

Yona walked closer to take a better look to make sure she was just seeing things but when she stepped closer she stepped on a stick then made made a crack noise which then the mysterious boy and the dragon knew that someone was there. Yona climbed the tree she was hiding behide, she sat on a branch listening then when the boy was about to say something suddenly he was interrupted by Yona's empty stomach she hadn't eaten anything since she escaped from the cage. Her stomach rumbled and rumbled, then she heard a slightly cracking noise, then she realised that the branch she was on was going to break. Unfortunately it did, it came crashing down,when Yona fell she realised that she had landed right on front of the boy and the dragon. When Yona looked at them she saw their faces were shocked. To her surprise the boy didn't seem fazed at all about her red hair. The boy said "Hi my name is Shiro and this is Silver".

"Hi I'm Yona" said Yona in a puzzled voice.

Yona asked if Silver was a real Dragon. Shiro nodded. Silver crawls towards her and Shiro said "You can pet him if you want". Yona started to stroke Silver suddenly Yona starts to get a sensation in her leg. Then Yona fainted.

When Yona woke up she was in a cave. She was puzzled until Shiro came and explained that she had fainted when she was stroking Silver, Shiro said "im sorry we have not gathered any food while You were unconscious".

"No need to aploigise I can take care of that". Yona then ran of into the woods and so did Shiro and Silver. Yona suddenly took down every animal in her path with her bare feet and experienced hunting moves leaving a massacre of animals behind her. Shiro and Silver stood there in shock.

After processing what had just happend Shiro quickly gathered all the meat that Yona had gathered and hurred back to the cave with Silver and Yona.

When they got back they started to cook they meat that Yona had gathered.

"Thank you very much we haven't been able to gather any food for days" said Shiro in gratitude.

"No need to thank me I used to hunt back in my village" said Yona.

When they had finished eating Yona stood up to go get some water Shiro and Silver sat there in shock because of what they saw "wait" said Shiro.

Yona turned around looking puzzled "what's wrong Shiro, do you want me to get you and Silver anything " asked Yona in wonder. "Have you always had that mark on your leg" said Shiro in wonder

"what mark?"said Yona. She looked down to find a dragon wing mark on her leg.

"The only mark that I have ever seen like that was....mine". Shiro turned around and lifted up his shirt which revealed the same Dragon wing mark on his back that was on her leg. "What does this mean" said Shiro.

"I don't know either, this must of been what I felt when I touched Silver but what does it mean" said Yona while pacing back and forth trying to figure out the situation they were in

Silver roared softly as if he was talking. "Oh really!" said Shiro in shock. Yona was very confused. "Yona, Silver knows a sorcerer that might be able to give us some answers" said Shiro.

"Really?, anyways how did you understand Sliver?" said Yona.

"it happened when I got this mark, anyways Silver said to get to the sorcerer we would have to go through 'The Emerald Forest" said Shiro.

"What's 'The Emerald Forest'?" questioned Yona.

"It's the most greenest forest on the outskirts of The Kingdom Alizard". Luckily , "Silver knows a sorcerer right beyond the Emerald Forest" said Shiro.

"I guess we should head out when it's morning, good night Yona and Silver.

The next morning, they packed some food and some water. Then they headed straight towards the Emerald Forest. They estimated the amount of days it would take them. The estimated it would take 10 days because they would have to go through the capital because there was no direct path to the forest. They would have to stop by capitals merchants district to get some supplies like food, water and a shrinking potion for Silver because seeing a dragon is quite rare so if they just saw Silver shrinked they would think it is just a mere lizard . Thankfully, they had enough money for all the supplies from the slave merchants when the escapes they managed to steal some money and jewels.

During five days they slept in the night and travelled during the day. After five days, they finally made it to the capital they had to leave Silver behide some trees untill they gathered the supplies. After that Yona and Shiro headed straight towards the merchant district but to their dismay right ahead of them were the slave merchants that captured them.