
Chapter 2: Obedient

As the week passed Lily made no further move. Instead, she decided to gather information about the school. She needed to know who was who and where they all fit together.

She already knew Darelle. His father was only a low-level Noble. He used every chance he got to make a name for himself. He was acting out while he could. And the cleaver among the ruling class used him well. He thought he was gaining friends, but the truth was, once he entered real society, they would be quick to disassociate. He might prove useful Lily surmised.

As for Julian, as the finance ministers' son, he held the real power. He was a member of the student council. He was a friend to the first prince. And didn't he know it? He was meticulous and the others rarely held up to his scrutiny. One false move could put Lily in real danger. However, he had one weakness she could exploit.

As Lily sat down to eat her lunch alone outside she spotted the weakness in question. Mary ann Bell. Her father was another Noble in title only. However, her cheerful demeanor and beauty seemed to have charmed most. Not to mention her convenient friendship with Lady Sabine. Her blonde curly hair twirled around her dimpled cheeks. She smiled and dusted herself off.

Lily watched her carefully. Every day, Mary Ann attended the gardens. Julian passes by without saying a word. Why doesn't he confess? Is it just her status?

The answer came to Lily faster than she expected. She was eating her lunch in the usual spot in the gardens. Mary Ann was gripping a handful of delicate roses and placing them in her basket. A student Lily had never seen before approached Mary Ann. The two quickly looked around before embracing. Lily smiled to herself and made her way back to the classroom.

That next day, the teacher read the results of the latest exam. Darelle's name was called. As he received his paper he visibly scowled. Making his way back to his desk, he scrunched the sheet in his fists and sat down in a huff.

Finally, Lily's name was called and she stepped forward to receive her paper. As she took the paper, the teacher remarked,

"Full marks, very good start", He addressed the rest of the class, "You all should learn from Lily's example".

As she took her seat a swath of eyes followed her. She could feel Darelle's eyes burning from behind.

As class finally ended, she caught Darelle's scowling face from the corner of her eye. The class had emptied out. Lily rose to her feet. After a moment, she turned around and smiled sweetly.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot", She said leaning in closer, "I want to make it up to you".

Darelle whose arms had been crossed came down onto his desk.

"How so?" His mouth twisted into a grin.

She parted her lips ever so slightly. He was on the hook.

"I think I can help you", she gestured to the scrunched test sheet, "How about a study session?"

Darelle seemed to play with the idea in his mind. On one hand, he disliked the idea of having been taught by some country bumpkin. But she had the top grade. And more than that, there was something suggestive in her manner. He wanted to see where this would go.

"Fine", he said, "Just the two of us?", he skirted his finger along the length of the desk.

Lily took a step forward so close that her voice was only a whisper when she repeated,

"Just the two of us".


Lily led Darelle to the library and they reserved a room.

"So?"Darelle smirked once they had put down their bags.

Lily sat down at the desk across from Darelle and smiled. With her hand tilted towards, she opened her palm.

"Will you give me your hand", she asked.

A red flush flashed across Darelle's face. He placed his hand into her. The second he touched her hand, he felt dizzy. Black spots covered his vision and he felt as though the room was spinning. From the darkness, he heard Lily's soft voice but he couldn't make out the words.

Lily slipped her hand away from Darelle. She pulled a handkerchief from her pocket and cleaned her hand viciously. She tossed it to the floor and lunged out of her seat. She began to rifle through Darelle's bag until she came to one of his notebooks. She tore out a page of notes and shoved the book back into his bag.

She put a pencil into Darelle's hand and whispered into his ear. Slowly, he began to write. As soon as he had finished, she snatched the paper and quickly left the room. It was dark out as she made her way out of the library.

One more stop. She placed the paper neatly into a desk in the empty classroom and promptly returned to her quarters. She sank into her bed. Using black magic was exhausting but it was done. Now she just had to let it all play out.

The next day at lunch, Lily sat out in the gardens. Clear drops clung to the red petals. The flowers were in peak bloom. As Lily circled the garden, she leaned in to smell the roses. From the corner of her eye, she caught Mary Ann Bell. She cheerfully began her gardening, waiting for her usual visitor. The break passed. As the week passed, her friend never appeared. Finally, after the second week came and went, a frantic Mary Ann came pacing into the garden. After walking back and forth for a while, she stopped abruptly and let out a sob. She buried her face in her palms and cried.

Lily watched from afar. Of course, he won't come, she thought to herself. Now, it's almost time. Lily made her way through the garden towards Mary Ann.

"Oh my, whatever is the matter?" Lily asked gently.

"Oh", said Mary Ann startled, "I'm sorry. I'm making a scene aren't I? It's nothing really".

"You do the gardens here don't you?"

"Ah, yes. Yes, I do", Mary Ann answered trying to compose herself.

"I've always thought this is the most beautiful garden in the school. I can tell a lot of love went into these roses. I often pity people who put so much love into a flower, only for it to wither in a matter of months. It must feel like losing a part of yourself"

Mary Ann looked at the curious girl. She had heard of the new student. They called her the ice queen. As cold as she was beautiful. In Mary Ann's eyes' though, she seemed more sad than cold.

"That said", Lily's golden eyes set on Mary Ann warmly, " As beautiful as they are, I don't think they don't deserve your tears".

Mary Ann nodded comprehendingly. She knew nothing about this mysterious girl. But she had comforted her in her lowest moment and that was enough. She smiled, wiping away a tear.

"Perhaps, your right", Mary Ann said softly.

The following day, when both girls met again in the gardens they ate lunch together. Mary Ann realized they had much in common. Lily was soft and gentle. She had just been the victim of vicious discrimination. Mary Ann herself knew what it felt like to be isolated. Although she was well-liked by everyone, when she had first started, her status had been a barrier. She decided that she wanted to help Lily. They began to meet more often. Then finally Mary Ann announced,

"I want to introduce you to my friends Lily. I think you will get on", she beamed.

"Really? Do you think they will like me?" Lily asked softly.

"Of course they will!", Mary Ann clasped her hands together, "They just have to get to know you".

Lily smiled. It was almost too easy.

Mary Ann linked her arm with Lily and led her to the main courtyard. Sabine Rousseau was standing amongst a flock of other ladies. She had platinum, straight hair that fell below her waist. It dripped over her shoulders as she stepped forward gracefully towards Mary Ann.

"I was just talking about you Mary Ann", She put her hand on Mary Ann's, "It's like we hardly see you lately", Sabine glanced waywardly at Lily.

"I'm sorry", Mary Ann flustered, "Actually I made a new friend. This is Lily"

Sabine took a glance at Lily from head to toe. The other girls swarmed around uneasily waiting for the verdict.

"Well, If she's friends with Mary Ann", Sabine said hesitantly.

Lily was admitted somewhat tentatively into the group. The girls seemed wary of her but none dared to cross Sabine. Her father was a Duke. He had a place in court. He was powerful and nobody dared speak against his family. Sabine was well aware of this fact. She knew the girls would pander to her every whim and she relished it.

After she felt comfortable in the group, Lily decided it was time for the next step.

Lily was waiting in the garden. Mary Ann came rushing towards her. She lay her tear-stained cheek on Lily's shoulder.

"Oh Lily", She cried, "It's all going wrong".

"Another problem with the flowers?" Asked Lily, patting Mary Ann on the back.

"You're the only one I can tell!"

Lily smiled. Mary Ann was just like all the other nobles to her. She only spoke to Lily so freely because she saw Lily as a person who was beneath her.

"Tell me", Lily enquired softly.

"There was a noble. He was out of my league but he showed interest in me. I really thought he was the one", Mary Ann began to explain tearfully, "Then suddenly he broke it off. That was the day I met you in the garden".

Lily nodded sympathetically.

Mary Ann continued, "Well then these horrible letters started coming! Saying they knew about us. Then, this morning another letter came. I said it would reveal everything if I didn't send money!"

"How horrible!" Lily gasped.

Mary Ann began to sob again, "I can't take it anymore. I don't know what to do".

Lily hugged the crying girl and patted her back.

"Don't worry I know someone who can help", Lily explained.

Mary Ann nodded tearfully.

"Leave it to me", Lily smiled taking her hand.

When the break was over and Mary Ann had been calmed, Lily returned to class.

As the final bell tolled and classes had finished, Julian looked up from behind his glasses and saw Lily standing over his desk.

"Can I talk with you?" Lily asked.

Julian was curious about what she could possibly want from him. She had disappeared from his radar after the incident on the first day of class. He had only noticed her again recently when he caught sight of her with Mary Ann. He hadn't thought much of her at all until now.

After agreeing to talk with Lily, the pair went out to a quiet area of the courtyard beside one of the gushing fountains. Lily sat down on the marvel wall of the fountain. She reminded Julian of the old stories about woodland spirits. They would appear only at dusk and disappear just before more. She had an ethereal air as though at any moment she might disappear.

"What business do you have with me?" Julian questioned.

"You helped me before"

"What of it?"

"I know you are a kind and strong man. It may seem brash of me to ask for your help again, but I didn't know who else to ask"

"You need my help?"

"Not exactly", Lily said twirling a lock of hair around her finger, "My friend is receiving blackmail letters. I want to help her but I don't know how. I thought since you're on the council you might know what to do. It's not something she wants to bring to the teachers"

"First, who is being blackmailed?"

Lily tilted her head and looked up innocently.

"My friend Mary Ann Bell in B class."

"Mary Ann", Julian without thinking. He reproached himself. But glancing at Lily, she didn't seem to take anything from it. Relieved he continued, " Do you have the letters?"

Lily passed him the letters. He skimmed over the contents. He frowned.

"Leave this me. I can pull some strings and find out the culprit".

Lily rose to her feet and dusted herself down.

"I'm sure Mary Ann will be so grateful", She smiled. As she walked away, she looked back quickly behind her. Julian stood still by the fountain reading every word carefully.

Lily scoffed, "Now it's your turn to play your role obediently"...