
Chapter 3

"Quickly, merge with other Slime!"

Qin Yue jumped up quickly.

There are many Slimes throughout the forest.

And Qin Yue discovered that he would not be attacked by other monsters in the forest.

After all, Slime is very weak and doesn't even have his own thinking.

They stay where they are most of the time, or roll around, and when they grow up a little bit, they start to split.

And Qin Yue, became the first wise Slime, and he started devouring other Slime.

"[Split Fusion (f)] is activated, you have merged a Slime, all attributes are +1."

"[Split Fusion (f)] is activated, you have merged a Slime, all attributes are +1."

"[Split Fusion (f)] is activated, you have merged a Slime, all attributes are +1."

"Integrate 10 Slimes, [Split Fusion (f)] will be promoted to [Split Fusion (e)]"

[Split Fusion (e)]: Your split body, you can change the attribute points, and merge skills to split two avatars.

This means that the split Slime can have 1 point for all attributes or 10 points for all attributes.

As for fusion skills, what skills does Slime have? Isn't this still Split Fusion? Qin Yue ignored it directly.

"I split one now, and then the two swallow Slime together. After five minutes, I can fuse my own. I start with double attribute points?"

"But, after five minutes, the first experience is over."

"In this case, let the clone go to death!"

"I have physical resistance now. If I have magic resistance, no one of these people can kill me!"

Qin Yue's eyes sparkled.

Do what you say, Qin Yue quickly manipulated his clone and walked back.

Of course, he has to watch carefully to see if there are any players who have mastered magic talent among this group of students. This is his goal.

Soon, he noticed the unique existence among this group of students.

Lin Xinxi!

"Banhua actually awakened the magic talent? This is the ice shining, my God, this trick is an A-level skill."

Qin Yue controlled Slime and jumped to Lin Xinxi's side.

It's just that he wanted to get closer, and other players also saw this active Slime.

"Chop it!"

A player came up and directly gave Qin Yue a knife.

However, he now has sharp resistance, his body is like rubber skin, plus physical attack immunity, this knife directly floated an "immune" font on his head.


Zero damage.

"Damn, what's the matter with this Slime?" The man said cursingly, and continued to chase Qin Yue and chop.


Qin Yue turned his head and saw that he still knew the person who beat him.

Jiang Hao from Class 11.

You know, the whole grade is calculated according to the scores, and the class with the best grades is Qin Yue's class.

Class 11 was the worst, gathering bad students who were stubborn and unlearned.

This Jiang Hao, that's it.

But the school doesn't care much about grades, because in this world, grades don't mean everything, and strength after awakening means everything.

This Jiang Hao, if his strength can be, might become a crime.

Qin Yue really disagrees with the school's education.

"This kid, it seems that he has bullied Tan Chao. Damn, brother help you get revenge!"

Qin Yue was stabbed. Although it didn't hurt, he was very annoyed.

After all, he became a Slime inexplicably, and he was still an F-level talent, and he had been suffocated all the way.

This made him very incomprehensible, and he desperately needed a punching bag.

It's you!

Qin Yue bounces directly in reverse.

Jiang Hao, who was chasing him, was immediately hit on the face by him.



Jiang Hao let out a scream, leaned back, his nosebleeds spurted into the sky.

"Critical Attack-1."

The harm is very low, but the insult is very strong.

You know, Qin Yue's clone now has only 1 point for all attributes.

But passive and strong, let him belong to a tough object.

"Another world" is a very real world.

This means that Qin Yue is now like a brick, without power and spirit, but with material, it can cause harm.

The blow hit the nose directly, and Jiang Hao naturally suffered to death.

Everyone else looked over.

Mankind is a community with a shared future, advancing and retreating together.

These students are still very simple. Seeing the player being attacked, they naturally want to help.

But seeing that it was Jiang Hao, they stopped and even started to whisper.

"It's Jiang Hao from Class 11."

"This is too bad, it was actually attacked by Slime!"

"Hmph, he just relied on his height to bully people at school. This kind of residue is exposed in the game."

These people are all gloating.

But Jiang Hao's classmates, as well as a few younger brothers and attendants, suddenly ran over.

"Boss, boss, are you all right!"

"Kill this Slime!"

Jiang Hao yelled.

"Who killed who?" Qin Yue sneered and attacked again with a meat bomb.


After going down twice, Jiang Hao's face turned into a pig's head. *