

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs


"I missed you grandpa Roman." Eliana hugged D'barl around the neck, "Did you miss me?"

"I did." D'barl's heart was melting. He ruffled Eliana's hair and lovingly said, "That's why I am here to see you."

"Grandpa Roman is the best!" Eliana cheered with her arms high up in the air.

"Grandpa Roman!" Ryan and Jason approached with the medical staff.

D'barl squatted on the ground and hugged Ryan, then Jason while smiling ear to ear.

Watching from the side, Douglas reminded , "Mr. Old Roman. You cannot squat for too long. Come on, stand back up."

"What a nag!" D'barl growled.

"Grandpa is your back alright?" Ryan helped D'barl with his little hands.

D'barl stood up, massaged his back, and sighed. "I'm fine, I'm fine. This is nothing. I will take you all to Fairy Land, okay?"

"Okay." The three children answered together.

They were delighted to hear that they were going to Fairy Land. Even Eliana clapped as she jumped around in excitement.

"Come on, let's get in the car." D'barl led Ryan and Jason into the car.

At the moment, a taxi drove up nearby, and Violla saw D'barl just as she was about to get off the car. She hurried and hid back in the car.Her heart pounded vigorously.

'Why would D'barl be here at this hour?'

"We're here. Aren't you getting out?" the taxi driver asked.

"Hang on a minute." Violla lowered her body in the back seat and whispered, "You can keep the meter running. Just consider it as another ride."

"You have been acting sneaky ever since the beginning. What are you scheming?" The taxi driver frowned. "Are you trying to kidnap the children?"

"Of course not." Violla nervously replied, "I'm here to pick up my kids."

"Then, why don't you get out of the car?" The taxi driver said impatiently, "Get out of the car immediately, or I will call the police."

"Wait…" Violla wanted to get out of the car then,but she was worried that D'barl would see her.

She peeked out the window and saw a bodyguard pushing Jason's wheelchair to the side of the car and then carried him up into the car.The car door closed.

"Are you getting down or not?" The taxi driver yelled.

Violla had no choice. She left the car and hid behind a garbage bin, sticking her neck out to peek.The car did not turn off, nor did it drive away.Because school was over, and school busses had already occupied the lane. The Rolls-Royce had to let the school busses leave first.

"Wow. There are so many Barbie dolls! There are princess dresses and they are all so beautiful!" As soon as Eliana got into the car, she saw many gorgeous Barbie dolls, plushies, and various Disney princess dresses. She cheered with excitement.

"Haha, as long as you like it." Seeing Eliana's happy face put a bright smile on D'barl's as well.

"Wow! There are so many toys!" Jason also saw his favorite toys. A full set of Transformers, Ultraman, and various Marvel superheroes.

D'barl caringly stroked Jason's hair. "I bought these for you. Do you like them?"

"I love them! Thank you grandpa Roman!" Jason replied as he happily unboxed the packaging.

"Ryan, this is for you." D'barl handed Ryan a box.

"Thanks, grandpa Roman" Ryan took the box and opened it. It turned out to be a customized ultra-slim computer. He was surprised, "Grandpa Roman, I'm not really good at using a computer yet."

D'barl carefully touched his hair and replied lovingly, "You can always learn."

"You're a smart and talented boy. I will teach you the basics today. Then, turn on the computer every day when you get home after school. I will arrange for world-class teachers to give you online lessons for two hours every day. You will become a child prodigy in no time!"

"Thank you, grandpa Roman." Ryan's eyes sparkled brilliantly. "Then, I can protect mommy and my siblings."

"Good boy!" D'barl hugged Ryan with the feeling of accomplishment. "I will definitely make you a king!"

" Grandpa Roman. Thank you." Ryan was so touched that his eyes were red. "How did you know what I wanted the most?"

"Of course, I do," D'barl replied lovingly. "Because your desire for knowledge and power resembles my grandson's when he was young."

D'barl thought of Davon proudly.Immediately after, he worried.

That man caused him immense anger yesterday. Seeing these three little children made him feel better.

"Grandpa Roman, you are so kind to me. I will definitely repay you in the future." Ryan sniffled with tears in his eyes. He believed that D'barl was the person who knew him the best in the world.

"Ryan, shouldn't we call mommy? She'll worry if she doesn't know we went out with Grandpa Roman." Eliana suddenly thought of this and mentioned while playing with her Barbie dolls on the seat.

"Yes, I will call mommy right now." Ryan called Violla with his smart watch.

Violla who was hiding behind the garbage bin jumped in surprise. She silenced her phone and answered with her mouth covered. "Hello!" she whispered.

"Mommy, grandpa Roman is taking us to Fairy Land. You don't have to wait for us to eat." Ryan said on the phone with a well-behaved voice.

"Alright." When Violla was speaking, a car honked.

Ryan was startled when he heard the sound on the phone. D'barl heard it as well.Because the smart watch was on speaker.

"Is your mommy nearby?" D'barl asked curiously, "Is she here to pick you up?"

"Mommy, are you at the kindergarten?" Ryan looked through the windows as he brought his smart watch closer to his ear, at the same time, lowered the volume.

"No. I'm on the way." Violla replied in panic, "Okay, Ryan. Eat with grandpa Roman. Mommy will be busy. We'll talk when we get home. Bye-bye." At that, Violla quickly dropped the call.

She held her forehead as she was troubled, she was never good at telling lies. Seeing that her words were full of loopholes, she might be discovered.

'No, the smart watch seems to be hands-free.'

'Oh boy, did D'barl overhear anything?'

Violla slapped herself in the face, blaming her own stupidity.

"Did you see your mommy?" D'barl looked out the window as well.

"No." Ryan stared at a trash can at the side of the road. A pair of white shoes were sticking out. But he did not expose what he saw. He calmly turned around,pulled the curtains and leaned back on his seat.

"Mommy should be on the way from work right now. Maybe she's in a traffic jam." Ryan added.

"Yeah." D'barl nodded without thinking much. "We're in a traffic jam here as well."

"It's ready, Mr. Old Roman," Douglas responded. With that, the car slowly drove off.

As the extended Rolls-Royce finally departed. Violla stood up and let out a long sigh.

She wanted to take the children out for a meal when she came back from Jude's, but she did not expect to see D'barl.

Thankfully, nothing was exposed just now. Luckily, it was Ryan who called. He was smart and would definitely cover for her.

'D'barl will not doubt a three-year-old child!' With that thought in mind, Violla calmed herself and took the subway home.

On the way, she thought about the resumes she sent out in the past two days. She sent more than forty of them, but there was not a single reply, unfortunately.

As a matter of fact, she knew that most companies required long-term staff right then. She submitted her resume for temporary jobs, but even so, no company responded. 'Is it really that hard to find a job now?'

After using the two million given by Davon entirely to sponsor Jude's factory, Violla was left with only a few hundred thousand in her bank account. She could barely make ends meet with that amount of money for the next few months.

While D'barl would be paying for Jason's medical fees by obligation, Violla would have to pay Immaculate for Mrs. Blake's medical fees since Davon wasn't aware of the surgery.

All in all, she had no choice but to work even harder to earn the money that she needed. While she could have easily made some extra cash by singing at Bar DWF, it had already closed down.

'Should I find another bar?' When bars hired resident singers, it was usually on a freelance basis, so she could just do the job for three months.

With that idea in mind, Violla searched for recruitment advertisements for bars on her mobile application for job hunting. There were many bars hiring singers, but none of them paid as generously as Bar DWF.

However, she also knew that she had only made so much money at Bar DWF because Drew had some connections there.

'Gosh, I guess I have no choice but to try them.' And so, Violla sent her resume to the bars that she had found through the mobile application.

She always had two versions of her resume saved in her files. One would be written to apply to large corporations like Romans Corporation, and the other was intended for finding a side hustle like singing at a bar or being a piano teacher.

Now that she had sent out her resume, all that she could do was wait and hope for the best.

"Violla?" All of a sudden, a girl's voice called out for her.Looking up, she met eyes with a youthful, cute girl who looked somewhat familiar.

"It's me! Olympia! Do you remember me?" she asked boisterously.

"Oh, hi!" Violla soon remembered that Olympia was the girl whom she had helped at the party in Garden golf. She was a pianist and student at the City Music Academy.

"What a coincidence! I'm so happy to meet you here. I've always wanted to contact you, but I haven't had the chance to because I'm so busy working," Olympia said.

"It's alright. It's great that we somehow meet again. By the way, how is your hands? Let me have a look!" Violla replied.

Crossing her arms and trying to hide her hands, Olympia murmured, "They are fine now… Urgh… "

Violla sighed and pulled Olympia's hands toward her.

Looking at Olympia's hands, Violla froze momentarily. Although her wounds had mostly healed, her slender, beautiful hands had become scar-ridden. Furthermore, some of her wounds seemed to be so deep that they caused damage to her nerves, meaning that she would never be able to play piano the same as before.

Thinking back on Laura's inhuman behavior, Violla's heart throbbed. Holding back her anger and sorrow, she asked, "Olympia, can you still play the piano now?"

"Of course, I can but my playing is not as good as before. Nowadays, few would want to hire me to play."

Tears welled up in Olympia's eyes.

"Last time, when you went on stage on my behalf, you won the audience over, and I got a new job opportunity. Though my boss is a nice person, I couldn't perform my best when I went to work the other day, and he advised me to find another job after giving me two thousand," Olympia continued, inhaling deeply to calm herself down.

"It's okay. There will be more opportunities to come. I can help you. " Violla felt very sorry for her.

"Violla, don't worry. I've found a new job. I'm working as a promoter now, and I get at least a thousand each night. Considering the bonuses that I receive, I'm earning even more than before!" Olympia was surprisingly optimistic about her situation.

"That much money? Where are you working at? Can I join you?" Violla's eyes lit up.

"Well, about that… " Olympia pursed her lips, looking a little awkward.

"Are all the positions there full? Don't worry. I'm just asking. Please don't feel bad about it," Violla quickly said, sensing that she might have been acting pushy.

"No. They are actually still recruiting people. It's just that… " Olympia hesitated.

"Just what?" Violla asked.

"I'm worried that you'll judge me if I talk about my job." Olympia looked down.

"No way! The kind of job you work for doesn't matter. I respect you for working hard to earn your daily bread!" Violla said, frowning.

Hearing Violla's reassuring words, Olympia came closer to her and spoke into her ear, "I'm actually working as a promoter at Empire Night."

"You… What?" Violla was stunned. 'Empire Night? Wow, how have I not thought of this before?'

Working at Empire Night paid very well. Even the promoters who simply carried plates and beers around earned big bucks. Tipping was also common.

The only downside to working there was that people of all walks of life would go there, and there would always be perverts and creeps lurking by.

More importantly, Empire Night was where her fate intertwined with Davon's. She would not want to relive those memories again, nor would she want to meet Davon there.

Seeing Violla's distressed face, Olympia began explaining for herself, thinking that Violla might have misunderstood that she was doing some shady hostess work. "I'm just a promoter, nothing more! Please believe me."

"Of course, I do. I've been to that club a couple of times before. I know that the promoters at the club work proper jobs. I'm just thinking… just thinking about working there as well," Violla said with a genuine expression, holding Olympia's hands.

"I think the job is not the right fit for you. With your piano skills, you'll be able to find a much better job. There's no need for you to work at a club," Olympia said, expressing her heartfelt thoughts.

"Yeah, I've sent out my resume. Maybe I'll get back from them soon." Violla smiled sheepishly.

Working at Empire Night would not be her first choice should another job opportunity come up.

Olympia nodded. "You should just wait a little longer. It would be great if you get a reply and find a better job, but if you really need the job at Empire Night, I will help you ask around, okay?"

"Okay! I'll keep an eye out for job opportunities that may be suitable for you too," Violla replied.

"That's great. Thank you, Violla. My stop is coming. I got to go now!" Olympia excused herself.

"Okay. Let's keep in touch!" After parting with Olympia, Violla was still feeling rather hopeful. She was positive that she would at least find a job at a regular bar or high-end restaurant as a pianist, with her impressive credentials.However, her hopes were soon crushed.

In the next three days, Violla received no news whatsoever from the places where she had sent her resumes to.

Out of desperation, she even made calls, but the owners of those bars and restaurants immediately declined her or made excuses upon hearing her name.

Violla was baffled by the situation. 'What is going on? Why?'

While she became a trending topic on social media platforms in the past due to a series of unfortunate events, things quickly died down, and the incident had long passed.

'So, why are these people shunning me away like a ghost?'

'Is someone working in the shadow against me?'

A few faces flashed in Violla's head. 'Is it Davon? Laura or even D'barl?'

No matter what, those three were not people whom she could afford to offend.

Violla was starting to panic. 'No way, am I really going to work in Empire Night?'

'No… I can still work as a waiter at a high-end restaurant, maybe? It's okay to earn a little less.'

Sighing, Violla decided to lower her expectations and sent out more resumes.

Just then, she received an untimely call from Immaculate. It was a call to urge her to pay for Mrs. Blake's hospital bills and medical fees. She stated that Davon had backed out from sorting the bills.

Violla furrowed her brows. She had thought that Immaculate would be more lenient with her payment due dates, so she had planned on paying for her bills when Mrs. Blake got discharged from the hospital . 'Oh, no. What am I supposed to do now?'

She tried talking to Immaculate.