

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs




Mrs. Blake went downstairs to the kitchen. Violla changed her clothes and went to help her out. The two spent the afternoon there,when Violla heard a car pull into the driveway.She peeped outside.There was a Rolls-Royce parked at the gates of the house.

Immediately, Violla stood up and ran to receive them.The car door swung open, and Davon lifted the kids out of the car one by one. Setting Ryan and Jason onto his shoulders, he hoisted Eliana into his arms. Meanwhile, Finny lay in Eliana's arms, hiccupping as she slept.

The scene was simply too adorable.

From a distance, Davon seemed like a big tree. Three children were hanging from his body, and there was a bird in some crevice to boot.

Violla burst into laughter. Running up to help Davon with the children, she asked, "Why did all of you return home together?"

"There wasn't much to do in the office today. I went to pick them up from school."

Ryan and Jason had dug their fingers into Davon's hair to stop themselves from falling off.

Because she was afraid, Eliana had wrapped her stubby little legs around Davon. She looked like a koala bear as she rested in his arms.

"Oh, look at those three monkeys! Here, let me take them from you." Just as Violla was going to take Eliana from him, Davon twisted away. "You're still recovering from an injury. You can't carry heavy items yet."

"I'm not heavy!" Eliana snapped, pouting in annoyance. "Look at how skinny I am."

"Haha…" Everyone burst into laughter.

Since the three children arrived in the villa, the house was full of laughter again. In the past, it had only been full of dead silence.

"Alright, you're skinny." Violla helped Eliana onto the ground. She bent down and helped to dust off her clothes. "Eliana," she lectured, "It doesn't matter if you're fat or skinny. Your health is the most important, got it?"

"But I'm very skinny, to begin with!" Eliana protested, touching her face. In a glum voice, she said, "Today, our music teacher told me that I got skinnier. Apparently, I should be getting more vitamins and having more food."

"Yes, of course you should be eating more!" Mrs. Blake emerged from the front door in an apron, brandishing a spatula. Smilingly, she said, "I cooked lots and lots of dishes today. And all of them are your favorites!"

"Mrs. Blake…" When they spotted Mrs. Blake, the triplets burst into screams of excitement.

Eliana tottered over to her on her plump legs. Throwing herself into Mrs. Blake's arms, she hollered happily, "Mrs. Blake, when did you get here? I've missed you so much."

"Good girl, Eliana. I've missed you too." Mrs. Blake bent down to hug her, her eyes swimming with tears.

Ryan and Jason struggled to get down. Davon had no choice but to set them down onto the floor.

Ryan leaped into Mrs. Blake's arms immediately. Jason wanted to run over to her, but Davon picked him up and placed him into the wheelchair.

Jason kicked his legs furiously. "Come on, push me forward!"

One of their nurses rushed forward and pushed him towards Mrs. Blake. The three children crowded around Mrs. Blake, chattering at the top of their lungs.

"Mrs. Blake, I've missed you too!" Ryan cried.

"Me too, Mrs. Blake, me too!" Jason yelped.

"I've missed all of you," Mrs. Blake said, wiping her tears away as she enveloped them in a hug. "In the future, I won't have to go to the hospital anymore. I'll stay with you guys and make lots of yummy food for you."

"Okay!" the triplets said, nodding.

"We were planning to visit you in the hospital after we got off from school today! Are you feeling better now?" Ryan asked, feeling concerned.

"Of course, of course. I'm much better now," Mrs. Blake said, smiling. "All my ailments seem to disappear whenever I see you guys!"

"That's great!" Jason said, smiling brightly. Seriously, he continued, "Now that you're back, Mrs. Blake, we won't have to eat burned mac and cheese and hot cross bunnies with salt in them."

"Oh, dear." Violla smacked her head, feeling so embarrassed that she wanted to crawl into a hole and die.The children had been suffering a great deal from her cooking those past few days.

"Exactly! Your cooking is the best, Mrs. Blake." Eliana tilted her head and said innocently, "Because you haven't been cooking for us, I've become so skinny!"

Mrs Blake gave her arm a good pinch and whined, "Look! I have no fat here anymore.From now on, I'll be cooking for you guys. Make sure to eat well, alright?"

"Of course! I'll eat everything up," Eliana declared, clapping her hands excitedly.

"Me too."

"And me!" Ryan and Jason stuck their hands up in the air.

Finny who had been lying in Eliana's arms the whole time, looked up blearily and squawked, "Me too!"

"What's wrong with Finny?" Mrs. Blake asked, looking curiously at the parrot. "Is she sick? Or is she hung-overed?"

"She's drunk, actually," Eliana said, her eyes flashing with glee. "This morning, she drank Uncle Davon's wine secretly. She has been barely conscious ever since."

Hearing that, Violla turned to Davon and gave him a sharp pinch on his arm. "You gave Finny wine again?"

"She wanted to drink some herself," Davon replied, looking very wronged.

"Yeah! You have me as a witness, Finny wanted to drink it herself," Jason said, standing up for Davon immediately.

"And me!" Ryan added. "It wasn't Uncle Davon who fed it to her."

"Oh, it's alright. She'll wake up by tomorrow anyway." Eliana patted Finny's green little head comfortingly.

"Alright, then. I'll go prepare dinner first. Go and have some fun! Dinner will be ready at six, as usual." Stated Mrs Blake.

"Okay! Thanks, Mrs. Blake!'

After sending the kids off to play, Mrs. Blake looked up at Davon, feeling a little embarrassed. "I'm sorry for hitting you with the mop last time."

"No worries," Davon said, interrupting her. "You were only protecting your own people. Besides, you're our elder."

Although he wasn't a particularly emotive man and didn't know how to comfort people, he tried his best to reassure Mrs. Blake through his words.

Violla felt extremely shocked. Davon was such a prideful man that she hadn't expected him to lay down his dignity and forgive Mrs. Blake for her sake.

"Oh, thank you!" Mrs. Blake was equally stunned. She felt a little touched, too. There had been a few misunderstandings between Davon and herself , and she wondered if their meeting would be awkward.

However, his attitude towards her right then made her feel very shocked.That was probably what people meant when they said 'love me, love my dog'.

Because of his love for Violla, Davon was willing to do things he would never have considered before.

"Don't worry about it," Davon replied, smiling. "I've hired quite a lot of cooks. You can ask them for help, too. Don't tire yourself out too much."

"Oh, got it!" Mrs. Blake nodded, smiling. She ran back into the kitchen to busy herself.A few cooks hovered at her elbows, worried that she might faint from fatigue any moment.

"I'm going upstairs to change," Davon took Violla's hand and pulled her upstairs.

"Look over there! Uncle Davon is holding Mommy's hand!" Eliana exclaimed suddenly. She clapped a hand over her mouth, a horrified expression appearing on her face. "After graduating from kindergarten, boys and girls aren't allowed to hold hands!"

"Oh no! Will they get pregnant?" Jason frowned, his face full of worry. "If Mommy gets pregnant again, we'll have the real-life dolls soon enough."

"Oh, both of you are so ignorant!" Ryan said, puffing out his chest. With a pompous expression, he said, "You can't get pregnant through holding holds! But…"

There, Davon looped his hand around Violla's shoulders as the both of them proceeded upstairs, laughing as they went.

"Oh no, they're hugging each other now!" Eliana cried, pointing to them in consternation. "Do you think they could get pregnant like that?"

"No…" Ryan said smugly. "That doesn't mean anything. They have to kiss first."

At that exact moment, Davon pressed a kiss on Violla's lips.

"Oh no!" Eliana hid her face behind her hands, too afraid to look.

"Oh no! " Ryan said, sighing.

"You can get pregnant through kissing?" Jason asked, looking horrified. "I just kissed our music teacher on her cheeks! Does that mean…I'm going to be a father soon?"

"What? Jason, did you really kiss our music teacher on her cheeks?" Eliana yelped, stomping her feet. "This is terrible! I'm going to be an aunt!"

"What are we going to do?" Ryan moaned, burying his head in his hands. "I'm too young to be an uncle! Besides, what will happen if Mommy's baby is born at the same time as my nephew? Oh my gosh."

"I can't believe that I'm going to be a dad at age three-and-a-half," Jason lamented. "How am I to raise a kid when I don't even have a job yet."

"Don't worry, Jason, I'll give you a hand with that," Ryan said as he patted his brother reassuringly on the shoulder. "I'm going to be the kid's uncle, after all."

"Yeah. I'll share my snacks and toys with them, and my skirt too," Eliana chimed in as she regarded her brother with seriousness.

"Them?" The boy's eyes widened in horror. "Is the music teacher going to bear me triplets?"

"She might," Ryan analyzed with a poker face. "According to the study of genetics, there's a hereditary component to multiple births. Since we are triplets, we are also likely to conceive triplets ourselves in the future."

"Good grief! " Jason was shell-shocked. "What am I going to do?"

"Three lineal kin. Would I have enough pocket money to go around?" Eliana said as she counted on her fingers. "Oh no, I'm short."

"Me too." The situation seemed quite dire the more Ryan thought about it. "It looks like we might need to ask Mommy and Mrs. Blake for help."

"Ugh, I'm never kissing another girl again." His brother was distraught. "No more girlfriends for me either."

"That's good to know." Ryan patted him on the shoulder. "I'm afraid Uncle Davon's villa might run out of room if you were to keep this up."

"Yeah. Even the limousine couldn't fit all of them." Eliana pouted as she solemnly reminded him. "If they were to attend kindergarten with us, I think we'll have enough numbers to form one class between your kids and ourselves."

"Ugh…" Jason had his head in his hands. The thought of that scene made him want to cry in despair.

"What's the matter?" Violla and Davon asked as they came down the steps.

Davon was dressed in something more comfortable, and he had an arm around her.

They were a little worried when they saw the children so gravely immersed in a discussion.

"I messed up, Mommy!" Jason choked up. "I won't casually kiss girls or make them my girlfriends anymore."

"Huh? What's going on?" Violla asked.

"Jason went and kissed our music teacher" Eliana complained as she trotted over on her stumpy legs. "The teacher's going to be pregnant. His kids are going to become our classmates, and he's afraid he won't be able to afford them."

"Pfft!" Violla coughed.

"Hahaha." Davon burst into laughter. "Who told you that one kiss would make anyone a father?"

"Ryan did." Eliana looked at her older brother, all wide-eyed.

"I've inferred it from a book I read." Ryan began to gesticulate as he broke it down for them. "When the male and female behave intimately, pregnancy can occur. That's what the source material said."

Violla was nonplussed and was at a loss as to how to explain that.

"That's kind of true, except that it only applies to adults. All of you are too young to conceive," Davon patiently explained as he carried Ryan and Eliana to the couch.

"Really?" Jason's brows perked up. "Does that mean that our music teacher is going to be fine?"

"Of course she will be," Davon answered in earnest. "Intimacy means something different when a child and an adult kiss. However, you shouldn't start kissing girls wantonly. It'll be hard to change when you grow up should you ever make a habit of that."

"Understood." Jason nodded profusely. "I'll stop randomly kissing girls and getting girlfriends."

"That's the spirit." Davon then ruffled his mild curls. "It's good to share things with grownups, so we could encourage you if you did something positive, and should you make a mistake, we can all try to work together to set things right."

"Okay, thank you Uncle Davon." Jason nodded gratefully.

"Uncle Davon, there's a boy at school who said he likes me and wants to be friends. He gave me this today." Eliana produced a little red flower from her bag. It was a paper-craft made by that kid, with the name "Eliana" written on it.Apparently, a lot of effort went into it.

"Would you like to be friends with him?" Davon asked gently.

"I don't know him very well as we're not from the same class," Eliana replied. She tilted her head and seemed to be thinking very hard. "He's kind of cute though."

"If you don't know someone that well, then you shouldn't accept his present," Davon said. "You should return the gift to him. Tell him that since all of you are schoolmates, you could all play together."

"Alright, got it." Eliana nodded obediently. She then carefully placed the little red flower back inside her bag.

"How about you? Do you have anything interesting to share?" Davon asked as he turned his attention to Ryan.

"I think that the stuff that is being taught is too elementary." The boy shrugged. "Every day, I just look forward to coming home and attending online lessons, even though their content's pretty straightforward too. I have since had a chat with the teacher, who has started to share new stuff with me."

Davon brows raised in surprise when he heard that. "I'll attend the online lesson with you and assess your progress so that I may adjust your learning scope accordingly."

"Okay." Ryan was excited and anticipatory. "Thank you, Uncle Davon!"

"Don't forget about me." Jason raised his hand and waved to draw attention to himself. "You promised to teach me martial arts."

"And me too." Eliana squeezed herself in front with her hand held up high as well. "You told me I was going to teach you how to sing, dance and draw."

"Sure, sure. I'll definitely do everything I can to fulfill my promises." Davon then took a quick glance at his wristwatch. "We'll start at seven-thirty!"

"Yay!" The three children cheered in unison as they looked forward to their night lessons.

"Gather round everyone. Dinner's ready." By this time, Mrs.Blake laid out the sumptuous spread of dinner with the assistance of the butler, the head maid and a few helpers.

The head maid was concerned that Mrs. Blake might be tiring herself out. "You've already done the cooking. Do wash up and prepare to have dinner yourself. You can leave the rest to me."

"In that case, thank you." Mrs. Blake then loosened her apron. "Come along now, children. I'll take you to the sink."

"Okay." Ryan and Eliana sprinted over with Jason playing catch-up in his wheelchair behind. "Hey, wait for me."

Three nurses immediately approached to help. Violla felt all warm and fuzzy inside seeing how lively the house was. This was the kind of family life she coveted, simple but cozy.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Davon asked as he pinched her cheek lightly.

"I feel so blessed." Violla leaned in and hugged him tightly. "Thank you."

"Silly you," Davon responded by kissing her on top of her head. "Which reminds me. We should hold a family meeting after dinner."

"A family meeting?" Violla was mystified.

"It's about time the kids knew who I am. We can't have them calling me "Uncle" anymore," he said solemnly. "And you should stop calling me escort as well. It's a bad influence on them."

"Then what should I call you instead?" Violla asked.

"Hubby, for starters," Davon commanded.

"Pfft.." A flush crept across Violla's cheeks as she buried her face in her hands. "I'm so embarrassed."

"We'll take it slow, with a bit of practice." Davon cupped her face and instructed in earnest. "Take my lead, Hub…!"

"Hub…!" went Violla compliantly.

"…By!" Davon said.

"….By!" Violla repeated.

"Hubby!" Davon started.

"Hubby!" Violla repeated.

"Yes!" Davon affirmed it positively.

Violla chuckled. She was left red to the ear, and could only lean her forehead into his chest to hide her embarrassment.

"Good girl!" he whispered kissing her forehead.