
You are my "100 times" Heartbeat

"You know my love-A diplomat is someone who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you will look forward to the trip. For me, it's you. You took my everything, now it's my turn." "I'm ready for everything, my Red velvet. Let's burn together." Harlin, a devoted daughter, stumbles upon a horrifying scene that shakes her world to its core: witnessing Rowen, her beloved partner, commit the heinous act of murdering her own father. The trauma of this discovery leads Harlin to break all ties with Rowen, believing she can no longer trust the person she thought she knew so well. However, fate intervenes when Rowen accidentally stumbles upon a scandalous video revealing Harlin engaged in an illicit encounter with another man. Shocked and confused, Rowen is torn between his desire for revenge and the love he still harbors for Harlin. As the two former lovers find themselves on a collision course, their paths cross once again when Harlin returned her country after five years, igniting a whirlwind of emotions, betrayal, and hidden agendas. Both, desperate to take their revenge, while, Harlin desperate to protect her own secrets. They again reconcile with the memories they once shared with the harsh realities that tore them apart. What they will do, when, "Mind says: "Move on," but, Heart says: "Hold on"

Ash_oishe · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

The Gazelle-eyed woman

"Diabari Estate" lies just 15 kilometers away from Dhaka, nestled within 300 feet proximity. This enclave, a dreamlike expanse spanning 45 acres, bears the mark of someone's artistic expertise—the creation of a house named "LeHanardo." Truly unique, isn't it? Yes, indeed. For the individuals associated with this appellation possess exceptional qualities that dwell beneath the surface, awaiting discovery in the upcoming chapters of our narrative.

This captivating house exudes comfort and warmth and is filled with cozy spaces and inviting decor. The room where Harlin is now sleeping is a sanctuary of tranquility, with soft, earth-toned walls that envelop her in a sense of calm.

The large windows allow natural light to filter in during the day, while the gentle drapes provide privacy at night.

The bed is the centerpiece, adorned with plush pillows and a luxuriously soft duvet. The room is dotted with personal touches: photographs on the bedside table, a shelf of well-loved books, and a vase of fresh flowers that infuse the air with a delicate fragrance.

Quietly, someone with silent footsteps entered the room. Breaking through the tranquil sleep on Harlin's face, a smile emerged as the person's face went from being lost in thought to smiling. She didn't want to disturb the peaceful slumber of the girl, but already so much time had passed. Approaching slowly, she stood beside Harlin, drawing aside the curtain of the window.

As the scorching rays of the sun entered her closed eyelids, Harlin stirred awake. A hint of annoyance flickered across her face as she changed sides on the bed. With a suppressed chuckle, he sat down next to Harlin. Placing a hand on her back, he began to gently shake her.

"Harlin, wake up. It's been quite a while. Do you want to spend the whole day sleeping like this? You have to take medicine," he said.

"Please, Mamma, let me sleep a bit more. I'll get up later. Don't disturb me," Harlin mumbled drowsily. In the depths of her slumber, she softly protested in a childish voice.


The person quickly withdrew her hand, startled. Harlin, still half-asleep, remembered something, sat up quickly, trembling with fear. She felt a pain in her chest and uttered a faint "Ah" from her lips.

"Hey, what are you doing? You're not fully recovered yet. You may start bleeding at any time." The person gently laid Harlin back on the bed.

Harlin, with half-open eyes, was fixated on the mysterious woman standing before her. The gazelle-eyed woman, with a midlife magical aura, had long black hair down, as if defying gravity. The flowers on her gray sleeve cascaded like her skin's color.

Harlin only pondered that night. Why had this unknown woman saved her that day? She had brought her home, and every moment she watched her with such care. Harlin couldn't help but feel a strange connection to this stranger who had come to her aid. Who was she, and why had she risked her safety to save Harlin? The enigma surrounding her only deepened the mystery.

There is a saying that when a person needs to utilize you, only then will their devotion show. Does this woman also have any reason to be near Harlin? What is it?

"If you keep staring at me like this, will you find all the answers to your question? Get up, refresh yourself; you'll have to take medicine too." Harlin was taken aback.

When she was with Rowen, he could understand Harlin's thoughts. No one else could understand Harlin besides him. Though it was in the past, Harlin was dumb to believe that way. Apart from him, there was another person, Harlin's 'mother', but she... Harlin let out a sigh.

Harlin got up from the bed and headed towards the washroom. The woman kept looking in that direction and gave a mysterious smile. 'The girl hadn't changed at all.'

At RM Techno, everyone is congratulating an employee on their game development project with applause.

"Due to a lot of effort, our project has finally succeeded, and its entire credit goes to all the members of our development team, especially Charlie. Your unique theme and intelligence have helped us complete tasks on time. Now let's see who can stop RM this time." HR department head Sara said.

Everyone nodded, and a round of applause was had again.

"However, ma'am, we still don't know what Harmonia's game model is. If their theme turns out to be better than ours, they'll surely stay ahead in the market. And from what I get, their project has already been completed. Yet, I can't grasp why they want to release it after so many days," Milly, an employee from the marketing department, said with a hint of worry in her voice.

"That's their concern. Perhaps they believe that's the right time for them. And as far I know, Harmonia's developer is Xeven; then how did he manage to finish the project a month before release? He has always been a tardy man. Maybe you've heard wrong," responded the graphic designer Harry.

"No, Harry. This time, their Chief Developer is Harlin, though. I heard she is very talented. You know what-they protect her identity very wisely."

"Stop it, Milly. Show this concern on your work, not on the employee of a competent company."

Rayan barked.

Rowen remained lost in thought, fixated on the name "Harlin." Where is the girl? Rayan had urged him that he mistook someone for Harlin that night. Alright, if the person from that night wasn't Harlin, then where is Harlin? She couldn't have vanished like that. Those shots from that night are etched in his memory. Could it not be her?

With Rowen at the center, the whole staff of the company gazed at him with concerned expressions.

"Brother, what happened?" Rayan stood before Rowen and shook his hand.

"Hmm." Rowen answered, still bound with thought.

"Tell something. Everyone is waiting." Rowen regained his composure, sensing eager faces all around. His eyes turned in various directions, and he could interpret the many anxious faces that turned his way.

Rising from his chair, Rowen moved towards Charlie and stood in front of him.

"Thanks, Charlie. You saved us. Ok, everyone, that's it for today; our work ends here. Everyone can go home." Saying this, Rowen didn't look anywhere; he just left the place silently. If he looked back, he might see several pairs of curious eyes still gazing in his direction. Despite the long break that Sir Royal had given them, it felt as if everyone hadn't found peace after all these days.

Rayan inferred from his expression that his brother wanted to leave, stay alone, and he knows what the reason is. Rayan exhaled loudly.

After getting out of the washroom, Harlin peered into the room. Undoubtedly, the woman's tastes are unique and splendorous. The bed is the centerpiece, adorned with plush pillows and a luxuriously soft duvet. The room is dotted with personal touches: photographs on the bedside table, a shelf of well-loved books, and a vase of fresh flowers that infuse the air with a delicate fragrance.

The large windows on the right side of the bed allow natural light to filter through the whole room. Harlin's gaze fell on the tea-table beside the bed, a wooden tray full of food, an egg, one bowl of chia pudding, and a cup of coffee. Also, there was a short note beside them. Harlin took the note, and here written:

"I hope this tray of food brings a smile to your face. Finished all the food and obviously took the medicine. Meet me at the garden. Hope you enjoy your meal and the upcoming adventure. I am waiting for you.