
You are my "100 times" Heartbeat

"You know my love-A diplomat is someone who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you will look forward to the trip. For me, it's you. You took my everything, now it's my turn." "I'm ready for everything, my Red velvet. Let's burn together." Harlin, a devoted daughter, stumbles upon a horrifying scene that shakes her world to its core: witnessing Rowen, her beloved partner, commit the heinous act of murdering her own father. The trauma of this discovery leads Harlin to break all ties with Rowen, believing she can no longer trust the person she thought she knew so well. However, fate intervenes when Rowen accidentally stumbles upon a scandalous video revealing Harlin engaged in an illicit encounter with another man. Shocked and confused, Rowen is torn between his desire for revenge and the love he still harbors for Harlin. As the two former lovers find themselves on a collision course, their paths cross once again when Harlin returned her country after five years, igniting a whirlwind of emotions, betrayal, and hidden agendas. Both, desperate to take their revenge, while, Harlin desperate to protect her own secrets. They again reconcile with the memories they once shared with the harsh realities that tore them apart. What they will do, when, "Mind says: "Move on," but, Heart says: "Hold on"

Ash_oishe · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

I will place a bomb for you

Rowen called Rayan .

"Yes, brother."

"Rayan, where did you find our game's script? Who shared this idea?"

Rowen's question left Rayan surprised. Just two days ago, he had immersed himself in Harlin's mourning, forgetting himself and the company in a self-imposed exile, and told Rayan to handle things his way, but now that same person was asking about the game's script and "Where did you find it?" Well, damn, what if his brother didn't like the game's script.

"It's our lead developer's idea," Rayan replied, exhaling loudly.

"You haven't done the Conceptualization and Design Check for it." His tone was a little irritated.

Rayan sucked his lower lip. "Yes, I'm fond of this idea; it's a unique one. Why? Don't you like it, brother?"

"At this moment, that's not important. Where is this rascal developer?" Rayan thought his brother would say, 'No', but when Rowen's magnetic sound was heard, Rayan's heart trembled in fear.

"He's probably at the company. What happened?" Rayan's voice was shivering.

"Keep an eye on him; I'm coming."

"Has something happened? Brother? brother!" Without receiving any words from the other side, Rayan understood that the person he longed for had severed the line after delivering his message.

At RM Office

Rayan strolled around Rowen's cabin. Rowen alerted him to keep an eye on their developer. But he didn't find him anywhere—no trace—and felt he had vanished in the air.

Just then Rowen got into his cabin, with an iPad in his hand, scrolling heedfully, and pondering over indifferently.

"Brother!" Rayan called him out. Rowen didn't notice Rayan so he triffid with sudden sound.

"Hey, Rayan. Where is he?"

"Brother, I couldn't find him, and he locked his door, switched off his phone. What's going on, please?" Rayan's voice was much softer this time.

"The bastard stole Harmoniya's code source and game theme and made our game." Rowen, shaking in anger. He might have rolled the bastard into a ball if he could find him. He turned to Rayan, who rolled his eyes, eager to conquer Rowen's words.

"Well, Harlin told me."

Rayan pursed his lips and raised his eyebrows

"What? Well, you don't need to answer where you met her, but you believe her!"

Rayan stride and lapped on the couch before him.

"Brother, I don't know what's wrong with you. Some days ago, you mentioned that she saved you, fought among such a huge men's gang, and they marked her as "Captain", while she always used to pass out when she saw a gun in your hand. And today you give me another piece of stroke." Rayan exhaled loudly.

"Rayan, what Harlin informed, was true, but for now your mission is to get Charlie out of the hole and don't let him be caught by Harlin, or we will finish. I already arranged what I should've, maybe it cooled down the situation in a jiffy."

Rayan's lip sealed. Why is his brother so sure? Is he ordered? Oh, no.

"Brother, you're scared of Harlin; I never saw this sight; don't tell me; it's you who ordered Charlie...!"

"Shut your fucking mouth, Rayan; do as I say."

At a luxurious house in Basundhara, Harlin is lying on her bed in the room.

For Harlin, it is the best way to stop someone and evade him—just bring up the most harmful moments of his life.

Oh, fuck! She did it intentionally, but now it makes her heart 'as dry as dust". She held her chest. No, she can't sit here like this; she has to leave for company. Harlin looked over the colorful African art that employs on the rustic stone walls as an eye catching headboard.

She suddenly thought about something, wore her slippers, and headed to her chic black wardrobe. The designer suggested Harlin make it with transparent glass. But Harlin likes a sleek and simple black wardrobe, which looks lavish in the otherwise white room, creating a monochromatic effect. She pulled out her boxing costume and stepped out of the room, going forward to cool herself down.

She enters the boxing practice room, radiating confidence in her vibrant black boxing costume. The fabric clings to her toned physique, emphasizing her dedication to training. The costume's black accents highlight her powerful stance and swift movements. As she prepares herself, her determination shines through her focused expression.

When Harlin hits the punching bag, it's moving fast. She punched it again, a little bit harder and getting faster.

Just then, Eden entered. Scanned from her back, the punches Harlin placed on the bag with her clenched fist shivered him more. What if one day he got such a strike?

"Enough to scan me." Harlin's lofty tone shakes Eden more. He frequently changed the topic.

"The state of the company is not unknown to you, Harlin. And at the most wanted time, you are not there; everyone is looking for the Chief Developer. What should I say? There was a meeting scheduled for tomorrow, but since I couldn't find you, I've canceled it. You told me you were on the way; then where did you go?"

Harlin lapped on the couch. "Everything had been done for that idiot; he had done it willingly." Harlin murmured.

Eden's eyes turned in Harlin's direction.

"Wait, you have bandages on your head? Even on your feet. You had an accident, Harlin?"

"Yes, it's nothing serious," Harlin replied, looking down at her feet. She had forgotten about her accident, incidentally.

"What are you saying? Why didn't you tell me? I will cancel the meeting now; you should rest at home." Eden took his phone out of his pocket.

"No," Harlin said, snatching the phone from Eden's hand and throwing it on the couch.

"We already delayed everything, nothing more."


"No buts; do as I've said; I'm coming." Harlin opened her boxing gloves as she spoke. Eden put his phone back in his pocket.

"Just be cautious, no matter what, so that the media doesn't get wind. With this, Harlin went to the door. ked away.

"Alright, get ready to come. We'll go together. If you go alone, you'll have to face a lot of questions."

"I am ready for everything. You go ahead. I'll go alone. Don't worry, Harlin is prepared." Saying this, Harlin left the place.

Eden is placed there, still gazing at Harlin, though she is not here. At the same time, this girl is in deep, placid contemplation, but her varying moods make it furious.

In the conference room, everyone had gathered for the meeting. Harlin, instead of taking a seat facing any direction, chose to position his chair sideways. He paused even in his attempt to remove his glasses from his eyes. Through the lenses, one could easily observe others without their awareness, which made it intriguing, almost amusing. On the other hand, no one could fathom the direction in which he was looking.

Harlin thought she was in the vast space of silent heaven or in the gloom of a dark forest.

"Is there any possibility that the meeting might start soon? There's no reason for everyone to sit like this and waste time."

"Oh, Harlin? Do you have to go somewhere again? Why are you so busy right now? Have you found a boyfriend or something?" Rima gave a faint smile while asking this question.

Rima jealous of Harlin since the time Harlin got into the company. She thought Harlin had some secret relationship with Eden, or why she hadn't got this position as she is here for four years.

"What's the reason to make you think this way?"

"Is not that normal? You went on vacation just as the company was dealing with its most serious problem. Then you could not be reached for a few days, during which time your presence as chief developer was critical.

"Ms. Rima, taking a vacation to spend quality time with my boyfriend is not my style. It is something they require, even though they have a husband, to be with another man besides their spouse."

Designer Peter chuckles when he hears this. Rima rubbed her neck in embarrassment.

"To whom were you referring?" Rima inquired, her tone malicious.

"I have never pronounced anyone's name. Did my words wreathe your body? Maybe my words were too harsh for you, but I am not sorry. Uncle Erham, umm.... Mr Erham, do you want to stay as an observer or start the meeting?"

Eden's father, Erham, cleared his throat to begin the meeting; he was watching both as an audience. Harlin is a sweet-lofty-lotus petal, according to her mother-in-law, and he thought so. But now he changed his perspective after Harlin gave Rima a tongue-lashing. Harlin, nor a sweet or anything like that; rather, she is a lizard.

"We will begin the meeting without preamble."

"We only want to know one thing: Where have you been all this time?" Sherden, one of the shareholders of Harmoniya, asked Harlin.

"So, is this gathering just to find out where I was?" Harlin inquired as he tapped on the center table.

"Not at all, Miss Harlin. But why is it so difficult for you to answer a simple question?" Rima opened her mouth once more.

"Why should I respond to an incorrect question? It is none of your business whether I was in Thailand or at home watching movies during my vacation. Why do you need to know that right now? At this point, the most important thing is to solve the problem we have encountered and find a way out of the situation we are in. But you are all fixated on where I was."

"If any of you had eyes, you would notice Harlin had an accident." The words rang out in their ears as everyone turned their gaze to the conference room door. Eden had entered and took a seat next to Erham. Ripon, President of the Marketing Team, said, "Sir, you..."

"Is there a reason why the company is more concerned with Harlin's whereabouts than with resolving the problem at hand?" Dad, sorry, Mr. Erham, you know why Harlin has taken a leave. After taking the leave, why does everything have to bother about where an employee is?"

"Sorry, sir. Actually..." Ripon dipped his chin.

"Stop. Instead of debating all of this, it is more important to focus on problem solving."

"Yes, sir."

"Harlin, do you have any suggestions?" "I do," Harlin said, scratching her brow. "But I need your permission about something first." Harlin beckoned Eden, and as a gallant army on the battlefield, determined to defeat her foe, Harlin continued,

"Today, we are fifteen days back in time, a discrepancy in contrast to two places. My fellows and all of my bosses gave me this project because of my vivid imagery and descriptive power, but I grind your trust." Harlin bowed, her nose pressed against her knee. "I am not pleading my innocence; what I mean is that I should have been more cautious, and I apologize for not being there when everyone needed me the most." But please have faith in me; I have already devised a plan. Please support me; I won't disappoint you."

Harlin's words astounded everyone. Eden was surprised; this girl had been amidst various troubles in the past few days, and now she was coming up with a new proposal.

"Come to my cabin." Eden looked around and said, "The meeting is over here. I'll discuss with Harlin, then let you guys know."

"If we have to follow Harlin's instructions, why have we been summoned here?" Rima sneered as she looked up at Eden.

"Exactly! A lot of time has been wasted, don't you think? You should submit your resignation letter and head home. It will save you a significant amount of time. Furthermore, someone qualified has been recommended for this position, so it will be the best choice.'' Eden gritted his teeth.

Rima rolled her eyes, unable to believe Eden would speak to her in such a manner. Eden stood up and walked to the door, while Harlin stood up and walked towards him.

When they got close to Eden's cabin, Frederick from the security department rushed up to them, holding his laptop in one arm and sweating profusely.

"Boss, boss, boss... We are screwed. A....a nasty affairs happened. " His voice stumbled, making clinking sounds in their ears.

Eden rolled his eyes and flapped Fredrick's arm, saying, "OK, Fredrick, come down and tell me what happened." Harlin's sobbed, her heart repeatedly thuds her chest, she snatched the laptop before Fredrick alleviated himself.

They both focused on the laptop screen, but what they saw made them to give ophthalmia.

"What the Fuck!" Harlin flared up, and turned to Eden with blazing eyes. Eden shook his head, gulping. "I had no idea how it happened."

Harlin paused for a moment, then muttered,

"Rowen, you jerk. "I am going to drop a bomb in your ass."