
You (Phoenix Harmony Series #1)

Malkiel fell in love with Serenity at first sight. He did everything for her and yet Serenity's heart belonged to her first love, Jace. Will Malkiel ever get the chance to be with his first love?

XycieMae16 · วัยรุ่น
29 Chs

Chapter 12

Malkiel always thought and dreamed of confessing to Serenity in a more romantic manner. With flowers, nice weather, and everything in between but instead he did it in the middle of the road while Serenity was having her heart broken by one jerk. And he had to admit that it was the worst move he could have ever made.

"So, you caught the jerk cheating on Serenity and then you came to help her but then ended up confessing to her?"

Malkiel banged his head on his snare drum and groaned loudly once Koa literate exactly what he had done yesterday.

"I guess that was the most idiotic thing you could've done"

"Guess? You didn't need to guess because it is the most idiotic thing he did"

He could hear Drystan and Kenzo bad mouthing him but what can he do when the two were only stating facts he couldn't even refute. The four of them are huddled up together on Drystan's garage, the same place as always. They weren't here to practice, it was just that this place had always been their secret hideout. 

Their club room used to be their hideout too but with the addition of the three girls, they had to let go of it. Afterall, there was stuff that they talked about that they can't even tell the girls.

Like how Malkiel was an idiot for confessing at the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Well we all know that Serenity won't give you an answer anytime soon, afterall she did just broke up with her boyfriend"

"I'm not asking for an answer"

Malkiel hissed at Koa who was now holding both of his hands up as a sign of defeat.

"Again I am only stating the facts"

"Have you talked to Quincey and Galene? You said it was their plan"

Malkiel shifted his attention towards Drystan who was sitting across him, hands crossed in his chest.

"Galene said they talked to Serenity last night but she didn't mention anything about my confession, just that Jace had broken up completely with her"

That made his heart ache more, he had wondered why Serenity didn't mention anything towards Quincey and Galene when the two would undeniably learn about it sometime soon. 

He wanted to know what Serenity thought about it so badly but he knew that knowing would only hurt him more. Serenity was in no position to answer his confession and he knew that she wouldn't accept it anytime soon since she had just broken up with her first love.

"I hate it, I wish I met Serenity first before that jerk"

The three men looked at one another before Kenzo finally said.

"Did you think you would have fallen in love with Serenity if we met them first"

It was then that Malkiel realized that he never really told them how he had fallen in love with Serenity. And the guys never really asked him anything, just that they were glad that their friend had finally fallen in love. They skipped all details because for them none of it mattered because they weren't the recipient of those feelings.

"I fell in love with her at first sight"

This got everyone's attention. 

"When? We never met them until the first day of school"

"It was during the welcoming ceremony, I saw her and couldn't really stop thinking about her after. Then I saw her again in our room during our first day. This may sound girlish but I really thought it was fate"

"And then you found out she has a boyfriend and now you helped her two bestfriends break them apart and confess and now you're out here sulking, poor Malkiel"

Malkiel so wanted to throw his drumsticks towards Kenzo who obviously was mocking him. If it weren't for Drystan who intervened he would've done much worse to his friend.

"Alright enough, let's talk with Galene and Quincey first. The break up was their idea so maybe they have a solution for this"

"Malkiel's confession wasn't part of their plan though"

Koa smiles menacingly at him and this left Malkiel to wonder whether or not his friends actually root for him to be happy. But of course they were, it was just that they had never seen Malkiel so gloomy like this and it threw them off course. Malkiel might be mischievous like Kenzo and sometimes quiet like Drystan but he was also happy-go-lucky, a smile never left his face even on the hardest days of their lives.

"I texted Galene, she said we'll talk about it tomorrow at school"

All eyes shifted from Malkiel to Drystan who was now holding his phone up typing a reply possibly to Galene.

"Since when have you and Galene started texting each other?"

"Since none of your business, now let's play one song just to get this gloomy air out of my garage"

"You mean your parent's garage"

Drystan sent a glare towards Koa then to Kenzo, Malkiel smiled a little. He knew that his friends were trying very hard to cheer him up and he appreciated it so much. He heaved out a deep sigh before circling the drumsticks between his fingers.

He knew that he wouldn't be able to completely draw out the thought of Serenity in his mind but he was glad for the company and the distraction. It helps him calm down at the very least. 

Helps him control the urge to run towards Serenity and ask for what she thinks about his confession. He didn't want to do that if he was being honest. He didn't want to put pressure on Serenity and make her confused. He only wanted for Serenity to know the truth about Jace even if it hurted her the most.

It was like what Quincey had said, better to be hurt now than for her to be in a relationship that was doomed from the very start.

He may not have the right to intervene but he cares for Serenity more than he could think and he does love her. He just doesn't want to be seen as selfish for acting out of his way. He hopes Serenity would be alright and that tomorrow everything would seem just the way it was.

But it didn't.

As he and their friends watched Serenity avoid him all day long, he knew everything was beginning to crumble.