
You’re a WHATT!!!!

llamalovekpop · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs


Still larks POV

As I set the lamp down I kept hold of it. And the window was open still. I had this really dumb idea but ya know what I am a girl in trouble and kinda freaking out because a weird famous dude just told me that he is a vampire and wants help. Well the idea was a bit strange i thought since I am so close to the window maybe I can open it and fall out and run. But then there's the storm I mean it's just wind right. so I decided to go through with my plan except i forgot my window had two sheets of glass on Both sides of it and you had to lift both of them to actually open it. And well I opened the first and laughed and said haha sucker except "JIMIN" was just laughing at me and well as soon as I moved to go through the window my nose crashed into the second sheet of glass. Well let's just say I didn't make it through the window at all. I think I broke my nose.


what the hell this girl literally just crashed her forehead and nose into a window like a dog that didn't see the glass. I was laughing so bad tears were almost out of my eyes.


this asshat is laughing at me so hard he is squealing. It was the best distraction I opened the other window and fell out. Outdoors was super windy and cold but I didn't care. I ran to the main road and the sidewalk was full of people. I accidentally bumped into a man wearing a mask. He was young no older than 25 and he looked almost exactly like my favorite band member from BTS. Which was rm and his eyes matched jimins. I said sorry but the reply I received was very strange. " oh no worries dear you can't run forever" my eyes widened as I came to the realization that my favorite Kpop group is after me. i just gave a scared look and kept running. I decided to go to a smoothie shop and get a strawberry banana smoothie to settle my nerves. I walked around town looking at clothes and other stuff. They had adorable pastel blue crop top on sale I bought it. even though I still haven't unpacked anything yet. And I waited an hour till I traveled back home it was 6 in the evening. on my way home I felt something in my pocket. I dug it out and it read "HI MY NAME IS JIMIN AND NOT EVERYONE IS HUMAN " then in really tiny words it read " read back" I turned it over and felt a pit in my stomach as i read " your really pretty and Can I use some sugar:)" I felt so stupid that as soon as I got home I just wanted to go to sleep and not exist instead I decided to write a note saying I am sorry and grabbing the sugar from my cabinet I taped it to the top of the container. I walked to my neighbors house *cough* cough * where jimin said he lived. I was very hesitant to nock but I did. A little bit too hard I think.


Oh crap Namjoon is gonna kill me. I can't believe she escaped out the window With out me noticing. God I hate humans. I decided to run out the front door and I see her running towards the closest road and sidewalk that has tons of people. I can't risk getting exposed and since I am an idol I can't just run out there without a disguise. so I decided To text Namjoon "hey we got a situation" he left me on read and I walked back to the house.

I was back at the house and Yoongi and Jin were there sitting on the couch . I went in and stomped to the kitchen to find me something to snack on until I hear someone open and close the front door. The person was humming to there part in idol it was very faint but it was the beginning lyrics "you can call me artist(artist) you can call me idol (idol) and so on. The worst thing is that those are RMs lyrics and the person was walking towards the kitchen. I look up to see Namjoon smiling his dimples showing. He asked what happened and we just laughed about the fact that our neighbor was a pretty girl but as strange as can be.


"So she slammed into the window trying to escape " I asked Jimin while laughing. He just chuckled and said ya it was very strange. I was dying laughing not only because of that but the only reason he was going over there was to ask for some sugar.

"should we apologize?" Asked jimin

"What for" I asked

Well I scared her and she slammed the door in my face also I don't think she read the back of my note.


Jimin looked puzzled and I turned to look at the door that Jin Held open. I saw the girl that ran into me on the sidewalk. She held a container that read "I am really sorry " in big letters.

She handed it to Jin and took off before Jin could even say thank you.


LARK- she has a bubbly and warm personality. Is a poof at times and is a funny and sweet person


Distant and serious personality

BRITTANY AKA blue haired girl - she is cold and the literal opposite of lark

———- there is more to come hehe ——————

llamalovekpopcreators' thoughts