
You Are What You Eat

As a Hunter, I must be strong. If I'm strong, then I'll be able to fight powerful Monsters. If I'm able to fight powerful Monsters, then I'll be able to receive a higher income. However, I've been weak for the past 4 years. I'll make sure that that changes. With this Skill that I've been granted, I'll change. It'll be tough, but I'll eat anything I have to to get stronger. I don't care if this Skill leads me to being some sort of monster or if this leads me to being hated. For the sake of my loved ones, I must be strong.

MystyCry · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Crystal Bat

I was completely outclassed by this Monster. Every one of my Stats were lower than the Crystal Bat. They excel in speed, but with its mutations, its Vitality, Strength, and Magic also increase.

There was only one advantage that I had over this Monster. I knew it's weak spots and behaviors.

Its behaviors should be pretty similar to regular bat Monsters. It'll try to stay above me and go for quick attacks before flying away. The difference is that the Boss Monster may try different kinds of attacks. For example, it might try to attack with its tail. Not only that, but the Monster might try to use a Skill.

Regular Monsters in Green and Blue Dungeon don't usually have Skills. If there's a Monster that does have a Skill, then it most likely isn't a very strong one. Regular monsters in Yellow Dungeons and up start getting Skills, and Boss Monsters are always guaranteed to have Skills.

As for the Monster's weak spots, I should try to aim for its wings and ears. Although the magic stone on its arms will make it harder to hit its wings, if I'm able to, then it won't be able to fly. By attacking its ears, it'll make it much more difficult for it to detect me, especially since it doesn't have eyes.

Drool continued to drip from the bat's mouth, the sound echoing through the room.

The Crystal Bat flew up back into the darkness before swooping towards me, its fangs bared.

Sidestepping the attack, I swung my sword at the bat's wings. However, my attack was deflected by the magic stone on its arms. With a grunt, I tried to swing again, but the bat had already gone back into the dark.

I realized that it wouldn't be easy to hit the Crystal Bat's wings. Not only did it have the magic stones on its arms as defense, but it was also moving too quickly for me to properly aim my attacks.

As I was thinking about what to do, the Crystal Bat came back down.

It swooped towards me with a screech. My eyes locked onto the bat. I quickly held my sword out in front of me to block the bat's attack. With a clang, the blade of my sword made contact with the bat's arm that would've hit me if I had failed to block.

I was pushed back slightly by the Crystal Bat's attack and my legs and arms also ached from the impact of its attack. However, the Crystal Bat was also stopped by my sword. I saw the opportunity.

Ignoring the pain in my arms and legs, I tensed the muscles in my body and twisted my whole body to deliver a horizontal slash to the Monster. A grunt escaped my throat as my sword made contact with the Crystal Bat's crystal jaw.

I heard the sound of my sword hitting the magic stone as a couple crystal shard flew off of the Crystal Bat's jaw.

The Crystal Bat screeched in pain. However, it didn't back away. Instead, it became enraged, and I was left vulnerable after landing my hit.

The light from my helmet gleamed off of the Crystal Bat's crystal eyes as it darted toward my defenseless body. It looked like it was moving even faster than it was before. It moved so fast that I could barely even see its figure.

There was no possible way for me to defend against this attack. I took a risk by going for my last attack and it didn't work out too well in my favor. My attack struck a pretty sturdy part of the Crystal Bat's body. I'd gotten impatient and now, I was going to suffer for it.

I tried to turn my body in order to at least slightly endure the attack.

The Crystal Bat darted towards me, using the magic stones on the edge of its wing to attack me.

The crystals made contact with my left arm. The magic stones dug into my flesh tearing apart the skin and clothes on my arm as the Crystal Bat flew past me. Its attack tore a wound that stretched all the way up my arm.

I grimaced at the pain that flared through my entire left arm. Blood spewed out of my wound like water did from a fountain. All the strength in my left arm disappeared as it fell limply to my side.

Now I could only hold my sword with my right hand.

Sweat dripped down from my chin as I tried to use my tattered sleeve to soak up the blood. I've gotten hurt in Dungeons before, but I've never experienced something this bad.

Deep and rough breaths escaped my throat as I tried to recollect myself. My head snapped around as I tried to look for the Crystal Bat through the darkness.

Spotting a subtle gleam in the dark, without a second thought, I dived towards the ground. I heard the swooping of the Crystal Bat as I rolled on the ground, staining the ground with my blood.

My heart was racing as I held my sword out in front of me. However, the Crystal Bat had already escaped back towards the top of the room.

"Shit…," I said in between breaths, "I'm going to die at this rate…"

I'm not going to give up. I'm not going to, but I have to do something different. If this goes on, then I'll really die.

Then, I got an idea. It was probably a stupid idea, but if I don't try it, then I might die anyway.

While I was thinking, I noticed a familiar gleam in the darkness. Once again, I rolled out of the way of the Crystal Bat's attack.

'On the next one,' I thought to myself.

I stood with my sword in front of me. My eyes were focused on where I thought the Crystal Bat would come from. The moment I saw the gleam of my helmet's light against the magic stones on the Monster's body, I felt a strange sense of amusement.

'I've never used a Skill before, but…,' I smirked a little bit.

The Crystal Bat darted down towards me, screeching. It seems that its anger only grew as I was dodging its attacks.

It got closer and closer. I just stood still. Then, instead of rolling like I have been doing, I ducked. I could feel the air above my head shift as the Crystal Bat passed over me. If I had gone just a little bit higher, then I would've lost my head.

I came back up as quickly as I ducked down. I turned towards where the bat Monster was going back up. Without even thinking, I screamed: "Leg Strengthening!"

In an instant a yellow aura glowed from my legs. My mind was completely blank as I leapt into the air in the same direction as the Crystal Bat.

My entire body felt as light as a feather as I jumped. This must've been due to Leg Strengthening.

The Crystal Bat looked back in confusion. Then, the moment it realized that I was behind it, it let out a screech.

However, before it could do anything, my body slammed into the Crystal Bat's body like an arrow hitting its target. I had planned to slash the bat in the air, but I was unable to control my Skill and ended up using too much power.

The Crystal Bat and I both fell towards the ground. Without even thinking about what to do, I positioned myself above the Monster and used its body to break my fall. The Crystal Bat landed on the ground with a loud thud as it screeched in confusion and pain.

Without any hesitation, I stood up and used my sword to tear apart the Crystal Bat's wings, demobilizing it.

With Leg Strengthening still activated, I continued my assault on the Boss Monster. I raised my leg and stomped hard on the bat to keep it from moving. I continued stomping it until its movements dulled.

I stood over the Crystal Bat, catching my breath as I watched it wriggle. It screeched as it tried to hit me with its tail, but that failed.

Without another second passing, I brought my sword up close to the Crystal Bat's neck.

"I've won," I let out a breath.

Then, I swiftly slit the Crystal Bat's throat, ending its life and clearing the Dungeon.