
You (Phoenix Harmony Series #1)

Malkiel fell in love with Serenity at first sight. He did everything for her and yet Serenity's heart belonged to her first love, Jace. Will Malkiel ever get the chance to be with his first love?

XycieMae16 · วัยรุ่น
29 Chs


It was the start of their sophomore year. Everyone was gathered in the auditorium for the welcoming ceremony and as usual, the student council president made the speech and everything boring came next. Malkiel let out a yawn and saw that Koa and Kenzo were busy fiddling with their phones while Drystan had his eyes closed and arms crossed in front of him.

After the ceremony, Malkiel roamed the school grounds where different organizations had set up their booths in hopes of recruiting new students. He stared at the pamphlets that were being handed to the students, and everyone who knew who he was stared at him back. He smiled to himself as he realized that his friends and he were already on the verge of making a name for themselves.

He walked around and finally ended up at the schoolyard in the back of the sophomore building. The place was quiet as most students were in the school auditorium or their classrooms. So it took him by surprise when he saw someone on the back. 

There standing by the flower boxes was the prettiest girl he had ever seen. Her mid-length hair swayed along with the wind. Malkiel felt his heart beat louder as she smiled at the flowers that were slowly blooming.

He had never felt anything like this before, he rarely felt any attraction to a girl and he never paid attention to them unless they were fans of their songs. He never had a girlfriend or a crush, his attention was always on their music and his drums.

But at that moment, she was the prettiest flower he had ever seen and he wouldn't be able to forget about her for some time until their paths would cross once again.

Now, as he stared at Serenity adoring the flowers in the park, he couldn't help but smile to himself.

He walked towards her, hugged her from behind, and wrapped his arms around her waist. Serenity who was surprised gave him a sweet smile after.

"What's wrong?"

Malkiel shook his head and just kissed her on her cheeks.

"I just can't believe that we're together now"

Serenity chuckled before turning around to face him. She put her arms on his shoulders and gave him a peck on his cheeks.

"Well, you did wait for me for seven months."

Serenity smiled at him, after her confession, Malkiel wanted to court Serenity. They had met each other's parents and Serenity's parents wanted him to court her for seven months. For Malkiel, it was a small price to pay especially since he had already known how Serenity felt for him.

It just gave him enough time to make Serenity fall for him harder.

"That was nothing and that wasn't what I meant"

Serenity looked at him curiously.

"Hmm? Then what was it?"

Malkiel pulled her closer by the waist.

"You are my first love Serenity, that's why I can't believe that it took me 17 years before I finally met you"

Serenity who remembered something gently pushed him away and stared at him with her eyebrows meeting in the middle.

"What's wrong?"

Malkiel asked.

"I remember Quincey and Galene telling me the same thing but then on a date much earlier than that I also heard from them that you got your heart broken, but how would it be broken if I'm your first love?"

Malkiel stared at her before laughing. Serenity just stared at him and when he didn't stop laughing, she slapped his arms.

"What's funny?"

Malkiel controlled his laughter before pulling Serenity into a hug.

"I got my heart broken because I learned that you have a boyfriend. That was because of you my love"

Serenity felt her cheeks burn and the only thing that she could utter was an 'oh'. She sighed and hugged Malkiel tighter, burying her head in his shoulders.

"Are you embarrassed?"

Malkiel asked while laughing.

"Shut up"

Malkiel laughed louder at Serenity's reply.

"Don't be, it matters less now anyway. That's because we're finally together."

Serenity stared at Malkiel and saw that he was now smiling at her. All her doubts and fears were now gone, and she could barely remember the feeling of being hurt. That showed how much Malkiel had treated her right.

Now they had been dating for over a year and had started the next phase of their lives. The band was doing great and was making a name for themselves and the two of them well, things were going smoothly.

They rarely fought and had arguments and when they do have that, Malkiel would always find a way to communicate with her and patch things up. One thing that Serenity noted was that Malkiel never let her go to sleep with a heavy heart. And she would forever always be thankful for that. 

"And I refuse to let go of my first love, not now, not in the future, not ever"

Serenity stared at him lovingly before kissing him on the lips. Malkiel responded by pulling her closer.

It was enough for them now, and they would do everything so that this love would last forever and for eternity.

We did it!

Hi to you who have been with Serenity and Malkiel along the way, we've finally reached their end. Thank you for going along with them on their journey, it was such an honor to meet someone like you.

I don't know if they made you happy, sad or feel loved but I hope you'll remember them and their story for a while.

We will be back with two side stories so don't miss us too much.

Again thank you for sticking with us.

From Phoenix Harmony with love.

XycieMae16creators' thoughts