
You Broke Me First. The Two Brothers.

WARNING: MATURED CONTENTS. "What.. what do you want?" Regina asked, moving backwards calculatingly from the predator whose eyes scanned her length like she was a prey about to be devoured completely. She kept stepping back but he grabbed her arms and yanked her over. "You're my wife and I have all the right to do whatever I want with you!" Daniel whispered harshly. He grasped her wrist, pulling her over to him. He swirled her around then he pushed her down on the bed. She gasped as her dress went up her thighs due to how hard he pushed her and pinned her hands above her head. Regina could only tear up when he hovered over her with his gaze dark and his face blank. What did she do to deserve such an ill-fated life?. ------ "Where do you think you're going?" A deep cold voice resounded behind her. "Far away from you," Rachael snapped, turning around to face him but instantly bit her tongue when she saw the deadly glare and his handsome expressionless face. "I just saved your life, you almost died," he pointed out like she was supposed to thank him. After everything he did to her, saving her was just not enough. she shivered and wrapped her arms around her wet body, her clothes drenched while she tried to cover herself like it'd take the cold and loneliness away. "Should I be thanking you?" she asked with a brow raised and she couldn't help but wonder where she got the courage from. "What else should I do then for you to know how I feel?" he asked, his voice gradually rising for the first time. "Nothing! why?! because I'll never forgive you. you killed my father and I hate you!" Rachael yelled, the cold giving her the courage and boldness she never had. Derek stood there with a surprised look she never thought he could make. slowly his eyes turned dark and cold, his jaw clenched as he walked closer to her. She moved against the wall in fright as he neared her, his face just an itch away from hers as he clenched his fists. "fuck!" he exclaimed unexpectedly, punching the wall behind her and it made her flinch back in shock and fear. He stared at her with his bloodshot eyes while he breathed heavily before he walked past her. She quickly fell down on the cold ground and sat on her legs, unable to keep herself up. She wept bitterly, she just missed her dad so much but he was gone, he killed her father. ___ The two stone-hearted brothers. One was a cold-hearted CEO who loved watching others suffer, especially his contracted wife, Regina, who became his prisoner as he made life miserable for her even after killing her father and uncle. And the other was a cold-blooded murderer and king of the underworld as they called him. He was known to be a stone hearted Mafia and the king of the assassins who abducted the innocent and cheerful Rachael just after killing her father before her eyes. He took her hostage as his slave and made her wish for death every single day. But what would happen when the two notorious brothers fall in love? Will the women they caused endless pain reciprocate their feelings or seek revenge for their loved ones that were brutally murdered by these two men?.

Daniel_grace · สมัยใหม่
45 Chs

Did Someone Just Slap My Ass?.

I groaned and picked up the tray before walking to the VIP room. The hall, unlike the other hall, had a calming air. The music in the background was slow and seductive. I could see the strippers that were sent to entertain them, dancing seductively with their poles. There were about 7 strippers there dancing while some were sitting with the VIPs to keep them company as the manager claimed. She also said it was to make them buy the most expensive drinks. Well, I had to believe that since they were buying the most expensive drinks. And I wondered who it was that bought the one I was holding. I have spent my entire time-serving in this nightclub, and now I know which drink is pricier than the other, and the drink I held was really expensive. I stretched my neck to see if anybody would wave at me to come over, so that way I could tell who ordered for it.

I walked slowly as I waited for someone, anyone at all. But no one did, and I had no choice but to walk over to the men wearing expensive dresses and looked like the wealthiest men in the country.

They had their aura that scared me whenever I served them. Their aura that could scare some ladies away or draw their attention towards them. How unique? I thought.

Someone waved at me and I looked closely then realized it was one of the strippers who was sitting among a group of men comfortably, clearly enjoying the luxury. I lowered my head and walked to where she was. The nice smell of the room mixed with the expensive colognes the men wore, it just made me feel tense for some unknown reason.

I dropped the tray on the table quickly but gently. I just wanted to leave there as I felt like a particular gaze was on me.

I turned on my heels and walked away. I took a quick glance at the men I just served, trying to know whose gaze was on me the whole time. I walked back to the bar to meet Laura. She passed me another tray of drinks, it's just tiring to know I was the only one serving today because the rest claimed to be sick. If they could have off days, then I wonder why the manager, Mrs. Valeria, would never give me a day off but instead made sure I worked even when I was sick.

"Another drink?" I asked.

"Well… As you can see. Just make sure you move flawlessly among them to avoid anyone noticing you." She advised me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. I felt like that was already late since I felt someone's gaze on me.

Three more rounds at the VIP and I'll be serving the crowd. I sighed tiredly as I walked back to the bar, and I got a new tray filled with drinks. I walked back to the VIPs and started serving the group again that I served the expensive drinks to. I leaned down to drop the tray on the small table, but froze when I felt a sting on my butt and I winced.

Did someone just slap my ass?

My eyes widened, and I slowly gazed up only to see a handsome man with brown hair and eyes staring smugly at me.

I instinctively took the glass of champagne and splashed it on his face without a second thought. The whole place went silent, and even though there was slow music in the background, all I could hear was complete silence.

The word seemed to stop for a moment until I heard someone shouting my name.


I knew too well who that voice belonged to, and I turned my head while still maintaining my leaning posture.

My legs shook when I saw the manager standing at the door with a disbelief look on her face.

She walked over after regaining herself. Her eyes never left me as she came closer. I felt like fleeing in fright.

"Get out!!" She said, with a clenched jaw.

I instantly followed her orders and stepped out of the room. I waited for her outside because I knew that was what I was supposed to do.

I really feared something like this was likely going to happen. It was like her coming always brought bad luck to me.

I could see her apologizing and talking to the group seriously. She waved for a stripper to come over and whispered in her ear. She turned back to look at the group and continued talking. But was it my eyes or did the stripper look happy?

After half an hour, I saw my boss walking towards me. She grabbed my arm and pulled me along with her. We got to my room, and she pushed me against the dresser.

She looked around and found a dress on my bed.

"Here, take this. You'll be stripteasing tonight."

"I'm deeply sorry-"

"Sorry? Did you know what you've done?!" She waited for my response. But I remained quiet as I looked down with tears wetting my eyes.

"Answer?!" She yelled, and I flinched back with tears falling on my cheeks like a stream.

"So why are you sorry when you don't even know your mistake? How would you regret something that you feel was right? Instead…" she walked close to me, "I regret ever seeing your disgusting face here that night. You owe me, but now," she shook her head with a scoff. "Now I almost lost my job because of you!" She yelled again. "Did you even know who you splashed the drink on? Of course not. You just splashed the drinks on the owner of this nightclub."

I looked up at her with wide eyes. That was a lie, right? No, it can't be.

Looking back at the dress in her hands, she tossed it harshly on my body. "Now, put this on and go outside. And don't keep the boss waiting." She said and walked away.

I stood there unmoving for sometime before I crouched down to pick the dress up.

The boss killed my father and wanted to kill me. Now, I just used my hands to draw my death closer.

Oh my god. I was done for.