
1- Teacher's son

"So who is it now?" My friend Naomi asked quickly as the Teacher left the classroom.

Sierra and Norrah also looked at me, expressing that they also wanted to ask the same question.

"Mike" I whispered to them.

"WHAT?" they three shouted. I told them to lower their voices as I saw that everyone's attention was at us.

"Are you damn sure? He is Ms. Adriana's son" Naomi warned.

"And you are not even good in her subject" Sierra continued.

"And this is your 12th crush..." Norrah still counted on her fingers to double check that she was sure.

"Dude Im so worried for you. What if on your wedding day you say that you want to marry the priest" Naomi made fun of me. Everyone laughed, even if she say it for the seventh time it still sounds a new joke.

I didn't mind at all. We four were close friends. Even if we used bad words for each other we wouldn't too, because we are SO close buddies.

Naomi..you can say my love adviser. Even though I don't love someone and I cant as quickly I change my crush I think its impossible. She usually tell me solution to my problems too.

Sierra, she lives near my home and she is cool. Like if I will think that telling something to Naomi will make her angry, so I share with her.

And I present you Norrah, my bestie. We share some personalities. We are weeb. We do crazy things together. She have the worst ideas of dare. She console me if Im in bad situations. I usually share my stress to her as Naomi dont have allowance to use mobile so much and Sierra is quite busy either studying or watching BTS.

Enough of the introduction of them. Lets talk about me. I usually get panick attacks, lack of confidence and last thing I can never love someone. Why? Oh dude my crush changes quickly. And the most exciting thing is that whenever I have crush on them, the are shifted to another city. I dont tell them I have a crush on them because lack of confidence.

So before Mike I had a huge crush on my classmate, Franklin. It was probably for 4 months. He didn't change school at all. I was so obsessed over him, I even told my senior about this and he said he would make me settle with him but unluckily Franklin didn't want to be in one.

We use to make nicknames of the boys so the others will think we are talking about girls only. So I named Franklin "Farwa", this word became famous, I guess everyone in this school including Franklin would have known about this. A new student came to our class. Now she had a crush on Franklin, so I decided to change the crush and so I found Mike.


English lesson

"Uhm teacher, Im done with making the partners for the vocabulary list" Franklin said proudly.

Only five minutes were gone and this guy was already done! Ugh, i hate him. I settled down at my seat and started listening to him.

"Sierra and Deniz"

"Naomi and Megan"

"Norrah and Marcus"

"Ferlin and Adrian"

I made no expression. I could feel that Arne, Franklin's bestfriend, was already seeing me.

Adrian is my friend from the boys, whom I can trust. He is close to me so I didn't have any expression. Like dude what were you expecting? Do you think im stupid?

I looked at Sierra and whispered to her, "sorry dude"

"Why you saying sorry?" Sierra was blank. I glanced at Naomi face and she knew what I was thinking.

"Because Adrian is with me" I chuckled.

"Oh God! Stop it!" She was mad. But me and Naomi laughed.

Adrian have a huge I mean he loves Sierra, he also said that he could change himself for her but... Sierra didnt want to be with him, i dont know why but whatever the reason was I was with Sierra.


Geography lesson

"Okay everyone, im going to give you some number and according to that form groups" Ms. Adriana commanded

I hate this.

She started to give numbers, I hoped that one of my close friends were with me.


Oh so I am 2. I asked Naomi, Sierra and Norrah through signals and unluckily none of them with me. The chairs were dragging when I realised it was the time to meet your group partners. I took my chair and one of my cool buddies, Meriam, was my group mate! Yes! But wait a second.. she was with Farwa! Ugh! I took the courage and settled there.

Teacher gave the instructions that we will be given some topics, we have to make points and then two person from each group will present.

"Okay so Franklin and Meriam you both will go" I said it wishing that they agrees. But who knew that Meriam was there, who is going to tease me.

"Uhm no, Ferlin you go. You and Franklin" she was acting so innocent like DUDE IM GOING TO KILL YOU RIGHT NOW. I showed her a weak smile. I thought Franklin wouldn't agree on this but

"Yeah Meriam is right we both should go" That idiot replied



After I put the bag down, my friends started talking about me.

"Oh what a cute couple they were" Meriam chuckled.

"SHUTUPPPP! Why dude why. Why me. I hate him. You know Mike wont like this" I was mad.

"Oh come on, he dont even know you exist or not" Naomi made fun.

After everyone dispersed Naomi stayed back, "i dont want to go to tution. Help me please"

"Why?! Is your boyfriend going to kill you?!" I was still angry.

"What the hell, I dont really have a boyfriend..." Naomi said in a sad tone.

"Well... tution is kind of fun. Meeting strangers you even can make friends. I used to go to one. I hardly remember the faces and only two of their names are in my mind" I tried to console her.

"Oh, do you talk to them now?" She became curious.

"Well one of them is Hasan, my mom's friend's son. He isn't on my snapchat, neither i talk to him. And....one of them was Ivan. I only remember his first name and his face is blurry in my memory..." I tried hard to remember them.

"Oh why don't you try to find him..? Make some new friends..?" Naomi replied

"Nah dude, he was kind of stupid"

"See! This thing! My tution friends are also stupid, I dont want to go! Now help me!" Naomi shouted.

"Uh....I guess...my name is called Im going, I m going to pray for you bye!" I picked up the bag and quickly left.

Well that wasn't really a bad idea though....