

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs


Ryan looked up and frowned immediately when he saw that the boy was Titus.

"Him again?" Jason looked speechless. "The other time at the playground, his grandma reserved the merry-go-round for him, so we didn't get to play too. Is she intending to reserve the whole restaurant this time? So does that mean we don't get to play again?"

"Titus' grandma is so scary," Eliana muttered as she hid behind Ryan. She grabbed the corners of her brother's shirt tightly and looked away.

When D'barl heard the kids conversation, he frowned and shot a glance at Douglas ,who attended to the matter immediately.

"My darlings, don't be afraid. With your grandpa here, no one would dare to harass you," D'barl bent down and reassured the kids while stroking Eliana's hair gently.

"Grandpa Roman let's just leave this place," Ryan took D'barl's hand and tried to drag him away. "Titus is our classmate. His mommy and both his grandmas are all very fierce. My Mommy had an argument with them once, and they made my Mommy so angry."

"I'm sure it's their fault," D'barl squatted down and gave Ryan a comforting hug while saying, "I know that your Mommy is a great woman just by seeing how outstanding the three of you are."

"Yup, my Mommy is the best," Jason nodded his head immediately.

"Titus' grandma and mommy bullied us first. Mommy only argued with them because she wanted to protect us." Eliana pouted and said indignantly.

"With your grandpa around today, no one is allowed to harass you. Come on , let's go in now!" D'barl said and led the kids into the restaurant.

"But… I'm scared." Eliana hid behind D'barl timidly and did not dare to go in.

"Don't be scared. Your grandpa is here," D'barl held the little girl's hand.

"Grandpa Roman, let's forget it. We can head to the restaurant next door for pizza. I don't want to cause Mommy any trouble," Ryan said while tugging at D'barl's shirt.

"Silly boy." D'barl's heart ached a little as he touched the boy's head affectionately.

"If Titus' grandma had reserved the whole place, wouldn't she chase us out?" Jason frowned, looking worried.

"That's not happening as she won't be allowed to do that," D'barl looked in the direction of the woman.

"What? Someone bought the restaurant?" Juliet exclaimed in shock. "When did it happen? Everything was still normal just two minutes ago. How is it possible that someone had suddenly bought it?"

"The transaction has just completed," the manager of the restaurant informed the woman politely. "Our boss just called a minute ago."

"But…" Juliet had something else to say, but the manager could no longer be bothered to entertain her. Walking past the woman, he approached Douglas and greeted him respectfully.

After Douglas whispered something to the manager, the manager's expression changed immediately, and he quickly led all the restaurant's employees to welcome D'barl and the three kids.

All thirty-six employees stood in two rows and took a ninety-degree bow while they greeted, "Welcome, Mr. Roman, little princes, and little princess! We are glad to be of service to you today!"

The three kids looked at each other and could hardly register what was happening.

"Oh, it's you three little bast*rds," Juliet said as her expression darkened. She took quick strides towards the three little ones and asked in a harsh tone, "You three little creatures, where did you get...."

"Shut up!" D'barl bellowed furiously. "You wrinkled old prune! How dare you insult my grandchildren! Are you tired of living?"

"You… You…" For all fifty years of her life, Juliet had never been humiliated so badly before, and her face turned ashen. Shaking with fury, she turned around and said to her bodyguards standing behind her, "Are you guys dead or what? Come over here right now!"

The woman's bodyguards were playing with Titus at the playground and did not know what was going on. After hearing Juliet shouting at them, they hurried over.

The men rolled up their sleeves and were about to take action when they noticed Douglas and his bodyguards. It was then that their expressions changed drastically.

"How dare that old fool insult me! Teach him a lesson immediately," Juliet yelled angrily while pointing at D'barl.

"Madam…" One of the bodyguards leaned in closer and whispered into her ear, "That man is Mr. Roman from the Romans Group!"

A quick shiver ran through Juliet's body as she turned pale and immediately apologized, "Mr. R-Roman?"

"Yeah? Didn't you say you wanted to teach me a lesson?" D'barl cocked his eyebrow coldly.

"No! I wouldn't dare to… " Juliet apologized immediately, "Please forgive me for being ignorant."

"How did it go? What have you found out?" Completely ignoring Juliet, D'barl turned to speak to Douglas.

"Yup. She's Juliet Stanley from the Stanleys Group," Douglas bowed and reported his findings.

"The Stanleys Group is already a wreck. I can't believe she's still acting so arrogantly," D'barl scorned before giving his orders. "You should know what to do."

"Yes, Mr. Roman." Douglas nodded.

"No… Please don't…" Juliet was so scared that her knees almost gave way, causing her to nearly fall to the ground.

Two of her bodyguards immediately stepped forward to support her while the woman cried, "Mr. Roman, please have mercy on us Stanleys. It's all my fault. You can punish me however you wish, and I'm willing to accept it."

"She's so noisy," D'barl commented with a frown.

Douglas gestured to the Romans family's bodyguards, who took Juliet away at once.

Quiet and peace ensued once again after the woman was gone.

At the same time, Jason and Eliana were utterly gobsmacked and were still stunned after a long while.

As for Ryan, he had watched the entire scene unfold calmly with a twinkle in his eye.

"What's wrong, my darlings? Did grandpa scare you?" D'barl squatted down to comfort the kids.

"Nope. grandpa is protecting us," Jason quickly regained his composure and replied excitedly. "Grandpa, are you a king? Why is that fierce grandma so afraid of you?"

"Hahaha." D'barl laughed. "Grandpa isn't a king, but if Jason likes it, I can buy an island and become the king of that island. That way, Jason would become the prince of that island."

"Really? Hooray!" Jason almost jumped up in excitement.

"Yay! Then I'll be the princess of that island!" Eliana raised her chubby hands and continued, "I wanna live in a castle and ride on a white horse!"

"Hahaha! Not a problem!" D'barl laughed heartily and turned around to look at Ryan. "Ryan, how about you? What do you want?"

"I want to have ultimate power," Ryan said faintly as he stared towards the direction of the entrance. "I want to be like you grandpa and be respected by people everywhere I go. I also want to be feared by the bad guys so that I can protect Mommy and my siblings!"

"Good boy!" D'barl was thrilled to hear that and embraced the boy. "You're such a promising kid! "

D'barl was extremely emotional, and a mixture of feelings surged within his heart. "Do you know that someone had said the same words to me before?

"Really? Who's that?" Ryan asked curiously.

"My grandson." D'barl was overcome with emotions as he said that. "He told me that when he was still young. I was so excited then, thinking that the future of our Romans family would be in good hands!"

D'barl tousled Ryan's hair and let out a sigh. "How wonderful is it that the three of you are the heirs of our Romans family."

"What heirs?" Jason was not focused on listening to D'barl as he was just looking forward to playing. "Grandpa,I wanna go over there and play."

"I saw ice-cream. I wanna have some ice-cream. "Eliana lifted the hem of her dress slightly and sprinted off with two bodyguards chasing after her.

"Eliana, wait for me!" Jason yelled after his sister while one bodyguard pushed his wheelchair.

Ryan was the only one who was listening to D'barl and asked in confusion, " Grandpa is your grandson infertile? Is that why you want to adopt us to be your heirs"

"Pfft! Ahem! Ahem!" D'barl was amused at the child's question and did not know how to respond.

No matter how smart Ryan was, he was still a kid and did not fully understand the concept of blood relations. He simply thought that D'barl's eldest grandson was unable to bear children, and that was why the old man wanted them.

'It's so pitiful that Mr. Roman's grandson is unable to have kids. No wonder that man has such a weird temper.'

"It's OK. The three of us will be your grandchildren from now onward," Ryan said in an attempt to comfort D'barl. " Grandpa Roman, let's go in together. I saw lots of delicious snacks."

Eliana saw Titus the moment she stepped into Fairy Land's playground.

The boy was sitting alone in a corner and appeared to be in a daze. The usual spark in his eyes and his air of arrogance were nowhere to be seen. He even seemed a little depressed.

Eliana hesitated for a while before walking over with her ice cream and said, "Titus, here's an ice cream for you!"

Titus looked up, and his eyes lit up when he saw Eliana. "Eliana!"

"Quick, take it! The ice cream is melting." When Eliana was passing the ice cream to Titus she accidentally touched Titus' nose with it, smearing it on the tip of his nose.

After Titus took over the ice cream, he could feel something cold on the tip of his nose and looked down.

Eliana was tickled by the boy's actions and started giggling.

"Hehe!" Titus let out an embarrassed smile before started laughing uncontrollably too.

When the other kids saw them laughing, all of them started laughing as well, as if laughter was contagious.

Instantly, the laughter of children could be heard from the playground. The innocence and wonders of childhood perfectly encapsulated the essence of Fairy Land.

When D'barl walked in with Ryan, he couldn't help but start laughing as well when he heard the joyful laughter of those kids.

"Grandpa Roman, that's Titus." Ryan pointed to Titus and looked up at D'barl while saying in a serious tone, "Can we let him stay here? Even though his mommy and grandmas are very fierce and disrespectful, Titus is not a bad child."

"Sure." D'barl was very glad to hear that. "Good boy, Ryan. You're so kind-hearted!"

The reason D'barl had so much affection towards the three children was not only because they were adorable, sensible, and polite but also because of their pure and kind hearts.

"Thank you, grandpa Roman." Ryan heaved a sigh of relief after getting D'barl's permission.

"Go ahead and play with the other kids!" D'barl stroked the boy's head lovingly and said, " I really enjoy watching you kids have fun!"

"Okay, I'll go join them then." Ryan joined the other kids at once and started playing with Jason.

"As you wished, I've already instructed them to provide free admission to polite and well-behaved children on the playground," Douglas walked over and reported to D'barl.

"Well done." While watching the kids, D'barl couldn't help but sigh. "It's so good to be in the presence of children. It's as if the world is no longer complicated and filled with innocence once again!"

"Indeed. It's so contagious even I can feel the joy with the kids around," Douglas smiled and agreed. "Those three little ones are growing on me too. Why I wish they were truly your great grandchildren."

"Of course! They are my great grandchildren." D'barl rolled his eyes at his butler. But didn't tell what he had been keeping in his heart for sometime now .

"Haha…" Douglas let out a laugh and hesitated to speak further.

"What is it that you want to say? Tell me." D'barl shot him a glance.

"Well, I feel that the kids' mom has been avoiding you deliberately," Douglas lowered his voice and said. "They didn't even invite you inside the house when we were already outside . And when I wanted to bring the gifts in, Ryan stopped me immediately… It just seems… a little too intentional."

"Ryan had already said that his mom wasn't feeling well." D'barl was very understanding. "After interacting with them for the past few days, I am pretty sure that they only have their mommy and housekeeper. They don't have a dad. Think about it – it's just been those two women with the three kids all this while. Thus, it's normal that they are not used to men entering the house."

"True." Douglas nodded.

"I don't think those kids will play any tricks." D'barl looked at Ryan lovingly and said, "My great grandson is just too sensible, so much that my heart aches for him."

"Mr. young Roman was like that when he was young," Douglas said as he recalled how Davon was like when he was young. "By the looks of it, Ryan and Jason do resemble Mr. young Roman, especially Ryan. Even his personality is very similar to that of Mr. Davon's."

"If that brat could only see this three kids to who they really are, I'll be laughing even in my dreams." D'barl could feel anger rising in him at the mention of Davon."He only knows how to make me angry. I've waited so long for him to start dating, but he ended up falling for such a dubious woman. Who can't even allow me in her house. Does Violla Milan think I don't know she is the mother to the triplets? Davon must be blind to fall for a woman with esteem issues!"

Douglas kept quiet he had no idea what the old man was talking about.

Meanwhile, at the Romans' residence, Davon sneezed twice. He could sense that someone was talking about him behind his back.

'Could it be that damned woman Violla?'

Davon frowned as he thought about that possibility.

"Mr. Roman, we've just gotten news that your grandpa has given orders to boycott the Stanleys," Cruze reported.

"He's already almost a ninety years old. Why is he still so hot-tempered?" Davon cocked his brows and asked, "How did the Stanley family offend him?"

"I heard that Franklin Stanley's mom, Juliet, behaved arrogantly at the Fairy Land restaurant and offended old Mr. Roman." After Cruze narrated what had happened to Davon, he added at the end of it, "Old Mr Roman has declared free admission to the Fairy Land restaurant from now on. Previously it was 2000 for an adult and child pair, but now it's free for everyone."

"Goodness gracious! How childish can he get!" Davon was speechless when he heard that. "He's already so old and still acting like a child!"

"Well, that's no surprise since they're no difference." Cruze laughed and continued, "I heard from Douglas that ever since Old Mr. Roman got acquainted with those three kids, he has started laughing more and is always in a good mood. It's a good thing, isn't it?"

"Good?" Davon stared at Cruze coldly and said, "Do you really think it's good that my grandpa is so close to Martin Black's children?"

"No, no. That's not what I meant....." Cruze immediately slapped his mouth and took back his words. "I'm sorry. I'll take back what I said!"

Davon's expression darkened, and he downed the entire glass of wine before standing up abruptly. "Get the car ready."

"Yes, right away!"

On the other side, Violla had just gotten off the cab. She pulled down her cap and made sure that her mask and sunglasses were worn properly before she walked sneakily into Fairy Land.

To her surprise, there were a lot of excited parents and children queuing up at the entrance.

'Is there some kind of promotion today? The admission fee to this place isn't cheap, so why are there so many people here?'

Violla wondered for a while before entering and realized that there were a lot of parents sitting in the rest area. They were all engrossed in conversations with each other while having snacks and drinks. Most of their conversations revolved around the same topic.

"The admission fee here used to be 2000 for one adult and one child. Given how expensive it was, I could only bring my child here once a month. Now that it's free and with the free flow of food, I'm going to come here every day. Hahaha."

"We're so lucky to be around this area today. Otherwise, we wouldn't have come across such a great deal! I'm so happy that we managed to save 2000."

"Exactly! But now that a lot more people know about it and there are so many parents and their children queuing up outside, they might limit the number of people entering per day or the duration we are allowed to stay inside."

Violla turned around and saw that it was Juliet.

Worried that Juliet might recognize her, Violla immediately hid behind a cartoon character figure while sticking her head out discreetly to observe the situation.

Shortly after, two employees of the restaurant led Titus out of the playground and handed him over to Juliet and her bodyguards.

Titus was reluctant to leave and looked back at the playground longingly, but Juliet dragged him away hurriedly.

After the two employees watched them leave, they sighed and said softly, "Both of them are equally arrogant. Previously, when young Mrs. Stanley came here, she insisted on booking the whole area as well and even chased the other kids out, causing them to feel disappointed. Some even bawled their eyes out!

"The parents of those kids were very upset by her actions as well. This time around, the same thing happened with old Mrs. Stanley. But I bet she did not expect to meet someone even more powerful than her. Mr. Old Roman bought the entire place for his three grandchildren right away and even allowed free entry for all. That's how the truly wealthy people should behave!"

"Yeah, exactly!"

Violla was shocked. 'Does old Roman know?'