

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs


The Tariques family left with Laura, accompanied by Immaculate.

Douglas was afraid D'barl's blood pressure might skyrocket, so he cajoled the old man to return home and summoned a doctor from Amelia's Hospital to examine him.

Everyone filed out of the room slowly. It was as if peace had returned.

Tarique junior was the last to leave. Clyde escorted him to his car.

Before he entered his car, Tarique junior flashed a warm smile. "I wanted to talk to Davon, but I don't think he wants to see me. Please convey my apology to him. After all, it was our fault things turned out this way."

"Please don't say that." Clyde was full of remorse.

"No, I should be the one feeling guilty." Tarique junior sighed. "If I knew Davon Roman was in love with another woman, I wouldn't have agreed to their marriage arrangement with Laura."

"Well…" Clyde was speechless.

'No wonder Mr. Tarique junior is a successful businessman. He knew nothing at first, but he immediately knew Mr. Young Roman took the blame to protect Violla.

'Actually, it doesn't matter who was the culprit. The person who Mr. Young Roman protects is the winner.'

"The girl's name is Violla Milan?" Tarique junior inquired out of nowhere.

"Yes," said Clyde with a slight nod.

"From Milan's Corporation ?" Tarique junior pressed on.

"Yes." Curious, Clyde wondered why Tarique junior was being so specific. Is he going to run a search on her?

"It's a rare surname," said Tarique junior thoughtfully. "Twenty years ago, I had a friend with the same surname and business."

"Oh?" Clyde relaxed at his answer. 'He's trying to find an old friend.'

"Alright, I'll get out of you way. Goodbye!"

Tarique junior patted Clyde's shoulder and entered his vehicle.

After he left, Clyde returned to Davon's office.

Davon's office was a mess. He had smashed everything he could. Some object Davon sent flying nearly hit Cruze in the head, but luckily the latter avoided it in time.

Clyde stepped forward to knock on the door as Cruze reminded him in a low voice. "You're knocking on the door now? Do you have a death wish?"

"What else can I do? I need to report the situation to him." Clyde was frowning. "By the way, what about Miss Milan?"

"Get someone to send her home," said Cruze. Then, he shared his opinion. "I think she can no longer stay in the company. Otherwise, I'm afraid Miss Laura will kick up a fuss every few days."

"That was what I thought, too." After taking a deep breath, Clyde knocked on the door.

There was no response. Clyde was wondering if he should leave when the door creaked open.

Cruze and Clyde exchanged glances before Clyde entered the office cautiously.

Davon was seated in his chair with his back to them. His reflection on the French windows seemed rather lonesome.

"Mr. Young Roman, everyone has left," reported Clyde carefully. "Your grandfather was fuming, but Douglas persuaded him to go home. He summoned a doctor as he was afraid the old man's blood pressure might shoot up."

Davon remained silent and fiddled with a Rubik's Cube in his hand.

"Immaculate has accompanied Miss Laura home and stayed on to treat her." Clyde continued with his report. "I just sent Mr. Tarique junior downstairs. He wanted me to relay his apology. He also told me if he knew you were in love with someone else, he wouldn't have agreed to the marriage."

Still, Davon said nothing.

"Before Mr. Tarique junior left, he got Miss Milan's full name from me." Clyde studied his boss' expression. "He claimed to have an old friend with the same surname twenty years ago."

"By the way, Cruze has sent someone to send Miss Milan home," he added after a brief pause.

"Tell her not to come to the company from now on." Finally, Davon spoke.

"Yes." Cruze knew his boss had the same thought as him and Clyde. As long as she stayed away from Romans Corporation, she wouldn't bump into Laura and D'barl. That was the only way to ensure her safety.

"Find out who was behind that poisoning, by all means. Go through everyone by Laura's side."

Davon spun his chair around and continued solving his Rubik's Cube. However, his gaze was as cold as ice.

"Got it!" Clyde bowed.

Davon was certain Laura had poisoned herself deliberately. Cruze and Clyde knew their boss well. However, there was no evidence to point it at her, so they couldn't expose her.

Laura was doing this to get rid of Violla in front of D'barl and Tarique junior.

Never in her wildest dreams did she expect Davon to take the blame in order to protect Violla.

In the end, D'barl flew into a fit of rage and slapped Davon in public.

Davon was an unforgiving person. He'd skin anyone who dared to mess with him. Naturally, he'd hold a grudge after being slapped.

D'barl was the one who slapped him, but Laura was the cause of the problem. Davon had pinned the blame on her.

'It doesn't matter if I get married. But if Laura was the one who poisoned herself, there's no way I'll let someone this wicked remain by my side!'

"Yes. I'll do that now." Clyde turned to leave when something occurred to him. "Mr. Tarique junior seems interested in Miss Milan," he reminded carefully. "Should I send someone to protect her?"

"No need," came Davon's firm reply. "I have faith in Tarique junior's moral standing. His daughter, however, is a different story."

"Yes." Clyde nodded. "After firing Miss Milan, should I arrange a new job for her?"

"No." Davon's gaze turned steely as he clenched his jaw. "Don't arrange a new job for her. In fact, make sure she doesn't find a new job. Someone as foolish as her needs to experience some hardships before she learns a lesson!"

"Got it!" Clyde bowed and left.

Outside, Cruze inquired nervously, "How did it go?"

"He's calmer now." Clyde let out a deep sigh. "I'll leave to carry out his orders now. Stay with him."


Meanwhile, Violla told the driver to drop her at Uplands Estate's gates so she could walk home alone.

She was overwhelmed by that day's events. Davon's protective stance kept popping up in her mind. Her emotions were a complex mixture.

'I wonder how is he doing now? He must be furious..Is he venting out his anger in his office alone? He must've broken all the expensive liquor and other collections in his office out of fury by now. What about the red mark on his cheek? Does it hurt?I guess his heart is aching more now.'

Violla exhaled sharply. 'Sometimes, I don't understand him. He is always harsh and controlling in front of me. If I showed any signs of defying him, he'd torture me like a madman. But every time I ran into trouble, he'd come and save me in time.'

'I thought he'd be on Laura's side today and question me harshly before sending me to the police station. Why did he help me instead? I don't get it.'

Suddenly, her phone rang. It was a call from Molly.

Violla quickly answered. "Hello?"

"Violla Milan, I'm calling on behalf of the company. You've been terminated. Your salary for this month will be transferred to your account soon. I'll pack your stuff up and mail it to you. Give me your address," Molly spoke swiftly.

It took Violla a while to regain her composure. "Okay, got it. There's nothing important there. You can throw them away."

"Fine." Molly was curt. "Take care!"

"You too. Take care!" she replied.

Violla knew this day would come. After all, everyone knew that Davon took the blame for her. Even if D'barl agreed to stop pursuing the matter, he wouldn't allow her to remain with Davon.

'Good. We won't argue that much if we don't see each other.'

Taking a deep breath, Violla's footsteps quickened as she headed home.

Right then, her phone rang again with a call from Amira.

This woman had disappeared for a while. Back then, Amira and Leila kept making things difficult for her. Of course, Davon made them pay heavily for their actions.

After they realized Violla was backed up by Davon, they stopped harassing her

'Why is she contacting me now? Did she receive news that Romans Corporation has just fired me? Whatever her reason is, I've decided to cut off ties with them.'

She rejected the call and continued her way home. However, Amira called her again.

Knitting her brows, she hesitated before answering her call. "Hello?"

"It's me," came Amira over the line. "Don't worry. I'm not trying to trouble you. Let's make a deal."

"Deal?" Violla found her request funny. "What deal could we strike up?"

"Don't you want the house your father built for you? Don't you want your father's business empire?" Amira revealed her intentions. "If you do, come meet me."

"What are you trying to do?" Violla frown deepened.

"Nothing. You're Davon's woman, while we're just trying to survive. We dare not play any tricks." Amira let out a bitter chuckle. "Leila and Franklin are divorced. We have lost everything, so we're thinking of selling our assets for cash and migrate to North Nation."

"Leila and Franklin are divorced?" Violla was surprised to hear the news. It was within her expectations, but she didn't know it would happen this quickly.

"Looks like Franklin had enough of Leila.'

"They got divorced a few days ago," revealed Amira sadly. "We haven't seen Titus for a month. Leila refused to eat and would only stare at Titus' photo and cry."

"Oh," Violla replied nonchalantly. "Look on the bright side."

"I know you must be gloating deep down. It must be funny for you. Never mind. We're now a joke to everyone. You can laugh out loud." Amira continued icily, "The Stanleys are not faring any better either. Since they wanted a divorce, we agreed. However, they kicked Leila out with nothing under her name. I can't believe they are this heartless."

"All that is none of my business," Violla uttered impatiently.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic," Amira replied. "We can't remain in this City any longer, so we're migrating to North Nation. After the Smiths family went bust, your Uncle Smith's factories have been suffering losses. Recently, when we went through the accounts, we realized there wasn't any profit. Instead, there was a deficit."

She sighed. "Anyway, we need money now. We're going to sell the villa and the factories. If we get an outside buyer, it will take some time. As we're short on time, I want to ask if you're interested to buy them. If you are, we can meet up and discuss the details."

"Are you overestimating me?" Violla retorted. "I don't have a cent under my name. Where would I get the money to buy the villa and factories?"

"You might be poor, but Mr. Roman is rich," Amira reminded her uneasily. "You've been with him for a long time. Don't tell me you got nothing from him? He can buy the factories and the villa easily."

Violla thought about it. "State your price."

"Three factories and a villa for seventy million. That isn't much," Amira hurriedly answered. "I know Mr. Roman is your backer, so I won't mess around. This is a reasonable price. If you don't believe me, you can ask him."

"Let me think about it…" Violla was about to put down the phone.

"Oh, wait," Amira quickly stopped her. "The price is negotiable. Please contact me any time after you've thought over it."

"You don't even have seventy million?" Violla was a little confused, "That ruby necklace can be sold for a lot of money. Besides, you have other assets."

"Forget it." At the mention of that, Amira became very angry.

"In order to save her marriage, Leila sold all the precious jewelry, cars and some fixed assets without telling us. A total of more than three hundred million was given to Franklin to help his company but all were lost. Don't worry about us cheating you. Mr. Roman is on your side, so we won't dare to do anything foolish. Just think over it properly. If you are interested, call me."

At that, Amira dropped the call.

Hearing the phone line go silent, Violla felt perplexed. Certainly, she had no desire to see her father's business go up in smoke. Nor did she wish to see her warm beautiful home of the past end up in the hands of some stranger.

She could use the inheritance her father had given her to buy back those things.

However, she had no experience in running a business. After buying back the factory, how would she run it?

There was also the villa to consider. With her current living conditions, she had to drive everywhere she went. The villa was so big that she needed at least four or five servants to maintain it. Currently, she had no ability to make so much money, so how was she going to maintain it after buying it?

Although her father had left her a sum of money, it would be used up if she had no income.

Furthermore, the affair between her and Davon had taken a turn for the worse. To D'barl, she was probably already a thorn in the flesh. At the same time, she was also a nuisance to the Tariques family. She could not imagine what would happen in the future.

She was exhausted physically and mentally and she did not want to struggle anymore. More importantly, Mrs. Blake and the children needed some stability.

All she wanted was to go away with the children and Mrs. Blake to a place where they can live peacefully.

Just as Violla's mind was wandering far away, her phone rang again. It was Jude.

Immediately, she answered the phone, "Hello, Mr. Jude!"

"Miss, I would like to see you. Is it convenient?"

"It is. Shall I come to your office?"

"Let me come to your place. Send me your address, please."


After hanging up the phone, Violla sent Jude the address of a café nearby. Then, she called Ryan, telling him to take his younger brothers and sisters home with the nurses after school and stay at home quietly.

Ryan promised her with reassurance. That way, she could concentrate on her work without worrying about them. He even mentioned that he would call her if there was anything.

Violla felt comforted. Now that her three babies had smart watches, it was easy to communicate with them.

Violla waited in the café for a little more than ten minutes before Jude arrived, sweating and panting. When he saw her, he said, "Miss, do you know Milan Corporation will be sold."

"I just received the news." Violla nodded. "Did Smith contact you?"

"He didn't specifically look for me. He just looked for the subordinates of Mr. Milan to see if anyone could buy it." Jude frowned and said indignantly.

"This person is really hateful. At first he used despicable means to seize the Chairman's inheritance. He made money for a few years utilizing the connections of the Stanleys. Now, he is selling it at a low price because he can't continue running the business. It's a waste of the Chairman's efforts!"

After saying this, Jude was a little uneasy again. "Miss, I shouldn't tell you this. I'm really worried. I don't want the foundation that the Chairman has worked so hard for to fall into the hands of others."

"I understand." Violla nodded. "I am not a kid anymore. There are some things that I know even if you don't tell me."

"Oh…" Jude sighed deeply, "I don't have much capital. If I have money, I will definitely buy those factories."