

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs




"Dante… Dylan… Davon…" D'barl was calling out to Davon and her brothers, but not a word about Diana and her other brother Dan.

Douglas looked at Diana awkwardly .

Diana's expression had changed from shocked to disappointed, then eventually disheartened. Suddenly, she cast a sardonic smile. She was mocking someone and it was no other than herself.

'I'm so silly. I actually thought he missed me. What a joke!'

Davon turned his head away and remained silent.He was aware that his grandpa didn't like Diana ever since she became ruthless and merciless. D'barl was always harsh to her and never showed her love after all Diana had changed from being the family princess to the family witch.

Davon once talked to D'barl about that, but the latter was pissed whenever he brought that up.

Davon didn't understand what D'barl was thinking. He wanted to ease the tension between his aunt and grandpa, but there was nothing else he could do.

He once felt pity towards his aunt. However, Diana had slowly gone stark raving mad, so Davon had no choice but to distance himself from her.

They had been minding their own businesses until Drew grew up into an adult. Since then, Diana had been plotting and scheming against her own family for the sake of her first son. She was trying to seize the family's assets to pave the way for her son.

Despite her effort, Drew was nothing but a good-for-nothing who splurged money like there was no tomorrow. In contrast to Davon's outstanding capabilities, all Drew knew was picking up girls.

Therefore, their relationship was pretty good as there was no conflict of interest between the two of them. In fact, Davon always helped Drew out when he got himself into trouble.

However, their relationship began to turn sour when Drew was drugged and tried to force himself on Violla. That time, Davon was pissed and almost choked him to death.

Indirectly, that incident intensified the conflict between Diana and Davon.

"Miss Diana, we can't stay here for too long. Do you have anything to say to Mr. Old Roman?" Douglas reminded Diana with a soft voice.

"Of course." Diana approached D'barl and called out her father, "Pops… pops…"

D'barl twitched his eyes in response to her voice.

Seeing his response, Diana was in seventh heaven. "Can you hear me? I'm Diana."

D'barl hummed as if he heard her words. His eyes were twitching but he couldn't open them.

Diana squinted her eyes and smiled deviously. "Please get well soon, pops. I have something great to tell you. You'll be overjoyed hearing that."

Douglas bent down and carefully guarded D'barl beside the bed. He was afraid that Diana might say something to provoke D'barl intentionally.

Unexpectedly, Diana stepped away without saying anything else. She then turned to Douglas. "I'm done. Mr. Douglas, what did the doctor say? When can pops regain his consciousness?"

"Mr. Old Roman had a fall in the bathroom. The doctor said that he would need to rest well for at least half a month to improve his health condition. If his condition turns bad, the recovery period might take up to months. But Mr. Old Roman is a strong man and I believe he'll get well soon," Douglas replied.

"I hope he gets better soon." Diana heaved a sigh. "Please take good care of pops, Mr. Douglas."

"Sure." Douglas nodded.

Diana thanked him, then she left the ward.

Douglas and Davon exchanged glances.Davon felt that it was strange.

'That woman just left like that. Said nothing and did nothing. That was not like her at all.'

Davon walked out of the ward.

Right then, Diana had removed her isolation gown and she was cleaning her hands with the sterilized wet wipes. "Don't forget to notify me when your grandpa awakes. I'll come with Drew and pay him a visit."

"If you don't play tricks, I won't stop you," Davon said.

"Ha! If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to be worried about." Diana sneered as she gazed at him through squinted eyes.

"Take care, my good nephew." After saying that, she dusted her hands and turned around.

Davon couldn't help but frown at her as she walked away.

Davon didn't trust Diana although she was being cooperative the whole time. He had a subtle sense of foreboding.

Right then, his phone rang out. It was Immaculate. "Mr. Roman, Miss Milan has awoken!"

As Immaculate was speaking, Violla let out a horrifying scream.

Hearing that, Davon's heart dropped and instantly rushed to the elevator.

Davon dashed into the ward where Violla was. Four medical staff were pinning her down while Immaculate tried to comfort her. "Miss Milan, don't be scared. I'm Immaculate. You're safe now. Please calm down."

However, Violla wasn't listening to her at all. She kept struggling while screaming her head off. She looked like she had experienced something horrible.

Davon took a huge stride towards Violla. "Get lost!" he shouted.

The medical staff backed away immediately.

Violla had lost control of herself. She grabbed a syringe and swung it around. She accidentally scratched her own arm with that.

Without hesitation, Davon hugged her tightly.

Violla shoved the needle into his arm. Despite that, he still didn't let go of her. He held on to Violla tightly and refused to let go. "It's okay now. It's okay now. I'm here… I'm here…"

Violla kept struggling like a crazy wildcat but Davon's grip was tight and she was trapped in his arms, unable to move.

She then opened her mouth and bit him on his neck. Violla was biting so hard like a wild beast biting its prey.Blood streamed down from his neck.

But Davon didn't push her away. Instead, he stroked her head to calm her down.

Terrified by the scene, the medical staff were trembling with fear.

Violla finally calmed down after a long while. Slowly, she fell asleep in Davon's embrace.

Immaculate quickly approached him and lowered her voice. "Mr. Roman, I'll remove the needle now. Please bear with it for a little while."

Davon gave a nod.

Immaculate clenched her teeth and removed the needle, slowly and carefully. "Luckily the syringe is empty. Still, it's painful enough."

"What happened? Why is she like that? Is she hurt?" Davon questioned.

"I've run a thorough examination on her. Other than the injuries on her back, there are ligature marks on her wrists and ankles. I also invited a gynecologist to check on Miss Milan and there's no sign of sexual assault. I'm not sure why she had such reactions after she awoke. Could it be that she's traumatized?"

Immaculate was puzzled.

"Leave," Davon instructed.

"Yes, Mr. Roman." Immaculate left the room with the medical staff.

Davon held Violla in his arms and gently kissed her on her forehead. He blamed himself for not keeping her safe from harm. She had suffered a lot because of him.

Looking at her frail body, his heart was shredded into pieces. Meanwhile, his hatred towards Diana increased by the second.

He swore to himself. 'I'll make her pay double the price for what she did to you.'

Right then, a knocking was heard on the door, followed by Cruze's voice. "Mr. Roman, the kids called Mr. Douglas and asked for Miss Milan. The head nanny said that the kids were throwing a tantrum. They skipped their meals and stayed awake to wait for their mother."

Davon frowned hearing that. He promised to take Violla home that night and the kids were looking forward to that.

After giving it some thought, Davon replied, "Get the car ready. I'll go over."


Davon caressed Violla's cheeks and tidied her hair. His heart ached as he saw the marks on her wrists. Suddenly, he spotted a prick mark on her wrist. He immediately called out to the medical staff.

"Mr. Roman." Immaculate entered the room.

"Why is there a prick mark on her wrist?" Davon queried.

"Before you came in, Miss Milan had grabbed the syringe once but I took it away from her. My hand was pricked too. Then she pricked the needle into your arm too." Immaculate showed him the prick mark on her own hand.

The crease between Davon's brows deepened. 'Something's off.'

"Examine her one more time. Check carefully," Davon ordered.

"Yes, Mr. Roman." Immaculate nodded.

Davon continued giving instructions. "Get a few more staff to take care of her. Give her sedatives when necessary. Don't let her hurt herself. I have to go home now and I'll come back later."

"Understood. Leave it to me." Immaculate said.

Davon rushed home and it was already ten o'clock at night by the time he arrived.

The triplets were sitting on the sofa and waiting for their mommy. Ryan was holding a book in his hand. He looked as if he was reading calmly, but he had been sneaking peeks at the door, hoping to see his mother soon.

Right beside Ryan, Jason was feeding food to Finny. However, he hadn't eaten much for dinner as he was not in the mood. He missed Violla.

As for Eliana, she was hugging her stuffed alpaca while dozing off on the sofa. She was so sleepy, yet she tried to keep her eyes open and focused on the door.

Hearing the sound of the car engine, the three of them sprung up from the sofa.

Ryan immediately dropped his book and put on his shoes.

Eliana was bare-footed as she bolted out. She shouted loudly with her squeaky voice, "Mommy! Mommy!"

As soon as Ryan put on his shoes, he sped out of the house.

"Ryan, Eliana, wait for me!" Jason yelled behind them.

"Wait for me!" Finny also shouted.

The nurse hurriedly carried him and placed him in the wheelchair, then they caught up with the others.

Holding Finny in his arms, Jason stretched his neck to look outside.

However, they could only see the fierce, tall man getting out of the car. They couldn't see their mommy.

Eliana was stunned for a few seconds, then she smiled mischievously. "Mommy, stop playing hide-and-seek! Come out now!"

She then ran around the car, trying to look for Violla.

Unlike Eliana, Ryan didn't think it was a game. He had a bad feeling instead. He frowned and questioned, "Where's Mommy?"

"She…" Davon parted his lips to speak but no words came out. He had never spent time with kids, so he didn't know the right way to talk to them.

"Mommy, stop hiding!" Eliana looked high and low for Violla but she couldn't see her. She couldn't help but burst into tears. "Dumdum, where's Mommy?"

"Your Mommy… She is sick." This time, Davon didn't correct the way he addressed them. He picked Eliana up and placed her on the roof of the car. "She needs to get some treatment. I'll bring her home after she recovers." Davon stroked Eliana's head as he explained.

"What! Why is Mommy sick? What happened?" Eliana stared at him with her big round eyes.

"She's injured." Davon didn't know how to lie to kids, so he told them the truth instead.

Hearing that, Eliana's face turned pale and squalled with fear.

"Oh no… Don't cry!" Davon was at a loss.

"Uncle Davon!" Ryan gripped his shirt.

Davon lowered his vision and looked into Ryan's reddened eyes. The latter was trying hard to hold back his tears. "Why is Mommy injured? Is she alright? Where is she now?"


Right then, Jason came out in his wheelchair. He clenched his little fists and questioned Davon. "You're a liar! You promised to bring Mommy home tonight. Why is she injured? Did you hurt her?"


"Mommy! I want to see Mommy!" Eliana was crying her heart out. She even choked on her tears.

Eliana's loud cries interrupted Davon before he could finish his sentence. He had a splitting headache as he was rendered speechless at the moment.Never once had he been so flustered as he was then.

"Uncle Davon, please take us to Mommy." Ryan's voice started to waver but he fought hard to contain his emotion. "No matter where Mommy is, we need to stand by her."

"Your mommy is in the hospital. It's late now. You just rest at home."

"No! If I don't see Mommy, I won't eat any food!" Jason pouted with anger and started throwing a tantrum at Davon.

"Mommy! I want to see Mommy!" Eliana was sobbing bitterly. She accidentally slipped and fell from the roof of the car.

Davon immediately caught her with his arms, but he had no idea how to hold a little kid. Thus, he gripped her legs with one hand and held her body with another hand. He held her tightly so she didn't fall.

"I want to see Mommy! Mommy…"Weeping loudly, Eliana hugged his neck and rubbed her face against him. She wiped her snot and tears with his clothes.

"Bad guy, I'll call the police if you don't take me to Mommy." Jason took off one of his shoes and threw it at Davon.

"Please take us to Mommy." Although Ryan was calm, he was determined to see his mommy.

Finny flapped its wings and kept circling above Davon. "Mommy! Mommy!" it said repeatedly.

Davon closed his eyes and felt like crying too.

"Kids, calm down. Your mommy…"Cruze stepped in and was about to ease the situation. Suddenly, he sensed that something sticky fell upon his head.

He reached out to his head and got a handful of Finny's droppings! Cruze raised his head and glared at Finny with anger.

The parrot stared at him while flapping its wings.

Cruze clenched his teeth as he stared at Finny. He made a sudden move and Finny hurriedly flew to Jason's shoulder out of fear.

"How dare you bully Finny!" Jason took off another shoe and flung it at Cruze.It hit Cruze right on his face.

Cruze's mouth twitched slightly. 'This kids are monsters! Just like their father '

"Stop crying!" Davon could no longer contain himself.

Eliana froze for a few seconds and glanced at Davon. After that, she cried even louder than before.

Jason took out the phone angrily. "I'm calling grandpa Roman. I'm going to tell him that you're a bully!"

"We want to see Mommy! If you don't take us to the hospital, we'll call the police!" Ryan pouted and confronted Davon.

Davon turned to Cruze and bellowed, "Cruze! do something!"

"Mr. Roman, I… I…" Cruze pitifully stretched his arms and showed Davon the droppings and Jason's little shoe.

Davon frowned, then he looked at the nurses.

They quickly waved their hands while shaking their heads. "We… There's nothing else we can do. Once they start crying, no one can stop them except Miss Milan," one nurse said.

"Yes, she's right. We can only let them have their way." Another simply muttered.

"Eliana, don't cry. I'll give you…" The third nurse tried to calm Eliana down.

Eliana raised her head and continued to wail miserably. Her cries were ear-splitting like the cries of a wolf.

Davon couldn't help but let out a sigh.

For the first time in his life, he heaved out a sigh of desperation. He was at his wits' end. The triplets were driving him crazy.

He wanted to comfort the three of them so that they could eat well and sleep well while waiting for their mommy to come home. However, things didn't go his way. They asked him to take them to the hospital instead.He felt that he was at a loss when dealing with them.

"Alright, I'll take you to the hospital to see Mommy but you have to stop crying!" Davon decided to compromise.

With an immediate effect, they stopped crying in a flash.

'Do they have a switch or what?' Davon asked himself.

"And you have to promise me this. We can only stay there for a short while. The hospital is where people receive treatment. We shouldn't disturb the others. Besides, Mommy can recover quickly only if she rests well. Do you understand?" Davon patiently explained to them.

"Yes. We promise you!" Ryan nodded obediently.

"Jason?" Davon looked at Jason.

"I'll follow Ryan. But you must not lie to us again," Jason replied stubbornly.

"Don't hit people with your shoes." Davon said with a stern expression.

"I'll see how it goes." Jason was not afraid of him at all. He turned away and said arrogantly, "I didn't have my gun with me today, so I have to use my shoes as weapons."

Davon was speechless. 'Well, it takes time to educate kids.'

He then turned to Eliana. Before he asked, Eliana already raised up her hands. "I won't cry anymore if I see Mommy."