
you are in love with somebody else, maybe I could offer some help?

When there’s scorching heat and the rain brings cool comfort, when your heart weighs heavy but then there comes a relief making it lighter and bringing your heart back to its place. And when you have too much going on your mind but then you lie in bed and feel nothingness at the end of the day it is what it is. That is what the feeling you have brought upon me. A beautiful sensation, a comfortable silence between two beings, how without words two people can communicate and just like an artist have an intimacy towards their own art and likewise nurture it bringing it to its fullest. It brought unintended consequences. Which was sometimes strenuous and painful too nevertheless I still desired to the core. Those words were lovely and written beautifully but he could feel the pain in his chest as if someone squeezed his little heart in the palm of the hand, the crisp writing and the smudged ink made those words blurry but he had yet to realize if it were his own weeping which made it that way. When the words seemed to dissolve gradually, he hurriedly tried to wipe it but it was to no avail. With his shaking hands he folded the piece of paper, the crease on the paper seemed it had been carefully tucked that way which was to be kept unraveled to someone.

stoicbibi · วัยรุ่น
2 Chs

2 Feelings

He cupped my face he studied my expression; I was ready to apologies but the very next moment I felt something touch my lips, warm, soft, delicate. It drove my mind to blankness. I hurriedly put my hands on his chest to push him away but I noticed something different, his beating heart which doesn't seem to be at a normal pace, it is same as mine. It was just like mine beating wildly, out of place. It was pleasurable, messing up my sanity.

The kiss was light, he looked me in the eye at this point I could sense we both did not hold any hesitations, his beautiful eyes had yearning so was mine. As I took the initiative to kiss him, he pulled me closer, to the point it seemed our body would bind together as one. He deepened the kiss; I felt his warm velvety tongue reach Mine, I shuddered as he starts to suck my lower lips and coiled his tongue with Mine, sucking my tongue wildly, as if trying to eat me whole. I never imagined if a kiss could be this enchanting. He tightened his grip around my waist, as the kiss was getting more intense and wet sound of our smacking lips resounded, it sounded vulgar and with the increasing time we both were getting out of breath, sensing my knees getting weak he suddenly picked me up and took me to the table that was nearest, hovered me up and put me in the table. Feeling my nervousness, he took my hand and started to kiss each finger, as I heard him say,

(You should know better that right now; you are driving me insane)

His breathing became heavier, at this moment I couldn't see anything except the man that was standing in front me, unknown who was seduced by whom. He caressed my hair softly and whispered in his ears,

(You are beautiful)

His hot breath pressing into my ears, which brought shivers through my spine, as he kissed and started nibbling my earlobes, next he ran his fingers through my hair and crashed his lips with mine again deeply, I responded with equal enthusiasm...