

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs


"Miss Milan," the nurse acknowledged Violla before leaving the ward.

Only Violla and Mrs. Blake were left in the ward.

Violla walked over to hold Mrs. Blake's hand as remorse crept into her heart. "I'm sorry for dragging you into my mess."

"Silly girl. We're a family, so I don't want to hear you say such things again," Mrs. Blake chided. Then, a scowl appeared on her face when she thought about Laura. "I don't have a good feeling about that girl. From what I could see, she's nothing but an arrogant bully who enjoys hurting others."

"But…" Violla wanted to explain the matter regarding Davon and her, but she didn't know where to start.

"You don't need to explain your private life to anyone." Mrs. Blake held Violla's hand, patting it reassuringly. "I will always support the decisions you make because I believe that you're a good girl and will never do anything bad."

"Thank you, Mrs. Blake." The elder lady's words had tugged on Violla's heartstrings.

"I've been thinking about who that girl's father is. I seemed to have met him before, but I just can't remember where." Mrs. Blake tapped her head. "I know I've seen him before. I just know it."

"He asked about my father just now. Maybe he had some business dealings with dad in the past?" Violla also found Tarique Junior strange. The first time they met, he had stared at her and even asked Cruze what her name was.

At that time, Violla thought that he wanted to avenge his daughter. But after she found him to be quite reasonable, she didn't think he was a bad person. However, the questions he asked just then had thrown her off a little bit.

"I don't think so." Mrs. Blake shook her head. "Back in the days, I was only in charge of family matters and rarely went to the company. Mr. Milan never brought any business associates back home either, so if that man was a business associate, it was unlikely I would've met him."

"That's true." Violla nodded. "Alright. Don't push yourself to think too much about that. Rest for now. I'll go buy something for you to eat."

Mrs. Blake sighed dejectedly. "What a pity. You used such a long time to cook the soup, but I didn't get to taste it at all."

Her heart ached at the sight of the lentil soup which was spilled all over the floor.

"It's okay. I'll make it for you again tomorrow." Violla ordered takeout for Mrs. Blake, making sure to choose the same food, lentil soup and bread. However, the soup didn't taste as good as the one Violla made.

Although she failed in making the buns and mac and cheese, she was quite good at cooking soup.

Most importantly, it was the thought that counted.

After eating lunch with Mrs. Blake, Violla stayed with her while her wound was dressed again and persuaded her to sleep before hurrying home.

She had two performances on that night. At first, it was only for a company anniversary party, but Faith informed her last minute that she would have to perform at a wedding banquet as well.

Violla rushed home and changed her clothes, then hurried over to the venue for her first performance.

That night was Olympia's off day, so she went over to assist her.

With someone by her side, Violla wasn't as keyed up anymore.

Her performances ended at nine o'clock. After receiving her pay, she treated Olympia to some meat skewers at a nearby restaurant and also passed the treatment plan Immaculate gave her to Olympia.

Olympia read through it in detail and immediately made her decision. "Violla, please help me tell Dr. Immaculate that I want to transfer my mother over and I'm willing to pay however much is needed."

"Okay. I thought you'd say that anyway." Violla nodded. "Don't worry about the cost. We'll figure it out. Our priority is making sure your mother gets treated."

"Thank you." Olympia was immensely touched by Violla's goodwill.

"Don't mention it, silly girl. We're a family." Violla smiled warmly. "Okay, tell you what. Come to Immaculate's Hospital tomorrow and I'll introduce you to Dr. Immaculate, then you can discuss with her about your mother's condition and also let her take a look at your hands."

"Okay. Thank you, Violla."

After having supper, Violla rushed home with a thought in mind. 'Will Davon be waiting downstairs at ten o'clock sharp like last night? Is he going to mad again if I'm late?'

With worry gnawing at her, Violla urged the taxi driver to go faster.

Finally, the taxi pulled up in front of the building in Uplands Estate at nine fifty-eight. However, Davon's car was nowhere in sight.

Violla thought perhaps he would only arrive at ten sharp since every second counted for a businessman like him.

Hence, she waited by the roadside for two minutes, but there was still no sight of him. 'Maybe he's caught in traffic? Or something important cropped up?'

Violla waited for a few more minutes, but when he still did not come, her head drooped with disappointment.

She speculated that he was probably angry because she didn't answer his call earlier and decided not to come.

Or perhaps he was busy placating Laura and her father after what happened in the ward. 'Whatever. Come or don't come, it doesn't matter to me! In fact, I'd rather he never come again.'

Violla took in a deep breath and marched into the residential estate, all the while giving herself a mental pep talk. 'Stop thinking about that b*stard. You're fine without him, Violla. He can do whatever the hell he wants.'

As she was deep into her thoughts, the elevator door dinged open to show a familiar figure standing inside.

Violla gaped at him, thinking she was imagining this. 'I must be seeing things after thinking about him too much.'

Violla rubbed her eyes. 'What? It really is Davon!'

"Are you coming in or not?" Davon peered at her coldly.

"What are you doing here?" Violla entered the elevator.

"What do you think?" Davon answered her question with a question.

"Don't tell me, you came upstairs to find me because you didn't see me downstairs?" Violla asked nervously, "Did you run into the kids?"

Davon remained silent.

"Wait, that's not right." Violla gnawed on her lip nervously. "I came back at nine fifty-eight sharp and I waited for you downstairs, but you weren't there. What's going on? When did you get here?"

"You waited for me downstairs?" Davon cocked a brow.

"Well, you said you'd pick me up at ten," Violla answered without thinking.

"Oh?" Davon reached out to pull her into his arms, gazing at her intimately. "So, you were also looking forward to seeing me, right?"

"N-No, I wasn't." Violla refused to admit that she was indeed looking forward to seeing him, or rather, seeing him had turned into a habit.

"Liar." Davon lifted her chin and nibbled on her cherry lips.

"Stop it." Violla frantically pushed him away. "There's a CCTV here."

"Then, we'll go home and pick up where we left off." Davon pinched her cheek dotingly.

"What? You're coming home with me?" Violla blanched in horror. "No, no, no. You can't."

"Why not?" Davon toyed with her. "Are you that ashamed of me?"

"The kids will see you and that's not good." Violla started to panic. "You should hurry up and go back."

Right then, the elevator doors slid open at the sixteenth floor.

Davon was about to walk out, but Violla quickly stopped him and pressed for the close button at the same time, frantically saying, "Wait for me downstairs. I'll come down after seeing the kids."

A frown appeared on her face after a while. "That's weird. Why isn't it working?"

She kept pressing for the first floor, but it just wouldn't light up. That was when she noticed that the button for level 17 was lighted.

"Forget it. Come out first and use another elevator." Violla was visibly flustered and Davon found it greatly amusing.

"Alright, I won't scare you anymore."

Then, he pushed her out of the elevator. "You have half an hour with your kids. I'll be waiting for you upstairs."

"Huh?" Violla was stunned, unable to understand him. "Go upstairs? Why?"

"Idiot." Davon couldn't be bothered to explain and closed the elevator directly.

Dumbfounded, Violla stood motionless and it took a while before she came back to her senses. 'Don't tell me… he moved in upstairs? No way, right?'

"Miss Milan, you're back." The door to her house opened at that moment and two of the nurses came out.

"Thanks for all your help." Violla greeted them. "Where's the other nurse?"

"She is waiting for Eliana to finish her milk. She'll leave after that." A nurse said with a smile, "Ryan and Jason are all grown up now. They don't want to drink milk anymore."

"Hahaha! Yeah, they said real men don't drink milk." One nurse mimicked Ryan and Jason's voices.

"Those two silly boys." Thinking of her children, a bright smile stretched across Violla's lips.

"I'm done." the nurse came out just then. "Oh, Miss Milan, you're back. The triplets are all asleep now."

"They slept a little later tonight because some people were moving things upstairs and it was quite noisy. It stopped only half an hour ago." Another nurse explained, "I think a new resident just moved in."

Hearing that , Violla was even more certain that Davon had indeed moved upstairs.

'He bought the unit next door for the nurses, and now he's bought the unit upstairs as well? What the hell is he up to?'

"You should go in and rest now, Miss Milan." The nurses urged, then reported, "Jason's follow-up visit today went well. The medical report is on the dining table. You can take a look at it when you're free."

"Alright, thank you for your hard work today." Violla smiled broadly. "I'll make breakfast for the kids tomorrow, so you three can sleep in a bit."

"Uhm…" One nurse wanted to protest.

"Don't worry, I'll prepare a perfect breakfast tomorrow. No more mistakes." Violla face heated up with embarrassment.

"Hahaha! Sure, the kids would be delighted. Goodnight, Miss Milan."

"Goodnight!" Violla returned home and picked up the medical report on the table. Jason's leg was recovering well. The doctor suggested that he recuperate for two months and go for his checkup on time each month.

There was also some takeaway food on the table with a note written by Ryan: Mommy, we brought this back for your dinner. Don't forget to reheat it before eating.

Violla was touched by their children's gesture. No matter where they went, they would never forget to bring food back for her.

She carefully pushed Eliana's bedroom door open and peeked in to see her hugging her stuffed alpaca, already asleep. Her chubby belly moved up and down in tandem with her breathing. She looked like a princess under the decorative pink veil, quiet and well-behaved.

Violla quietly closed the door and went to the next bedroom to see that both Ryan and Jason were already sound asleep. Jason was still holding a Rubik's Cube in his hand, while Ryan was holding a book. They even forgot to switch off the lights.

Violla crept into the room to switch off the lights, then covered them with their blankets before going out.

She moved the food on the table into the kitchen and changed into a set of comfortable casual wear. Putting on her slippers, she snuck out of the house again.

After making sure she locked the door, she took the elevator upstairs. Sure enough, Davon was in his pajamas and holding a glass of red wine while leaning against the door waiting for her.

"You really moved here?" Violla still found it hard to believe.

"Do you have to ask?" Davon pushed her inside.

Violla was shocked when she saw the furnishings in the house. "Did you move all your furniture here?"

"Obviously." Davon lowered himself onto the sofa, propping his feet on the coffee table. "I can't buy any good furniture on such short notice. Even if I did, there'd be the formaldehyde issue, so I moved the furniture from my place."

"Oh boy." Violla spun in a circle as she gawked at her surroundings. "It looks exactly the same. Even the vases, the ashtray, the paintings…"

"Idiot." Although Davon was slightly annoyed by the silly look on her face, he couldn't bring himself to look away. "This unit is only slightly smaller than two thousand square feet, so it can't accommodate all of my things. I only moved some of it."

"Why did you suddenly wanna move here?" Violla asked curiously.

"Because of you....." Davon stopped the words at the tip of his tongue and quickly corrected, "Because you're annoying. You woke me up so early and disrupted my sleep. I thought I might as well just move here so that I can sleep a little longer."

Violla noticed the way he was feigning indifference and couldn't help but giggle. "So, you wanna be closer to me and see me every day. Is that it?"

"Don't flatter yourself." Davon wore a disdainful look on his face.

"Oh? I'll leave then." Violla turned toward the door, pretending to leave.

"Don't you dare." Davon snagged her hand and pulled her into his embrace.

Due to the momentum, Violla fell on his lap, bringing their faces inches away from each other. She could even clearly see her reflection in his eyes.

Davon cupped her cheek with one hand and gently rubbed her lips with his thumb. "Why is your face swollen?"

Only then did Violla recall that she had been slapped by Laura earlier. Anger surged in her chest and she grumbled, "It's all thanks to you."

"Huh?" Davon frowned. "Laura hit you?"

"I slapped her back." Violla proudly lifted her chin up.

"I see you've finally grown a pair." The corner of Davon's lips tugged upward.

"Is that a compliment?" Surprise flashed across Violla's eyes.

"Of course." Davon grasped her chin and declared in a serious tone, "My woman is no pushover. If someone hits you, you hit them back!"

Silence ensued.

Thinking she had heard it wrong at first, Violla was stunned for a good few seconds before snapping out of it. "But she's your fiancee."

"My grandfather is a willful man, but he doesn't speak for me," Davon replied blandly.

"You don't want to marry Laura?" Violla asked tentatively, "Then, why did you agree?"

"I didn't…" Davon started, but continued with a question. "Didn't you want me to quickly get married so that you could get rid of me sooner?"

"No, I didn't…" Violla started to panic. "I just… I just…"

"Just what?" Davon held his breath, anticipating her answer.

"If you really want to marry someone else, would I be able to stop you?" Violla spoke from her heart, "I can't change anything, so what else could I have said?"

"So, you don't want me to marry someone else?" Davon's eyes glowed with an unusual light. "You like me, don't you?"

Violla bit her lower lip and pondered for a moment before answering earnestly, "When you're not violent, yes… but it's a no when you lose your temper."

Davon was rendered inarticulate and his brows gradually drew together. "What the hell?"

"To put it simply, sometimes I like you and sometimes I don't." Violla held his face in her hands and took the opportunity to plead, "If you promise not to lose your temper again, I'll promise to always like you…"

"That depends on whether you behave or not." Davon's hand reached into her skirt and slowly slid upward as his sexy lips pressed against her ear lobe. "Do you like me now?"

"No, I don't...." Violla's words were cut off when Davon sealed her lips shut with a rough kiss.

As she was imprisoned in his arms, she was defenseless to his antics. He pried her legs open and placed her on his lap so that she was straddling him, then guided her on a whole new adventure.

It was yet another wild and passionate night. However, this night was a little different as both of them bared their souls to one another, becoming physically and emotionally entwined.

Throughout the night, the two of them enjoyed the pleasures of love, becoming closer than ever.

As they lay in each other's arms in the wee hours, Davon caressed Violla's silky hair and gently kissed her forehead. "You're very cute when you're obedient."

"You too." Violla nestled in his arms, rubbing her cheek against his neck. "You're very gentle when you're not angry."