
Am doing it for my mother

"you evil child why did you treat your sister that way," Mr Kenneth was so angry with Ruth.

" daddy I did not do anything I never knew Kara wanted to contest for class monitor please daddy believe me" Ruth kept begging for her father to believe her .

"daddy don't believe her , Ruth very well knew that I wanted to contest for the post of class monitor she went and contest and she made our class mate laughed at me, I was very ashamed of myself because they taught am competing with my own sister, I even told her at home last night that I want to contest for that position" kara said to our father Mr Kenneth.

" kara why are you lying to father you never told me about it you knew i was the one contesting because you heard it from my friend Naomi " Ruth said .

"Shout up you sister can never lie she is a very obedient child , unlike your who knows how to lie.

"daddy please you should believe me I never wish to contest with my sister , I never knew she was contesting" Ruth kept on pleading to her father Mr Kenneth but he refused listening to her plead.

"Ruth you will go back to school tomorrow and tell your form teacher that you don't want that post did you hear me , and make sure your sister get the post hope am clear" Mr Kenneth was so angry .

" Yes daddy! Ruth said.

"Daddy thank you, that is why I love you so much, you are the best daddy in the whole wide world kara said .

"what are you saying kara , you very much knew you're my best daughter, when did your mother said she is coming back "Mr Kenneth asked kara who is playing with her phone.

" mummy said she is going to the saloon to make her hair and later go to her friends place to discuss about the party she told you about" kara told her father.

" yeah she told me I forgot about it because of that your useless sister"

"daddy don't stress yourself about her" kara said and started laughing in her mind.

Ruth was inside her bedroom on top of her bed when she start thinking about her father , her father was never like this he changed when he got married to her step mother Janifer, I never knew that kara was contesting for that position , why will she tell daddy she told me about her contesting , Ruth could remembered how her family were, five years ago her father divorced her money and two year's ago her mother went missing. " mom hope you are fine where ever you are " Ruth said in her mind.

Ruth picked up her phone to make a phone call to her best friend Naomi .

"Hello Naomi please can you help me I don't know what to do again my dad said I should tell our form teacher that I don't want the class monitor position, I told you that I don't want this position but you insist now my sister went and told our dad that am fighting for the position with her" Ruth told Naomi on phone.

"Why will she say something like that, that position is meant for you because your are the one with the highest point , that position is your right .

"Please what should I do I don't need it again" Ruth told Naomi the phone

" Why will u say you don't need it again?" Naomi was very angry on the phone.

Ruth have to explain about it to her friend Naomi "because my father is very angry with me, I can't make him angry because am still looking for my mother , have told you he is the only one who can help me find out where my mother is Ruth was so disparate on the phone. please tell me what to do please.

"Fine I understood is because of your mother I will help you with this , because am just tired with their attitude towards you" Naomi told Ruth.

"Thank you very much " Ruth said.

" Tomorrow we will go and meet our form teacher and explain everything to her" Naomi told Ruth .

" OK ,thank you very much, I have to go see you tomorrow in school " Ruth said.

"OK take good care of yourself "Naomi ended the call.

When Ruth was true with the phone call ,she heard someone nocking at the door , it was their maid nocking ,she asked her to come in and the maid did.

" Miss dinner is served,younger miss and master is waiting for you at the dinning table.

"OK am coming ", Ruth told her.

" OK miss" janiel said before she went out of the room

Ruth went down to have her breakfast ,she saw her father and sister talking and laughing with each other , Ruth was very sad when she saw how their father was smiling with kara and never smiled at her since his divorce with her mother .

Ruth sat down and started eating without talking to any them. "hope you understood what have asked you to do at school tomorrow, go and tell your form teacher you don't need that position that your sister is more suitable for the position" Mr Kenneth said to Ruth. She just raised her head when she heard what her father said.

" okay daddy.

" Master ,Miss , madam is back.

When Mr Kenneth heard what the maid said he turned and saw his wife Janifer "honey you are back ?". Mr asked Janifer who just came back.

"Yes dear .Janifer replied.

When she sat on the chair , she turned and look at Ruth who is busy eating with her face down.

" Ruth your sister called me and told me how you treated her in school? Janifer said to Ruth.

" You even have the mind to fight for that position with my daughter , can you imaging,you even have the gut to do that , honey can you imaging this ingrate?

" Mummy calm down don't stress yourself , you knew what the doctor told u about your health ? kara told her mother who was very angry " baby you have a very sweet heart, but your sister don't appreciate it"

" Dad I will go and tell our form teacher tomorrow you don't have yo worry"Ruth told her father , because she is tired with noise.

Ruth stood up from her sit and went back to her room am just tired to see there faces, Ruth said in her mind.

"How did the meeting with your friends goes and you look more beautiful with that new hair style " Mr Kenneth kept pressing Janifer his wife.

"my meeting went well we are going to set the date of the party tomorrow and prepare the venue" Janifer said ."That is wonderful, don't let all those men stare at you" Janifer so hard when she heard what her husband said.

" kara come and eat your breakfast it's getting cold and you are going to be late to school" Janifer told Kara who is busy putting someone in her bag.

"OK mummy am coming" kara replied.

"where is you sister is she not coming down to eat breakfast ?Janifer her daughter .

" I don't know where she is ",kara said.

"You remembered what I told ? don't let you sister outshine you in anyway ok ,you have to show her that you're more intelligent then her .

"Mummy you don't truth me again, I will collect everything from her ,this class monitor position is just the beginning,I will make sure she don't have anything, she will regret having me has her sister," when Janifer heard what her daughter said she started laughing "I truth you ,you will do to her what I did to her mother I collected everything from her" Janifer kept laughing.

"Mummy don't worry I will make you proud" kara was just smiling when she saw her mother laughing.

When kara was true with eating she stood up from her sit "OK mummy I have to go before I got late to school"

"OK baby take care of yourself" Janifer replied.

Ruth got to school very early to meet up with Naomi her best friend so they can go to her form teacher ,to explain the problem.

" Ruth what are you saying that you will keep quite ? and let them treat you as if you are not part of the family" Naomi was very angry with Ruth family.

" Naomi is not like I love the way they treat me no I don't ,I have to keep pretending that they are on top of there game, so that I will know where they are keeping my mum.

"I understood you OK just that all this things is getting to much and your father keep believing there Lie's" Naomi said

"don't get angry anymore,let's go and see Mrs obi before we get late for class" Ruth pleaded with Naomi her friend. when they got to Mrs obi office they nock on the door and heard Mrs obi said they should come in.

When Mrs obi raised her head from her work she saw Ruth and Naomi "what can I do for you both, Naomi and Ruth,? Mr's obi asked.

"ma'am we came to talk to you about the class monitor position.

" what about that?

"Ruth can not take that position anymore due to family issue.

"but your class mate believe in you that was why they elect you for that post?,

" Ma'am i knew that was why I came to you to explain things to them please ma'am can you give the position to my sister kara? Ruth told her form teacher who was very surprised.

" Why did you want your sister to take your place?when you very well knew you are more intelligent then her?

" Ma'am let me explained it to you so you can understand my predicament" Ruth said

Ruth explained everything to her teacher why she can't take the position and she understood her.

"With this your explanation I will help you, with the way you said your sister and family are doing, you have to be careful around them. her teacher informed her.

" ma'am I will be care, thank you very much, we will be going to class "

we just went out from the principal office when I saw my sister coming , trouble coming I said that in my mind.

"Sister I did not see you early this morning at home?I didn't know you came to school very Early" kara said with a smiling face, because she knew why her sister Ruth came out from there form teacher's place.

" Yes i came to school very early to do something, is there anything else you want to ask me about because I can't entertained you anymore" Ruth said .

"Good morning student, good morning ma'am, we will be having maths ,but before then I will like to inform you all that class monitor will no longer be Ruth , the student started whispering to each other, there is something that came up , the post will go to kara, kara will now be the class monitor " when Mrs obi said all the class started talking to each other .

"You all should shout up , let's start our lesson for the day" Mrs obi said to the class and they all kept quite.