
You always knew

Story is about a girl who had a terrible childhood, then messed up teenage life and we'll know will she be able to survive and find her true love and destiny.

MVkim · คนดัง
15 Chs

Episode 4 It wasn't a beginning

Then, principle asked why is she mute or something else?

Grandfather said I think she stopped talking when she heard her parents fighting all the time when she was 3 or 2 years old.

Oh that's really sad I hope we'll be any helpful for her. So what's her name?

Myin Kim.

oh pretty name.

I gave the test and principle was shocked because instead of entry test paper for a kinder_garden grade he gave me the test of grade 6's entry test and I answered all the questions correctly.

Principal asked my grandfather does she go to any tuitions or someone at home teaches her?

Grandfather replied no she never learned anything from anyone. She is just brilliant on her own.

I'd must say she is very good in Maths and English.

I guess she is.

I got admission and I also got scholarship to study till high school.

I was glad at least for the first time in my life I gotta do something that I actually love.

Although my parents didn't wanted me to study.

We came home my grandfather bought bag and uniform for me as well and told my amma to send me school everyday and he left.

Later my amma slapped me. Why? I don't know still.

Pushed me and went out.

My Amma never woke up to prepare breakfast for me and send me school. I used to wake up every day at 6am because my school starts at 7 am.

I got up all by myself ironed my uniform and it burned my hand I still have that scar on my left hand.

I didn't make any noise cause I didn't wanted to disturb my amma's sleep. I never ate breakfast before going to school and in my school there wasn't any system for lunch for the kids.

I had to study like from 7am to 1pm.

It was terrible. I got ready and tried to comb my hair and trust me my arm started hurting everyday while combing my hair and I didn't know how to tie them however I had to do it.

Before leaving for school I stood in the corner of the door and looked helplessly to my amma hoping that she will wake up and say bye or hug me and sent me off to school. But she didn't woke up ever to do that.

However my younger brothers woke up and hugged me and said sister best of luck for your first day of school. I hugged them back and wiped my tears off and went to school.

I thought my school was near my mom's house it felt like it was yesterday when I went for admission with grandfather in his car but it was really far specially when I had to walk every day like for 30 minutes.

In the car it took us 13 minutes but when I had to walk there with my little legs and small feet it took me 30 damn minutes for going to school and 30 minutes to return home as well.

On the way to school I saw many kids going to school with thier family members. On bike or cycle or car some of the parents even carried their kids to school I was shocked to see that parents actually carry the kids all the way to school and come to pick them as well.

When I arrive school I got tired And I had to cross a very big road filled with fast moving vehicles etc. I stood still and waited someone elder to come and cross the road and I just run and them to cross the road.

Oh god my small tiny legs and feets starting hurting.

Anyways I entered the school magnificent to see how soo many parents came to drop kids.

But nobody was there for me.

I was looking for my class it was at the end of the hall way. But there were two kinder_garden sections. I stand still and confused which class should I go in left or right?

Then a nice teacher came and saw my name and told me to go in right side class.

Then she said put your bag on bench and go to the assembly. She asked its your first day? I nod my head in yes.

Then she asked me do you know where is the assembly place? again I nod No.

She said come with me. She took me to the second floor where I was the assembly place and so many students tall and young and very small All kids were staring at me. I was getting anxious. I was introvert I could never bare presence of so many people. Teacher pointed towards the last line of the rows of the students and said that your line go there.

We stood 10 minutes in assembly, prayed some PT and then in line went to our classes.

My roll Number Was 32 so I had sit in the last bench and I was kinda first bench student.

Few students tried to talk to me but I was unable to speak.

The teacher took attendence call and called my name but I didn't said present so she called me and said why you didn't said your attendance?

She asked me few times but I couldn't spoke.

I was terrified all the kids were watching me she was Asking all the questions.I was panicking.

At the same the principal was on the round of all the classes and he came in my class and asked the teacher what happened?

She told him everything and principal said Myin Kim don't speak she silently told her the reason as well. She came to me and said oh my little girl I'm so sorry. Please don't be upset. She told another student sitting in one of the first bench to go and sit in back.

She exchanged our seats.

That kids seem to be angry at me I could see that in his eyes.