

Where are you, baby girl?" questioned the man, whistling at the same time.

"We don't have anyone here, boss," says the narrator.

"Did you happen to see the kid?" The man inquired of the individual with whom he was conversing.

"I'm not in charge"

[A siren sounds]

"Boss, the cops are on their way!" The man screamed and became agitated. "Let's get out of here and set fire to this place." The men lit a fire in the room where the child was hiding before leaving. When the child emerged from the cupboard, she discovered a big fire in the room.

"Mommy! Mommy!" exclaimed the child.

"Daddy! Daddy!"

"Nanny!" She screamed and sobbed.

Maxx!, Maxx!, Maxx!, Maxx arouse yourself!

Mommy! mommy! My entire face was sweating excessively when I sat up in my bed. Is that a nightmare? But why does it appear to be so real?