

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs




A moment later, Finny had finished drinking the entire glass of wine. She gave a resounding burp and fell asleep in the glass.

"Finny!" Jason grabbed hold of her and pulled her out of the wine glass. He gave Finny a good shake, trying to shake the droplets of wine out of Finny's feathers.

Finny looked a little dazed. She stuck out her red tongue as her eyes rolled around in their sockets.

"Jason, put her down right down!" Eliana slid down from the seat and ran over to Jason .She grabbed poor Finny from him and yelped, "You can't shake Finny around like that! You'll make her throw up."

Eliana still didn't understand what being drunk meant.

"Oh, alright then." Jason frowned crossly. He mumbled to himself, "Girls are too much trouble."

Davon's lips curved into a smile. He pulled Jason to sit down next to him and asked, "Tell me, what else do you like?"

"I like guns!" Jason said, his head tilted in thought. He said seriously, "I also like airplanes, cars, battleships…basically, I like everything that a man should take interest in, including pretty girls."

"Wow." Davon felt a little stunned. "You're still so young, and you already take an interest in pretty girls?"

"Of course!" Jason's handsome face took on a rather haughty expression. "I had three girlfriends in kindergarten, you know."

Davon was at a loss for words. He never thought the Roman family would have such a playboy among them—after all, both he and his father were known to be great romantics.

However, he heard that Dante his father used to be quite the playboy when he was younger too.

Davon heard his phone ring again. When he saw who was calling, he picked up the phone immediately. "Hello?"

"Mr. Roman, I…"

"Davon, it's me." Laura's voice sounded from the other end of the phone. He could sense how anxious she was from her urgent tone. "When are you going to stop avoiding me? Even if you have certain thoughts about me, can't you tell it to me face-to-face instead?"

"I've already warned you not to look for me at my company," Davon said, frowning.

"I was forced into it, alright? I tried calling you, and you refused to pick up. You even ignored all my messages and blocked my number? What else could I do but call you using Molly's phone."

"There's no point in calling me. Whatever is going to happen will happen. We'll decide on the matter once grandpa wakes up."

As soon as he finished saying those words, Davon hung up the phone. He looked down at Jason, who was squirming around in his arms.

He looked a little frightened as he curled up in Davon's arms and stared up at him.

"What's wrong?" Davon asked, smiling slightly.

"You looked so scary just now when you were talking on the phone," Jason said timidly.

"Indeed. I always look more serious when I'm talking about work matters," Davon mused, smiling slightly. "I only tone it down a little when I'm with the three of you and your Mommy."

"Oh, that's good, then." Jason heaved a sigh of relief. He tilted his head and asked curiously. "Well, are you Mommy's boyfriend then?"

Davon didn't know how to react to Jason's question. In actual fact, he was their biological father, but since he and Violla weren't married yet, they were technically still on girlfriend-boyfriend basis.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I don't know if my jerk of a father is alive or not. If you can treat Mommy nicely, I suppose we can accept you into our family."

As Jason prattled on, he didn't realize that the expression on Davon's face had changed completely.

"Your jerk of a father?" Davon repeated with a frown. "What has your mother been telling you?"

"Mommy has never talked to us about him." Jason looked a little sad. "We get teased all the time in kindergarten. I went to ask Mrs. Blake, and she got very agitated. She said that our father was an irresponsible jerk."

"Although she recanted her words almost immediately, I knew at once that the man was a good-for-nothing piece of trash. But you're different from him, Uncle Davon! You treat both Mommy and us nicely, and you're even grandpa's grandchild.I've decided to accept you!"

Davon felt rather stunned. He decided that he'd better talk this over with Violla first before discussing it with the kids.

"I'm done! I solved it!" A loud whoop pierced the air. A smile had lit up on Ryan's handsome face, and his eyes were shining like two diamonds in the night sky.

"Let me see!" Davon took the laptop from him immediately and scanned the screen with excitement. Indeed, Ryan had actually resolved the blind spots in the research and development of smart products newly produced by Roman Corporation.

Davon swept Ryan up in his arms and asked, "How did you manage to resolve them?"

"There's a system error here. Once you rectify it, however…" Ryan pointed at the screen and carefully explained his action plan to Davon. When he was done, he asked rather hesitatingly, "Uncle Davon, is this okay?"

"Of course! Definitely!" Davon nodded frantically. He had already resolved that issue at night, but he had decided to let Ryan have a go at it so he could test his intelligence.

To his pleasant surprise, his son turned out to be a genius!

"Does this mean you'll fulfil one of my wishes now?" Ryan asked excitedly.

"Of course! What would you like?" It was rare to see Davon so happy. He seemed even happier than Ryan himself.

Although Ryan didn't resemble him in looks, his talent and skills with technology were certainly on par with his own.

"I don't know what I want right now, but I'll tell you once I think about it!" Ryan crossed his arms proudly, trying to make himself look older. "It took me a great deal of effort to get this wish, so I'm going to make it count."

"Yes, yes…" Jason jumped in. "It's like having a genie's lamp. You only take it out at a critical moment."

"Exactly," Ryan said, smiling as he nodded.

"Haha, no problem!" Davon slung his arms around both his sons, grinning cheerfully.

"Ha, look how you're smiling now!" Eliana said, pouting sulkily. "We'll see how you cry later during our music lesson!"

Finny let out another big burp. Flipping onto her back, she fell asleep immediately.The car arrived at the kindergarten very soon.

The school was starting in a few minutes' time. School buses were pulling in through the gates slowly.

The Roman's family's Rolls-Royce pulled up after the row of school buses and stopped by the side of the school building, drawing a crowd of curious onlookers.

The security guards shepherded the children away, preventing them from getting closer in case an accident happened.

A bunch of children got down from the school bus, holding onto the clothes of the student before them. Like a string of grapes, they followed their teacher to the classroom.

However, their eyes remained fixed on the Rolls-Royce, wondering who the car belonged to.

A team of medical staff had already arrived in another car, and were waiting in a straight line as the Rolls-Royce pulled up.

A few bodyguards got out of the car. One held the door open as the others carried the children out of the vehicle.

The moment the students saw the three children, they hurried forward to fuss over them.

"It's Ryan, Jason, and Eliana!" There was a loud exclamation from one of the children in the Play group Class, and all the children turned their heads to look.

Immediately, they started calling out to the children excitedly.

Eliana greeted her friends cheerfully.

"Uncle Davon, Uncle Davon." When Jason spotted his classmates, he tugged at Davon's hand urgently and exclaimed, "Look over there! The girl with the two pigtails was my first girlfriend!"

"Oh…" Davon looked up to see a dumpy little girl in a yellow dress and two pigtails. She looked over and waved cheerfully at Jason as she followed her classmates into the classroom. " Jason, come and stand next to me!" she called. "I've saved a space for you!"

"Well, Girlfriend Number Two is that mixed-blood girl over there." Jason pointed to a girl whose features seemed a little oriental.

Davon turned and looked again. This time, he saw a little girl with natural curly hair who was wearing a white dress. She looked at Jason shyly before turning away and joining the queue again.

"That girl's a pretty one. Why did you change your mind?" Davon asked in confusion.

"These days, I like mature women more," Jason pointed at his music teacher with delight. "My current girlfriend's over there!"

"What…" Davon turned to look at the music teacher with consternation. She was young and very beautiful. However, he turned back to look at Jason and said helplessly, "You naughty boy! Keep your eyes glued to your books!"

"I'm very focused in my studies! But that hasn't stopped me from getting a girlfriend, has it?" Jason blew a kiss at his music teacher. "Good morning, Miss!"

"Good morning, Jason!" the music teacher walked over to them. She smelled a little like fresh flowers. "And good morning to you too, Ryan and Eliana!"

"Good morning, Miss!" The children chirped happily as she approached them. Evidently, they all liked the music teacher very much.

The music teacher turned to look at Davon curiously. "And this is…"

"He is…" Before Ryan could say anything, Jason jumped in eagerly and said, "He's Mommy's boyfriend!"

"Oh…" the music teacher felt a little stunned at his reply. Immediately, she turned to Davon with a smile on her face. "How do you do!"

"And how do you do," Davon replied blandly.

At that moment, the principal came running towards them with a few higher-ups in the school and the teachers who taught the triplets. She bowed with delight and greeted Davon rather obsequiously. "Hello, Mr. Roman!"

"I didn't know you were coming,I would have come out and received you at the school gates otherwise! Please pardon my rudeness."

"Don't worry about it," Davon replied politely. "I simply came by today to drop the kids off at school. I've also brought some presents for the teachers and the other kids."

Cruze waved his hand impatiently, and the bodyguards opened the car door immediately, revealing a tower of presents that looked as though it was about to topple any minute.

"Oh dear…" the principal froze, looking rather uncertain. She quickly replied, "How...how could we accept these presents, Mr. Roman."

"Go and hand them out to the children and the teachers." Davon was a man who was completely used to calling the shots. Right then, he sounded extremely indifferent, as though the presents were of insignificant value to him.

"Oh, of course, of course!" the principal felt both startled and delighted. Immediately, she called the security guard over to come and help distribute the presents.

"I'll send you guys to the classroom, then." Davon hoisted Eliana and Ryan onto his shoulders so he could free up his hands to push Jason in his wheelchair.

Ryan and Eliana grabbed his hair liked they always did in order to prevent themselves from slipping off Davon's shoulders and onto the ground.

Jason sat in a wheelchair, hugging Finny to his chest.The three medical staff followed behind them, helping the children carry their schoolbags into the classroom.

The bodyguards stood by the side instead of following them into the classroom. However, their expressions were tense and alert as they did their very best to watch out for the children's safety.

Seeing the huge crowd of people walking into the classroom, the principal and class teacher felt a little stunned.

In a low voice, the class teacher turned to one of the children's nurses and asked, "What's going on? What's Mr. Roman doing here with these three children?"

"Mr. Roman is in a relationship with Miss Milan," the nurse replied in a whisper. "That's all I know for now."

The class teacher clamped a hand over her mouth in shock. In a scandalized whisper, she said, "Oh my goodness, no wonder."

Her reaction was rather understandable. After all, to the staff at the kindergarten, Davon was an unattainable figure , on a very high level. Meanwhile, Violla was an impoverished single mother with three children from a previous relationship.

The two of them only met each other because D'barl bumped into Jason by accident.

'Had they gotten together in such a short amount of time?' The class teacher couldn't help but marvel silently at Violla's good fortune.

"Mr. Roman, Eliana is a student of playgroup Class. Her classroom is over here." The principal led them into the classroom.

Suddenly, the school workers and classroom teacher were handing out the presents to the students. As they went down the noisy rows, they said, "These presents are from Ryan, Jason, and Eliana! Hope you like them!"

"Thank you, this is fantastic!"

"I love this! This is the Barbie doll I've been wanting for ages!"

"And I got the laptop that I've had my eye on!"

"Why are they handing out presents to us, anyway?" one of the students asked curiously.

"Here they are!" someone near the window called. Everyone crowded around the door to welcome them.




When they spotted them, the crowd of students started calling out the children's names. The cacophony made Davon's head throb with pain.

Instinctively, he narrowed his eyes, which made him seem more aggressive and annoyed than he actually felt.

Instantly, the students stepped away, too frightened to approach the kids.

A girl in a ponytail was so alarmed that she burst into noisy tears at the sight of Davon's face.

"Don't be scared! He isn't a bad person." Eliana kicked her little legs, signaling to Davon that he should put her down. Running over to the crying girl, she explained hurriedly, "He's my…"

"I'm their father!" Davon interrupted hastily.

He thought it would sound rather scandalous if he introduced himself as their mother's boyfriend. Besides, the students were too young to know about that sort of thing.

He thought it would be best if he stepped forward bravely and announced his true identity to the world.

Anyway, he was their father , and he would remain their father for the rest of their lives,that was an irreversible fact.

The three children turned to look at him, stunned. They could hardly believe what they had just heard.

Sure, they had already accepted Davon as their Mommy's boyfriend. They even took quite a liking to him and were willing to let him join in their fun. However…wasn't he moving too fast?

Were they really supposed to call him daddy now? That was all too sudden for them!

Ryan gazed in horror at Davon, his mind running at a mile an hour. He wasn't a stupid kid by any means, and he was quickly analyzing Davon's words to find any semblance of truth in them.

Jason was looking at Davon, too. His expression looked rather dazed. Had he heard wrongly? Or was he merely saying this in front of the other kids so they would stop harassing the triplets for not having a father?

Eliana's mouth was wide open in shock. Her eyes were as big as strawberries as she gazed open-mouthed at Davon, scarcely believing what she had just heard.

All the students in the class, too, were looking at Davon with a mixture of shock and confusion. Since the triplets started coming to school, they had never seen their father. Even the triplets themselves didn't seem to know who their own father was!

And yet this man had appeared out of nowhere and claimed himself to be their father!

Besides, he was tall and had a brutal look on his face. How...how frightening!

Even the teachers and the medical staff were gazing at Davon in shock.

This was the third piece of startling news they had received from Davon that morning, and it wasn't even noon yet.

Firstly, he had decided to send the triplets to school by himself.

Secondly, they found out that he was, in fact, Violla's boyfriend.

And lastly, he had gone from being Violla's boyfriend to being the father of her children!

Thank goodness the paparazzi weren't hovering around right then. Otherwise, that shocking piece of news would have spread across the globe like wildfire and caused a huge storm.

"Daddy, Daddy, burp.." Finny was so drunk that she was barely awake. She gave a loud, sudden squawk from Jason's arms.

That quickly snapped the triplets out of their daze.

Ryan quickly wiped the shock off his face and replied politely, "Uncle Davon, please put me down."

Davon set him down on the ground hastily. As they met each other's eyes for a fleeting moment, both of them registered the flustered look on each other's faces.

Ryan looked up uncertainly at Davon. He then bowed courteously and said, "Thank you for sending us to school, Uncle Davon."

"Yes, thank you!" Jason and Eliana quickly chimed in.

In their hearts, Ryan was the most important voice of authority after their mommy and Mrs. Blake. Thus, it was only right that they followed in his footsteps.

"And thank you for preparing these gifts for my friends and my teachers," Ryan continued politely. "You must be busy at work. We won't trouble you anymore, then!"

Looking at Ryan's stiff, indifferent manner, Davon couldn't help but feel a little guilty. He shouldn't have said something so shocking before thinking it through.

Instead, he should've discussed that seriously with Violla first before deciding on an appropriate way to tell the kids. It would have come as less of a shock then.

However, the words had already left his mouth. There was no use crying over spilled milk.

"Alright, I'll get going first then." Davon bent down to give the triplets a hug, but all three of them moved backward instinctively, as though they were afraid to get close to him.