

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs




Davon took the three children to the Hospital.Outside the ward, Davon had one child on each arm, with the third one sitting on Davon's shoulder. It was as if they were monkeys hanging from a huge tree.

The children gawked at Violla, who was in a deep sleep, through the glass door.With both her hands on the glass window, Eliana's eyes brimmed with tears while her little lips puckered up.

Ryan and Jason's eyes reddened as well. They didn't dare to cry but their eyes were filled with worry.

"Kids, Mommy is just sleeping because she was exhausted. Mommy will be able to go home after two days. Be good and go home to rest, alright?" Immaculate gently reassured them.

"Dr. Immaculate, what happened to Mommy? Is she sick?" Ryan looked at her with reddened eyes while he asked anxiously.

Immaculate replied smilingly, "Mommy has a cold and she'll be fine after resting for a few days. Even children can catch a cold, so wouldn't it be normal for adults to catch a cold too? It's nothing serious, you don't have to worry."

Ryan felt that something was wrong as he lifted his head to look at Davon and asked, "A cold? Didn't Uncle Davon say mommy was hurt?"

Davon's expression froze as he wasn't good at lying, especially when it came to children.

"Uh, that…" He paused momentarily, then immediately gave an excuse by saying, "That's because she caught a cold and wasn't feeling well, hence she tripped and injured herself while she was walking."

"Mommy is so pitiful." Eliana's heart ached for her mother. Her lower lip protruded and she started crying sadly.

"I want to go in and see Mommy. Can we go in?" Jason tapped on the glass window anxiously.

"It's better not to go in since Mommy is very weak right now and she needs some quiet time. You don't want to disturb Mommy, right?" Immaculate advised softly.

"But…" Even though Jason was a little disappointed, he nodded his head because he truly cared for his mother. "Alright, I won't disturb Mommy."

Eliana covered her little mouth to stop herself from crying out loud but tears continued rolling down her cheeks.

Davon felt relieved as Immaculate finally managed to coax the children into silence.

"Alright, it's time to go back and sleep." He didn't want the children to wake Violla up as she finally was able to fall asleep. If she woke up and started acting crazy like before, not only would that frighten the children but she would suffer as well.

"Then are we coming to visit Mommy again tomorrow?" Ryan tilted his head as he asked Davon.

"As long as you are well behaved, we can come and visit Mommy. So, go back and have a good sleep after eating your dinner. No more fussing." Davon carried the three children and left.

"Okay, I'll be good." Jason promised instantly in order to see his mother.

"Me too." Eliana raised her tiny chubby arm while she promised. However, fearing that she might fall off, she hugged Davon's head immediately.

As the eldest of the bunch, Ryan uttered, "I'll look after them. Uncle Davon, thank you for taking care of Mommy. We will repay your kindness when Mommy wakes up."

"The best way to repay me is to be obedient." Davon was afraid that they might create another fuss again.

"We will be obedient." Ryan promised instantaneously.

"Me too. I won't hit people with shoes anymore." Jason glanced at Davon timidly while he softly apologized.

"I won't rub my tears and snot on you too." Eliana sniffed forcefully while admitting that.

Davon was dumbfounded for a moment then he uttered, "Good children!"

The three of them had been fussing the entire time before they saw their mother, and after they were finally able to see her, they felt a little more at ease. Before he knew it, the children had fallen asleep in Davon's arms.

Afraid of falling off,Eliana grabbed Davon's hair with both her hands and her tiny body leaned against his head while she dozed off.

Davon quickly handed Jason, who was fast asleep to Cruze and Ryan to Immaculate, then he carefully carried Eliana in his arms.

Eliana rolled over and faced him. Her small chubby hands tugged at his shirt as she drifted off to sleep.

"Dr. Immaculate, put me down. I can walk by myself." Ryan had always been an exceptionally well-behaved and understanding child. He seemed mature compared to children his age. After putting him down, Immaculate walked next to him while holding his tiny hand.

While carrying Jason in his arms, Cruze shivered after recalling that child hitting him with his tiny leather shoes . He couldn't imagine what a terror he would be after growing up!

At the same time, while being in Jason's arms, Finny looked at Cruze timidly and its little eyes darting around. It was probably wondering if Cruze would snap its neck after it had pooped on his head .

Cruze deliberately glared at it, then Finny hurriedly flew to Ryan's shoulder out of fear. Ryan looked over at Cruze, who immediately flashed an ingratiating smile at him.

Ryan was most likely to be the future heir, so it was better not to offend him.The moment they stepped out of the hospital, they suddenly heard a familiar voice. "Mr. Young Roman!"

Davon turned around and saw Douglas standing in the corridor while smiling at him.

"Hello Mr. Douglas!" Ryan greeted politely.

"Good boy, Ryan! It's so late, why aren't you sleeping yet?" Douglas went over and uttered gently.

"I'm here to see Mommy. Thank you for your concern." Even though Ryan was tired, he did not forget his manners.

"Silly boy, it's my pleasure. Have you gotten used to staying at Uncle Davon's place?" Douglas squatted down and caressed Ryan's head gently.

Ryan replied politely, "It's fine. Jason and Eliana are exhausted, Mr. Douglas. I'll go back with them to get some rest. See you next time."

Douglas patted his tiny shoulder and uttered, "Alright, see you next time! If anything happens, feel free to contact me anytime. Mr. Old Roman's phone is turned off but you have my number."

"Got it, thank you Mr. Douglas." Ryan replied courteously.

"Send them back." Davon handed Eliana to Immaculate and turned to look at Ryan. "I'll keep Mommy company at the hospital, then come back to see you guys tomorrow. Be good!"

"Yes." Ryan nodded his head, turned around and left.

Accompanied by a few bodyguards, Immaculate and Cruze entered the car with the children.

Seeing them leave, Douglas said smilingly, "Mr. Young Roman, care to talk for a bit?"

"What do you want to talk about, Mr. Douglas?" Davon turned around and entered the inpatient building.

"Miss Milan is the mother of these three children?" Douglas asked softly.

"Yes." Davon wasn't planning to hide the truth anymore because he knew there was no point in doing that. In addition, since the three kids were his, D'barl could no longer oppose Violla from being part of the family.

"Then, the three kids are…" Douglas was trying to probe further.

"I'll fill Grandpa in with the details after he wakes up." Davon thought he should tell D'barl about this matter personally, and it was better to keep a low profile for now.

"Noted. Sorry to disturb you." Douglas nodded in response.

Davon arrived at Violla's ward and saw her sleeping soundly. 'It must be due to the sedatives.'

He got on the bed and lay on his side. While hugging Violla, he gently brushed her messy hair with his fingers. Then he whispered to her ear, "Don't be scared, I'll never leave you again."

Throughout the night, although everything seemed calm and peaceful, Davon had an overwhelming feeling bubbling from within. It was as if he could predict something bad was about to happen.

As the time slowly ticked away, soon it was already daytime.

After experiencing such a hectic and strenuous time, Davon was extremely exhausted. Even though his initial plan was to look after Violla, instead, he had fallen asleep with her in his arms.

That morning, he suddenly felt someone gently caressing his brows, then he jumped up instantly and saw it was Violla's pretty face in front of him.

Instead of her being crazy and out of control like the previous night, Violla's expression was rather calm while she stroked his face.

"You're awake…" Before Davon was able to finish his sentence, Violla passionately kissed him.

It seemed that after the incident, all of Violla's worries had dissipated. At that moment, she only wanted to hug him tightly and kiss him. It was as if the world was coming to an end and she wanted to cherish every single last moment she had.

Violla's kiss was so passionate that it had consumed Davon entirely. Soon after, he couldn't hold himself back anymore as he leaned over her and returned her kiss fiercely. That morning, their souls were entwined by the passion they shared for one another.

Immaculate was standing outside the ward. Just when she was about to knock on the door, she unintentionally caught a glimpse of the both of them. She backed away instantaneously and signaled the other medical staff not to interrupt them.

Cruze and his men were calmly guarding at the entrance. They used to become shy and nervous whenever they saw such a scene in the past, but after some time, they were slowly accustomed to that.

The corners of Cruze's lips curled into a faint smile of relief as the worst had passed and everything was going to be fine.

After some time, Davon let go of Violla reluctantly. It wasn't because other people could see them through the ward's glass window from the outside, nor was it because he was shy. In fact, the main reason was that Violla had just returned and he was worried about her physical condition, so he decided to stop.

As he cupped her cheeks in his hands and gently brushed her soft lips with his thumb, he gazed into her eyes deeply and affectionately. He had so much he wanted to say to her, however at that moment, he only uttered, "From now on, I'll never let you get hurt again."

Violla's reddened eyes were brimming with tears as she responded, "I feel that I was so silly in the past… I should have cherished you better…"

"It's not too late." Davon kissed her forehead.

Violla closed her eyes and hugged him tightly. After pondering for some time, she suddenly plucked up the courage and uttered, "I have something to tell you."

"Hm? What is it?" Davon cupped her face in his hands and their eyes met.

Violla took a deep breath and uttered slowly, "I lied to you… Actually… Those three children are actually…"

"My flesh and blood! Am I right?" Davon interjected instantly.

Violla was stunned as she stared at him. "How… How do you know?"

"The few days you were missing, Ryan came to me for a talk." The moment Davon thought of him, his heart ached. "He said that to truly love someone is to never hurt them no matter what happens. At that time, he was sitting in front of me. As I looked at him, even though his body was small, his posture was very straight. His tiny face was calm and composed while his eyes were filled with determination, and I couldn't help but remember how I was when I was a child."

" Suddenly, there was an inexplicable feeling in my heart and even though I wasn't sure, I felt that he could be my child. After that, he accidentally drank some juice with peaches in it and was then sent to the hospital because of an allergic reaction. As I thought that there was something fishy about it, I sent his sample for a DNA test, and it turns out that he was my flesh and blood."

Violla froze and it took her quite a while before coming back to her senses. "You, you already knew? Then, how is Ryan now?"

Davon responded gently, "He's fine. Since he was given a shot, his allergies have cleared up. The three children are staying at my house now and I've already prepared a new room for them. From now on, that will be their home."

Then he kissed her on the lips while his hand pinched her chin. "It'll be your home too!"

"My home?" Violla was utterly dumbfounded. She had never expected her life to change drastically after experiencing a life-and-death situation. Without having to crack her brain and explain to Davon, he had already found out and made all the necessary arrangements. 'Am I dreaming?' She thought to herself.

"I should have thought of this earlier and I shouldn't have misunderstood you. The reason you didn't dare tell me this in the beginning was because I was too violent in nature, right? You're worried that there would be a lot of unpredictable dangers if I were to reconcile with the children?" Davon felt remorseful thinking how paranoid and violent he was in the past.

"I'm sorry…" Violla hugged him tightly. "It was my mistake, I should have told you earlier."

"It's alright. It's not too late, we still have time." While he gently stroked her hair, he uttered softly next to her ear, "When you are feeling better, we will go home and have a grand wedding. The children will definitely be thrilled about it and grandpa will be very happy too."

"Wedding…" Hearing Davon's words, Violla indulged in her imagination and pictured the children's bright smiles and D'barl's kind and loving face.

At the thought of that, Violla's lips curled into a wide smile as she hugged Davon tightly. She was eager for that happy day to arrive.

In a split second, she felt a sudden sharp pain coming from her arm. Her body froze instantly as she bit her lower lip forcefully to endure the immense pain.

Violla was brought back to the moment where several black figures held her down and injected her with an unknown drug.

However, that drug was like a ticking time bomb as it caused her to lose control of her emotions for a period of time, and at other times she felt as if a knife was slicing through her and the pain was excruciating.

She was very scared and afraid that the drug would destroy her. She was even more terrified of what horrifying things the drug would make her do and possibly hurt the people she loved.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?" Davon felt Violla's body tremble and he asked hurriedly.

Violla tried her best to endure the immense pain while uttering in a trembling voice, "My wound hurts… Where is Immaculate?"

"I'll ask her to come over right away." With that being said, Davon rushed out to look for her.

Right after, Immaculate entered the room and attended to Violla wound immediately. However, she did not proceed with any other treatments.

While holding back her doubts, Violla tried to ask calmly, "Immaculate, have you checked? Are there any other problems with me?"

"Apart from the trauma on your back and limbs, I haven't found any other problems for now." Then Immaculate continued to ask, "Miss Milan , are you feeling discomfort anywhere else? You need to tell me so I can treat you accordingly."

"This arm hurts…" Violla lifted her right hand strenuously. "The pain was around the wrist previously, but now it has spread to the elbow, it is also slowly traveling upwards all the way to the brain."

"I'll arrange for you to be examined right away." Immaculate immediately ordered, "Take an x-ray to see if her bone is fractured."

"Don't worry. Immaculate is an excellent doctor, she will definitely be able to cure you," Davon uttered reassuringly.

"Yes." Violla nodded her head.

Right after, Cruze, who was standing outside of the ward, said that he had something important to report to Davon.

"I'll go out for a while and keep you company later." Davon kissed Violla on the forehead and left in a hurry.

After the door was closed, Violla asked Immaculate in a low voice, "Dr. Immaculate, is there really nothing else wrong with me?"

"Hm?" Immaculate was taken aback for a moment, then she asked worriedly, "Miss Milan so far I have performed a variety of tests on you and I have yet to find any problems. Are you… Are you suffering from any other injuries? You have to tell me."

"No, but my arm hurts." Violla began to wonder if she was being paranoid since Immaculate didn't find anything else that was wrong with her tests either. Perhaps, that injection was only to put her to sleep and it wasn't anything serious.

The pain in her arm could also possibly be the aftermath of getting hit, and it would get better after some time.

As for the moments when she lost control of her emotions due to the pain, that might be due to shock.

"Don't worry, I'll arrange for you to be examined right away. It'll be fine." Immaculate uttered reassuringly.

"Alright, thank you." Feeling drained, Violla leaned back on the bed while noticing the pain in her arm slowly fading away.

'The attack I had yesterday seemed to have lasted for a very long time, whereas it was only a minute or two today.'

'It certainly looks like I might have been overthinking. Maybe there really isn't any other problem and I'll be fully recovered in a few days.'

While being in her thoughts, Violla slowly drifted off to sleep.

Then Immaculate tucked her in and pushed her for her arm x-ray.

Soon, the results came back. Violla's right arm bones were fine, however, there was some damage to her muscles. That might be the cause of her pain, but mainly it was from the excessive shock she had experienced.

After her analysis, Immaculate wrote them down on the examination report.