
You (Phoenix Harmony Series #1)

Malkiel fell in love with Serenity at first sight. He did everything for her and yet Serenity's heart belonged to her first love, Jace. Will Malkiel ever get the chance to be with his first love?

XycieMae16 · วัยรุ่น
29 Chs

Chapter 6

For the whole week, Malkiel didn't know what he was feeling. He didn't know what the feeling was called but he was sure he had read it somewhere before. Like a mixture of being betrayed, sadness, and pain. He stared straight ahead and just couldn't feel anything at all.

"What's his problem?"

"You think I'll stare at him if I knew?"

Koa and Kenzo exchanged looks while staring at Malkiel who had his head buried on his desk.

Malkiel could hear them talking but he didn't bother explaining anything and instead just turned his head toward their direction. He blankly stared at Koa and Kenzo who were sitting at Drystan's desk beside his.

"Get off of my desk if you don't have anything to do"

Both Koa and Kenzo stood up when Drystan placed his bag in his seat. The three watched as Drystan annoyingly sat on his seat while a fuming Galene entered the room.

"Hey, we're not done!"

"Yes we are, now shut up, it's too early to annoy me"

Galene pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a sigh before placing her things on her desk behind Malkiel.

"Did the two of you argue again? This early?"

The two didn't answer Kenzo's question which made the lad pout.

"They're ignoring me, and Malkiel here looks like he carries the burden of the whole world. Koa, looks like it's just the two of us who are normal. Hey...!"

Kenzo who was purposely being talkative turned beside him only to see that Koa was now flirting with a girl who was sitting in the front row.

"Why? What's wrong with you Malkiel?"

Galene tapped Malkiel on the shoulders which made the lad lift his head and look at Galene.

He didn't know if it was proper to ask but he had to. He wanted to know if what he heard was indeed right.

After that call, Serenity bid him goodbye saying that there was something urgent that came up. He felt his insides churn that day, he didn't know if it was anger or sadness but he felt uncomfortable. Ever since that day, he felt uncomfortable being around Serenity. He couldn't even tell what he was feeling now. He couldn't describe it and he couldn't explain it which explains his tired disposition.

"Galene, does Serenity have a boyfriend?"

Malkiel's question caught Galene, Kenzo, and Drystan's attention. Not a moment later, Galene's face turned sour as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Ha~ that bastard, why? did he come to pick up Serenity last week?"

"Eh? Serenity has a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, she has one and he's currently attending Jouska High"

Once again, Malkiel felt the need to just bury his head In his desk and let out a rough sigh.

"Is that why you're like that?"

He knew that Galene was asking him but he could only nod. The guys knew that he had a crush on Serenity and he partly knew that Galene and Quincey being the sharp-witted ones could read the atmosphere.

He felt more uncomfortable knowing that Serenity was probably the only one who didn't know about his feelings for her.

"Ha~ Serenity's probably the first girl he liked, so this is his first heartbreak"

"Kenzo shut up"

"What? But it's true"

Drystan had to stand up to drag Kenzo out of the room when he kept repeating the word heartbreak. And there it hit Malkiel, so this was what heartbreak felt like.

Malkiel never really gave any thought to love. Ever since he was a kid, his whole life centered around growing up happily, playing music, and being with his family and friends.

He never understood how Koa could flirt or like with almost every other girl.

Some songs that Drystan wrote were about love but it wasn't something he had given deeper thought to before.

And even Kenzo had his fair share of love even though it was all a rough patch.

But he never not once did it cross his mind that he'll be interested in someone until Serenity. And it certainly never crossed his mind that one day he would feel this pain.

Malkiel sat straight up and looked behind him. Galene was eyeing him worriedly but she knew that there was nothing she could do for him except tell him the truth. That way, maybe he can get rid of his feelings in the early stages.

"They've been dating for almost two years now, Malkiel. We don't like the guy but Serenity does. I'm sorry, it'll get better along the way"

Malkiel gave out a forced smile to Galene.

"Maybe, still it's weird. So this is what heartbreak feels like"

Galene felt sorry even more but she decided to keep her mouth shut now. It wasn't her place to intervene anymore.

The two of them turned towards the door when they heard their other classmates along with Koa greet the newcomers.

Malkiel gripped his chest when he felt it tighten. Indeed, it was a mixture of sadness and pain, a slight hint of betrayal, and the feeling of all hopes crashing down.

He stared at Serenity who smilingly greeted Koa and there for the first time, he knew that he didn't know what to do.

To continue this feeling or to erase it.

He didn't know what to do.

And that made his heart ache more.