
You (Phoenix Harmony Series #1)

Malkiel fell in love with Serenity at first sight. He did everything for her and yet Serenity's heart belonged to her first love, Jace. Will Malkiel ever get the chance to be with his first love?

XycieMae16 · วัยรุ่น
29 Chs

Chapter 18

Should I apologize? But what would I apologize for? For avoiding him? For being confusing? Or for hurting his feelings? Would it be proper to even apologize for those things?

Such thoughts kept on running through Serenity's mind as she listened to the guys practicing inside their club room. Her gaze was still focused on Malkiel, never leaving his form as he sat behind his drums, sweat dripping down his temple. She blushed as she realized what she was doing.

She was staring at Malkiel so hard that anyone who could see her would immediately notice her feelings and she didn't want that. If Malkiel would find out about how she felt for him she wanted to be the one to tell him. 

But how? When he was so keen on avoiding her?

Malkiel heaved out a sigh as he wiped his sweat off using the sleeve of his shirt. As he was doing so he caught sight of Serenity staring at him for a moment before averting her gaze. 

At this point, he was beyond confused at the reason why and he wanted to know. He wanted to end this mind game with her but he was scared that he'll be put down again once he did. That neither of them would be able to properly converse their feelings again.

And he was collecting his thoughts all the while he was avoiding Serenity. Turns out he could be selfish if he wanted to. He didn't want Serenity to forget his confession, no, he wanted her to consider him. Regardless of whether or not she'll be using him as a rebound, he didn't care. 

He would have actually preferred it if she did because that would mean that he could be by her side.

But at the same time, he still didn't want to be selfish. He didn't want to disregard Serenity's personal space and feelings and he didn't want her to feel pressured. 

Still, the thought that he found another side to him was pretty overwhelming for him. 

"You guys wanna have a milkshake? I know I do"

All attention shifted towards Koa who invited them before all gazes shifted towards Galene. The lass looked at her wristwatch and then at her clipboard before closing it indicating a sign that they were done for the day. It was a confirmation but they still needed Drystan's go sign since Galene's schedule would have been futile if Drystan intervened.

But after glancing one look at Malkiel, Drystan took off his guitar before saying.

"It's on Koa's then"

Koa didn't even refute and instead, both he and Kenzo cheered. They had been practicing nonstop and they wanted to breathe some fresh air.

But Malkiel knew the looks his friends were giving him, the girls may not know but he did. 

They were planning something again to get him and Serenity alone for some time. He appreciated it but he couldn't say if Serenity still wanted to talk to him or not. At least for the whole time that he had been avoiding her which is for only three days, she didn't make an effort to talk to him.

Then again that was on him, I should stop this now, not just for Serenity's sake but also for mine, he had thought.

The group walked outside their school past the shopping district and settled themselves inside a fast-food restaurant. Galene, Koa, and Kenzo were the ones who went to the counter to place their orders while everybody else searched for a place to sit and settle.

Once seated Malkiel noticed that Serenity was sitting across him. He blushed when his gaze met hers. It had occurred to him that he couldn't quite control his expression when it came to her. He would always stutter or blush or just outright feel embarrassed.

But this time, it wasn't just him whose cheeks turned red when their eyes met. He could notice the speck of pink on Serenity's cheeks as she tried to hide them away. 

Malkiel felt a light nudge from his shoulders and turned to see Drystan eyeing him. He cleared his throat and it was just the right time when Galene and the others returned with their trays of food.

"Finally, some good milkshake to down with"

"Thanks for the treat Koa"


Serenity silently glanced at Malkiel only to find that he was still staring at her, his cheeks bright red but his gaze unwavering. She had the urge to just stare at him back but she couldn't take it. His gaze was piercing her and she still didn't know how to talk to him. 

"Ugh are you two still on it? Can't you talk to each other instead of just glancing?"

Serenity flinched when Quincey who was sitting right beside her suddenly yelled. Everybody else was dumbfounded and Malkiel took a second before he glared at Quincey. He was tempted to remind her that it was her and Galene's idea that put him in this situation.

Serenity wanted to clamp her hands on Quincey's mouth when she opened it to say something again but Galene interrupted her.

"Ahhhh Quin I remember, come outside with me, I have something to show you"

"What? No? This is enough, they have been driving me crazy since weeks ago. I can't take it anymore. I can't even eat my food in peace"

Serenity stood up from her seat when Galene forcefully grabbed Quincey's arm and dragged her out of the restaurant. Serenity followed suit while all the boys and almost all of the people instead stared at them.

Malkiel thought that Drystan would be the first to explode, but it turned out it was Quincey. Drystan cleared his throat.

"Well, that was awkward"

"Yeah, but it's also a wake-up call"

Koa eyed Malkiel seriously before pointing at him.

"You need to do something"

"What? and how? When I don't even know why she's avoiding me like that?"

"Well, what if you tell her that you want to take the confession back?"

"He already did Kenzo, geez, where have you been all this time?"

Malkiel let out a sigh while Koa and Kenzo bicker at the background. Drystan eyed him before taking a sip of his milkshake, his gaze going towards the girls outside the restaurant. 

"Well, girls are complicated that way"

All eyes went to Drystan. Malkiel followed his line of sight and saw the girls. Through the glass wall, he could see Galene holding back Quincey from probably pouncing on Serenity, he couldn't hear their conversation but from the gist of it, it looked like Serenity was saying no to something.

Whatever it was, Serenity's slight gaze towards them indicated that it wasn't good.