fit the situation, so things that could potentially seem unwanted in her character were usually covered with no sense of interest.

Melody is talented in almost everything she does, so it wasn't hard for her to pick up on body language at a level that could rival those of whom who studied the topic as a profession. The closest thing to a Mary Sue. Her observational prowess and nigh perfect memory helped her build her arsenal of un-attested strengths. And the most confusing aspect to her is her ability that makes it seem like she can look at a decision and magically know the outcome that's in her best interest even if she doesn't know the consequences of the choices she picks. Some even believe she's some sort of god because of it while it might just be incredible luck.

Despite the silver spoon she's fed with, life isn't boring on her end. When she wants adversity or struggle, it's there for her when she needs it and her passion doesn't die either. When people come to realize what she's capable of, Melody is often avoided and people don't always treat her like a human. Usually the only person she'll open up to and put on expressions for is August. Whereas with others, she seems a bit more robotic and uninterested. Like someone playing the role of a rich girl and not being anything more.
