

"In the world of equations and cosmic dreams, 'YOU ARE MY WORLD' takes flight as we follow the journey of Kabir, a young and ambitious aerospace engineer, and Noor, a bright environmental analyst. Fate reconnects them in adulthood, but their story begins in the corridors of their school days, where a shared passion for science ignited a spark. Kabir, with stars in his eyes even then, harbored a quiet admiration for Noor, the diligent analyst who always saw the world through a lens of environmental responsibility. As school-level crushes often do, life took them on separate paths, only to reunite years later in the professional realms of aerospace exploration and environmental analysis. As Kabir designs the future of space missions, and Noor evaluates the impact on our fragile Earth, their shared history blossoms into a collaboration that extends beyond the professional. 'YOU ARE MY WORLD' is a tale of a childhood crush evolving into a cosmic partnership, where the orbits of their hearts align against the backdrop of the universe they once dreamt of exploring together."

Umair_Tariq2004 · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs


01 JAN 2020

Standing proudly amidst the hills near Islamabad, the Pak-Space Exploration Agency(PSEA) looked like something out of the future. People in blue uniforms were busy doing important work as the sun cast a warm glow on the place. Inside the hall, there were lots of computer screens showing space stuffs, coding and different simulation Software. People there were discussing the plans. The room felt alive with energy and big dreams.

(In the Conference Room, a group of Engineers, scientists, and Managers sitting together on a long conference table)

"That's it everyone, Since it is the start of the new year we will be considering these options for our project. Hope you liked it, I want everyone's feedback. Thank you"

 Chief of agency Shah Abreiz addressed everyone present there. They clapped and moved out of the room along with there accessories. While everyone was out. Chief calls someone

" Wait.... Kabir"

There he is.... in Grey color fitted formal shirt matched with black formal pants. He turns around, lean body, strong arms his hairs in pouf style and a beard perfectly done. He replied

"Yes Sir"

The chief said looking at him smiling 

" Its been a while we didn't talk, why not have a cup of coffee in my office"

Kabir replied

"Sure, but I will only drink your imported Americano" with a little or no smile on his face

Shah smiles and said

" You always eye at my imported coffee" They both went out of the room

(In the Chief's office)

"Do you think its the best decision"? Shah asked in a serious and concerning way.

Kabir sitting on the couch took a breath in and said 

" I don't know, Maybe"

Shah puts his coffee cup on the table and said

"Kabir, You know I used to say that to every other person I meet , one day this guy will do something big for this agency and for Pakistan." Kabir looks at him 

" Kabir its 2030, Pakistan has only be able to throw voyager and rovers on moon. You were there when we all reached this milestone and I think its not the end you still have a long way to go my boy, a lot of stars to see" Kabir looks down hearing all this. Shah added

"But its your decision and I appreciate that and I wish you luck for the future". He smiles and give him the glass bottle filled with coffee powder. Kabir looks at the bottle and then at Shah and smiles a bit. He took the bottle from him. Kabir stands, both shake hands. He went out of the room. Shah looks at him, took a deep breath.

Kabir moves out of the office building, it was night almost 8pm. He looks up to the sky. He remembers Shah's words" A lot of stars to see". He orders the cab and went to home. He reached at his spot. He pays him and walks towards the Super store. He enters into the store. The store owner looks at him and smiles. He said

" How are you Young man"?

 He replied

" I am good, How are you"?

 They both exchange words. He was on neutral expression mode a little bit of smile but it also went away. He took a bread and butter from the store and bid him bye.

(Far away from his location, in the same city Islamabad, Earth Guard Foundation a small organization working for the Eco friendly environment)

In a research lab, few of the analysts were present there with white long overcoats and masks on. The place was fully clean. An Analyst working on a soil sample. He was old, wearing a mask and glove. His way of looking into things show he was having a lot of experience. A girl standing next to him examining everything he was doing and noting it. She was also wearing a mask, her two hair tendrils falling on her cheeks. Her white milky hands gripping the pen and writing fastly on notepad. The experiment ends. The old analyst went out of lab. Everyone gathers in the room. She also enters put out her mask from her face. A Beautiful and divine face revealed out. She sets her dupatta properly. One of the colleague said

"You are so lucky Miss Noor, you get to work with Mr. Sheikh"

She putting her things in her drawer replied

" Hmm...." She went out of the room into the Mr. Sheikh office.

She asks for permission. He allows and she came in. She gives him the report and said

"This is today's analysis report" She said while giving him the report. He took it and said" Thank You"

She stands for a while looking at him but he was busy in writing something. She went out. 

"Wait Miss Noor" she turns around as he calls her. She came to him and asked in curiosity 

"Yes sir" He said

" I looked into your Project proposal" She got nervous after hearing this. She was excited too to hear his remarks.

"It was pretty good" The smile came into her lips her face glows with that smile. He added

"You did very well, but there are some flaws and we have to sort it out in order to finalize it" She said" Okay sir. Thank you so much" He looks at her she was so happy and excited. She looks at him and realized the moment she fell a bit embarrass and went outside. He looks at her walking out. He shook his head.

She went out and her junior was standing waiting for her. She said

"Miss Noor should we go" 


"Yessss.... You know what Today's dinner is on me" holding her little pinky bag from her. 

Junior(Asma) said

"Is there something special today"?

Noor said

"Yess.... Mr. Sheikh approved my proposal" Both girls jumps in excitement and happiness.

Both sitting in the restaurant ordering. Asma saw a couple sitting and talking in the restaurant. She asks Noor

"Miss, Do you have a boyfriend"?

Noor replied in a serious and questioning way

"Where did that come from"?

Asma said

"NO, Just I was curious a little...." 

Noor smiles a bit and went back to past.