

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs


Now, Davon dared not do anything with Eliana anymore; he let her continue to sit on his shoulder as he sat down on a chair .

Right then, Ryan finally caught up with them. When he realized Davon did not hurt Eliana and was in fact, coaxing her, he slightly let his guard down.

Staring at Ryan, Davon asked solemnly, "Are you planning to just let your sister continue to sit on my shoulders?"

Hearing that, Ryan froze for a second. Then, he promptly tried to get her down. "Eliana, come down now."

When Eliana saw her brother had arrived, some of her fear dissipated, and she carefully slid down from Davon's shoulders.

Beside them, Cruze quickly helped to carry her, thinking to put her on the chair beside Davon's.

"I don't want to sit beside him," Eliana worriedly yelled before her feet even touched the ground.

"Okay, okay." Cruze quickly moved her toward the chair opposite Davon instead. "Is this all right?"

"Yes." Eliana pouted as she nodded.

Hearing her agreement, he then carefully put her onto the chair as if he was handling something delicate.

Finally, after she was seated, he heaved a sigh of relief.

Nevertheless, his hand remained by her side, fearing that she would slide off the chair.

"Eliana, are you okay?" Ryan queried in concern.

"I'm fine." She shook her head. Sensing something in her palms, she lifted her hands to find out she was holding onto a few strands of hair.

"Um…" Eliana slowly looked at Davon as she raised the small tuft of hair into the air. "Are these yours?"

She had spoken those words in such a naive and innocent voice.

The corner of Cruze's mouth twitched, and he nearly had a heart attack there.

When Ryan saw the hair in her hands, he snapped his head toward Davon warily.

This time, they were in the wrong.

When Davon himself saw the hair, his expression turned gloomy, as if dark clouds were gathering in his heart.

He never had anyone who dared to sit on his shoulders until then.

Or anyone who dared to grab onto his hair while sitting on his shoulders until then.

And he most definitely never had anyone who dared to grab onto his hair while sitting on his shoulders and pulled his hair off until then.

Only this plump little girl in front of him would dare to do it.

A distance away, Violla, who had witnessed everything, could not help but worry.

'What do I do? Why was Eliana sitting on 'the Devil's shoulders? Worse of all – why did she pull out his hair?'

'Oh no, oh no. The Devil's going to burst in anger!'

"What's going on?" Right then, D'barl arrived. When he saw the strands of hair in Eliana's hands and the gloomy look on Davon's face, he cleared his throat awkwardly. Then, he consoled, "You have a full head of hair. It's fine for you to lose a strand of two."

Narrowing his eyes in disbelief, Davon questioned, "A strand or two? Are you sure you're my grandfather?"

"Nonsense!" D'barl shot him a glare. "Are you going to hold a three-year-old accountable for this?"

A myriad of emotions washed over Davon's heart, and he could not control his facial expressions anymore.

"I-I'm sorry," Eliana carefully apologized softly. "I didn't mean to do it."

Davon, however, continued staring at her coldly. He wanted to lose his temper, but it was as if her gaze was tamping down his fury; no matter what he did, he could not release his rage.

It felt uncomfortable, to say the least.

Right then, the servers began serving exquisite desserts on the table with various beverages.

Picking up a cotton candy, Eliana then handed it to Davon solemnly. "This is for you. Please don't be angry anymore."

Davon rolled his eyes at her and did not take it. Instead, he quietly sipped on his wine.

At that, Eliana stood up and sprawled on the table before handing the cotton candy to him again. "I'm sorry, old man. Please don't be angry at me!"

Everyone fell silent.

Shuddering, Davon snapped his head up to look at her. "What did you just call me?"

"Old man!" Eliana smiled brightly as she shoved the cotton candy into Davon's mouth before she dusted her hand. "Since you've eaten the cotton candy, that means you've forgiven me!"

As the cotton candy melted in his mouth, Davon sat transfixed while wrath burned in his eyes.

Meanwhile, Cruze was going insane in his mind. These three children had been provoking Davon all day, yet he could not lose his temper at them. Cruze was sure that, as his subordinates, they would be at the receiving end of Davon's fury later.

Douglas cleared his throat before reminding, "Princess Eliana, this isn't the right way to address him. You can't call him that anymore."

"Why?" Eliana cocked her head to the side as she wondered, "He's grandpa Roman's grandson, so he's an old man!"

All the adults by the table were at a loss for words after hearing her explanation.

"Hahaha! Kids say whatever's on their mind," D'barl laughed. To him, the dear children would never do anything wrong.

"Eliana, you can't call him that," Ryan reminded quietly. "We have to be polite."

"Fine." Eliana pouted before mumbling, "What should we call him then?"

"Boss!" Jason blurted out.

At that, D'barl nearly choked on his coffee. 'This dear boy loves to watch mafia films, but he never thought that the boy would pick up phrases from the show.'

"Yes. He should be the boss." Ryan nodded seriously. "He's older than the three of us, so we should call him boss."

Davon was speechless by his train of thoughts. 'What have I done to deserve this today? I can't reprimand a creature like this, and I can't even glare at them.

Otherwise, they'd start crying, and it's frustrating to hear it.'

So no matter what they did, even if they pulled out his hair and called him an old man, he had to tolerate them in silence.

However, tolerance was not a word in Davon's dictionary.

Moreover, he was tolerating the children that Violla had with someone else.

Right then, he spotted a janitor by a pillar, stealing glances in his direction. Upon locking eyes, she quickly turned away and escaped with her broom.

Staring at her retreating figure, Davon's eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Mr Young Roman , I'll prep the car right away," Cruze uttered as he motioned to the bodyguards, thinking that Davon wanted to leave.

However, Davon sat back down and placed the serviette in front of him, ready to eat.

"You're not leaving anymore?"

"I haven't had my food. I'll leave once I'm done." Davon then sipped on his red wine before he started cutting up his steak.

"Old-" Eliana stopped herself in time before whispering, "B-Boss, this is for you. Thank you for carrying me earlier."

Her plump little hands handed Davon a chicken wing.

This was her favorite, and there was only one on the plate, but she had given it to him.

Although he looked fierce, and she was crying from fear earlier, he had not been mean to her. In fact, he even carried her to the seats.

The sensible Eliana knew that she should show him her gratitude.

When Davon looked at Eliana's oily fingers and the chicken wing she was holding, his brows knitted.

'The girl is the same as her mother; they both enjoy using their hands to eat like barbarians.'

"Use your utensils, not your hands," Davon uttered.

"Oh." Eliana then put down her chicken wings before wiping her hands carefully. Finally, she used a fork to pick up the chicken wing and handed it to him. "Now you can eat it."

Davon frowned at the speared chicken wing in disgust. Eliana, noticing Davon's distaste, stared down and took back the chicken wing, clearly crestfallen.

"Why you little…" D'barl was about to yell at Davon. But before he could, Davon took the chicken wing along with the fork and put them on his plate before handing another fork to Eliana .

Violla, who was watching from nearby, smiled. She wasn't planning on having Eliana call him daddy yet, but she was still happy to see the event that transpired.

Eliana grinned and gesticulated. "This is tasty. Have it while it's still hot, Boss."

"Don't call me that." A frown creased Davon's forehead, much to Eliana's surprise. And she puffed her cheeks.

Violla frowned at the sight of that. 'The Devil's a capricious one. He's going to mess Eliana up at this rate. 'Hmm… this is not good.'

"Don't scare the girl." D'barl rolled his eyes, but he wasn't as harsh at Davon as he was. His germaphobe of a grandson taking a chicken wing Eliana touched was already a big concession. He used to worry about Davon ending up childless since he hated kids and was indifferent to love. But he was glad to see Davon starting to get along with Eliana.

"Finish your dinner, Eliana." Ryan gave her his buffalo wings and took a slice of cake for her. "We have to go home soon. Mommy's waiting."

"Okay." Eliana nodded and dug into her food.

"Take your time. I'll give you two a ride home." D'barl watched over the kids lovingly. "Get more buffalo wings for the kids," he told the manager. "They need more."

"Yes." The manager obliged.

"Aw, I couldn't go on the rides I wanted. It's all because of this stupid injury." Jason was sulking because he didn't have enough fun. "Can we come here again once I heal up, Grandpa Roman?"

"Of course," D'barl quickly replied. "You can come here anytime. Give me a call, and I'll pick you guys up. Wanna come here again tomorrow?"

"We'll be in school tomorrow, Grandpa Roman." Ryan was the only one who remembered about that. "We're only free on weekends."

"Sure. I'll pick you up at weekends then." D'barl beamed.

"Yay. We can come here again on weekends." Jason swung his arms in excitement.

"I'm coming earlier next time so we can play around a bit longer," Eliana mumbled happily with a full mouth.

D'barl laughed heartily. "I'm happy as long as you're happy. What will you need? I'll get the waiter to serve it up."

"I want ice cream." Eliana raised her hand as fast as she could.

"Me too." Jason raised his hand too.

"Of course, of course." D'barl gestured at the manager, then the manager quickly went to fulfill the order.

"Oh no!" Cruze gasped, and everyone looked at him just to see the chicken wing Eliana gave to Davon slipping from Davon's hand, falling on his shirt before tumbling down onto the ground.

"Did it get on your shirt?" Cruze asked. "Oh, it did. I'll get someone to send some clothes over."

"Easy there. Let's get someone to clean this up." Davon glanced at the 'janitor' not far from them as he wiped the sauce off his shirt with elegance.

The manager who had been standing behind them came up with the waiter to clean the mess, but Davon frowned. He casually knocked over the wine glass, splashing the wine onto the table before smashing it against the ground. The wine dripped down, forming a small crimson pool.

"Sorry, Mr. Roman. I'll get the janitor right away." The manager waved at the 'janitor' nearby. "Come here.."

Violla wanted to escape when she noticed the manager waving at her, but since he called her by the janitor's name, and everyone was looking at her, leaving the room would be suspicious. It would be difficult to clean up if she was exposed, so Violla went up to them.

"The wine's spilled. Clean it up fast," the manager ordered.

"Okay." Violla cleared the glass shards away, but she hung her head low in case someone could recognize her. Meanwhile, Davon had moved away from the spot, wiping the stain on his hand with a piece of wet tissue.

"Will you be changing clothes, Young Roman? I can go with you," Cruze proposed carefully.

"No. It's just the coat." Davon took it off and tossed it to Cruze before going back to his wine.

"Whoa, muscles!" Jason was excited to see Davon's muscular body. "What's your routine, Boss?"

Violla stopped cleaning for a moment and looked up at Davon. 'He calls Davon Boss? What's going on?'

"Boxing," Davon answered curtly.

"You box? What do you specialize in?" Jason's interest was piqued. Instantly, he put his cutlery down and waited for Davon's answer with anticipation.

"I know everything," Davon answered calmly.

"Really? Then spar with me when we have the chance." Jason loved martial arts.

"You? Spar with me?" Davon thought it was laughable. "I can beat you down with one finger.

"As if you can." Jason puckered his lips, swinging his fists. "My leg's injured, but once I heal up, you're getting it."

"We'll see." Davon sipped his wine without looking at the boy.

Eliana gave D'barl a piece of candy. "We're going to kindergarten tomorrow, grandpa Roman," she said pleasantly. "We can't wear smart-watches when we're in school, but you can call us once school's out. That is if you miss us anyway."

"Why can't you wear smart-watches? What if you go missing again like last time?" D'barl frowned.

"I don't know. The teacher said smart-watches aren't allowed in the kindergarten." Eliana fiddled with her cherry ice cream.

"What's your kindergarten's name?" D'barl asked.

"Dates Kindergarten!" Eliana held up a little date and grinned. "That's its name."

"I see." D'barl gave Douglas a look. Douglas understood what must be done, and he went to do it.

"You shouldn't spoil the kids," Davon commented, knowing what his grandfather had done.

"Bite me then," D'barl snapped back.

Davon didn't answer. Instead, he looked at the janitor and sneered. "Why don't you take the kids with you if you love them so much?" he told D'barl. "Their home's tiny. Makes it hard for them to move around."

Violla trembled, and she started to panic. 'No, no, no. Don't say yes, kids.'

"Sure." D'barl had the same idea. "Why don't you stay over at my place, kids?" he asked lovingly. "I can give you a ride to the kindergarten every day, and I can take you guys back too."

"Sure," Eliana answered without even a moment of hesitation. She was even rubbing her pudgy hands happily. "Can we come here when school's out then?"

"Of course, you can." D'barl nodded. "And I can hire a boxing coach for you," he told Jason. "You can learn whatever you want to."

"Really? Cool." Jason punched the air with excitement. "Can I learn taekwondo then?"

"No problem. I'll get the best coach to teach you." D'barl was about to tell Douglas to get to it but Ryan stopped them.