
You Are My Obsession

Hello my dear readers. This is my first novel. If I make any mistake in writing a novel, please let me know. I will try to correct my mistakes as soon as possible. You guys must read my story. I have tried to write fantasy in this story in a very beautiful way. I'm sure you'll love this novel. I have tried my best to write so that you people will like this story. If you like reading my story, you must review my story. I need your support. And I love you all my lovely readers. He had some shopping bags in his hand. "It has all the things you need and some clothes. I thought you would have to change your clothes. That's why I brought it for you. " Daniel said as he threw the shopping bags into the bed. "I don't want these things of yours, take them back." Sofia said, looking at the shopping bag. Daniel approached her with a grin. "How many days will you wear the same clothes?" Daniel said touching Sofia's clothes "What do you mean, how many days?" Sofia said and shook Daniel's hand and stood up . "I will keep you here as long as my heart desires, and if you try to run away, I will kill you. Keep this in mind." While Daniel was talking, he came very close to Sofia. Sofia turned her face away from Daniel and started looking the other way. Daniel grabbed Sofia's jaw and jerked it towards him. "Never turn your face away when I talk." Daniel gritted his teeth and tightened his grip on Sofia's face. Sofia tried to free her face from Daniel's hands with her delicate fingers as she felt her face freezing. Daniel suddenly realized that her face was frozen with his angriness. Daniel left Sofia with a jerk. "Now change your clothes," he said, looking at Sofia, smiling wickedly. "Now you can go from here." Sofia said angrily. "Well, I don't think I need to get out of here." Saying this, Daniel started walking towards Sofia.

Farah_Ayaz · แฟนตาซี
75 Chs

You will never see your Nina again

When other people started coming to the cafe, he got up, went to the counter and left the cafe after paying. And started moving towards his car. When he reached the car, he got in the car and left for his office. After a while he parked his car near a very beautiful and big building and opened the car door and got out. As Marco came out, a man approached him. Marco gave him the car key and moved on. As Marco approached the glass door, the guard opened the door and Marco entered. And headed for the elevator. And pushing the button, he entered the elevator and waited to reach his destination. As soon as the door was opened, Marco came out of the elevator and started walking towards the office. And as soon as Marco opened the door of his room and entered, Marco's face turned pale with anger.

"Come on...I'm waiting for you, "Daniel said to Marco as he sat in his chair.

"Why do you miss your death so much?" Marco said with a sarcastic smile.