

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs


On their way home from the amusement park, Violla talked to the children about going back to kindergarten.

After gaining their approval, she met the principal on her own, expressing her hopes for her children to be given equal treatment, and that they would grow happily and healthily.

The principal assured her not to worry.

The principal also hinted that the Stanleys had already cashed out on their shares in the Kindergarten, so the school no longer had anything to do with that family.

Violla responded courteously, informing the principal that the kids would return the following Monday.

On her way home, Violla's emotions were in a slight jumble. Having shares in an educational institution is just a small investment, but they've already cashed out on those shares. That meant the Stanleys are in much more trouble than she thought.

The fun-filled weekend passed in a blink of an eye, and a busy Monday followed.

Rising from bed early, Violla braided Eliana's hair while telling Ryan and Jason to wash up.

Now that they had moved into a bigger house that had two bathrooms, the children no longer had to fight over using the bathroom.

Mrs. Blake kept herself busy in the kitchen, preparing a sumptuous breakfast.

Violla always told her that she didn't have to go out of her way to make such fancy meals.

But Mrs. Blake was so used to being meticulous that she would prepare at least four items for breakfast.

Watching the family eat together at the dining table while happily chatting away was what Mrs. Blake enjoyed most.

The children were thrilled to finally return to school after taking such a long break.

After breakfast, Violla and Mrs. Blake saw them off in front of the school bus. Then, Violla rushed to work.

She had previously been suspended after the scene Leila had caused at the office.

Moreover, many other employees had witnessed the scene, so the rumors must have already spread.

'I wonder what will happen now.' Violla felt uneasy as she arrived at the company building.

But she walked into the building, only to realize that no one was really paying attention to her. Instead, her coworkers were trying their best to squeeze into the elevators, worried about clocking in late and getting their pay deducted.

Violla stood inside a corner of the elevator, listening in on her coworkers. They were gossiping away, but their conversations had nothing to do with her.

With that, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.As the elevator continued to go up, her coworkers left one by one, until only a few made it up to the president's office's on level 68.

One of them was Molly.

"Good morning, Miss Molly," Violla greeted cautiously.

"Good morning," Molly replied courteously. "You were away for quite some time. You haven't forgotten how to perform your duties, have you?"

"Not at all! In fact, I even did a little homework last night." Violla replied.

"That's good. All the best." With a smile, Molly walked out of the elevator gracefully.

Violla sighed with relief and walked out too, soon arriving at her designated workplace the reception desk outside the president's office.

Work wasn't exactly busy, but it wasn't that easy either.Violla received a pile of documents as soon as she arrived at her desk.

Molly came by with a reminder. "There'll be an important meeting today, and a few executives of the companies we're working with will be dropping by. Be sure to get each of their names right. Don't mess up."

"Okay, I got it." Violla nodded fervently and went through the documents. Today's guests were all going to be high-level executives of large-scale companies.

It didn't take long for a few of them to show up one by one, and Molly personally welcomed them at the elevator before leading them to the meeting room.

Then, Violla noticed that there was still one more important figure who hadn't shown up. Just as she tried to recall who it was, the door to the elevator opened.

A tall figure walked out, followed by four personal assistants. It was quite a sight.

As Violla looked up, her eyes couldn't help but shine.

This female president who appeared to be in her twenties was over 170cm tall and had a slim, model-like figure. Her poise was out of this world.

On top of that, she had absolutely stunning features due to her multiracial features.

"Hello! You must be Miss. Laura Tarique of the Tariques Group," greeted Violla immediately recognizing the woman. "This way, please."

Yet, the woman didn't even spare Violla a glance, but a radiant smile appeared on her face the moment she caught sight of Davon, who was right behind Violla. "Davon!"

"Laura!" Davon came out to personally welcome her and even opened his arms wide.

Laura shoved a spaced-out Violla aside and ran in her heels toward Violla before leaping into his arms.

Violla was in a complete daze as she witnessed the ordeal.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming to the City?" Davon led Laura into the meeting room with an arm around her shoulder.

"I wanted to give you a surprise!" Laura sounded as soft as cotton candy while she spoke, and her eyes couldn't stop shining.

"Well, you've succeeded." Davon stated.

Violla remained in a daze even after Davon's figure disappeared from her sight.

'Am I seeing things?Am I hallucinating?'

The mighty, defiant Davon Roman, who always treated others like they were beneath him, had never once personally welcomed a guest, let alone behave so affectionately in front of everyone.

No one's ever going to believe it if he says there's nothing going on between the two of them!


'Didn't he just make love to me so passionately two mornings ago? Then, he took care of me at night, and we slept in each other's arms. Why is he being so nice to another woman now?Besides, didn't he say I'd be the only woman for him? Who is this Laura Tarique, then?'

"Violla. Violla! Violla!" Molly called out to her three times, but it was only after giving her a light shove that the latter finally returned to her senses. "Huh?"

"Why are you spacing out like that?" Molly growled with her brows creased. "You just got back after such a long break. Why are you still behaving this way?"

"Sorry, I…"

"You'd better stop that, or you are looking for the ax," Molly warned. "Snap out of it and come help out in the meeting room."

"Okay." Violla drank a glass of water and took a deep breath. Then, she followed Molly into the meeting room.

Molly had other matters to take care of, so she arranged for Violla to prepare some documents with the other secretaries.

All the major shareholders of Romans Corporation were there , in addition to high-level executives of four other companies. In short, everyone there was a big shot.

Despite the tense atmosphere, everyone seemed to be trying their very best to butter Laura up.

"You're really something else, Miss Laura .You're just like your father, Tarique!"

"Right? You took over the company at such a young age. You definitely have a bright future ahead!"

"You and Mr. Roman are childhood sweethearts, and you're now joining hands in the business. You're a match made in heaven!"

"That's right! Mr Tarique and the senior Mr. Roman were talking about this when I last met them."

"Since we're about to begin our collaboration on the coastal project, why don't you two think about getting married while at it?"

The last words were spoken by one of the directors of Tariques Group. From the tone of his voice, the man was testing the waters with a hint of eagerness.

Everyone turned to Davon and Laura, seemingly waiting for them to speak.

With a flushed face, Laura gazed at Davon lovingly.

Meanwhile, Violla, who was carrying a pile of documents in her hands, couldn't help but turn to Davon upon hearing the conversation.

Her heart beat so frantically that it could practically leap out of her chest.

"What are you doing?" Molly hissed. "Everyone else is giving out the documents, but you're just standing here!"

Violla took a deep breath and hastily joined the other secretaries.

"We'll be talking about work matters only," Davon responded briefly.

"He's right. We're here to discuss our collaboration, so please stop teasing us," Laura chimed in with a grin. "It's the first time Romans Corporation and Tariques are working together, and I've just taken over as head, so I'm looking forward to everyone's support!"

"But of course!" the Tariques executive exclaimed. "With Romans Corporation and Tariques Group working together, I know we'll go far!"

"The air used to be so tense whenever we came over for meetings. But with you around, Miss Laura, the atmosphere has lightened up now."

"Really?" Laura chuckled in amusement. "You're way too serious, Davon."

Davon smiled faintly at her. "I'm definitely never as friendly as you are."

"That's for sure." Laura raised an eyebrow and laughed.The two seemed so close and intimate, and it was evident that they shared a great mutual understanding.Everyone gazed at them profoundly, for this was indeed a sight to behold.

After all, the two were childhood sweethearts, and their families were perfect for one another.Both their grandfathers have been very close friends for years.

If they were to join in marriage, both sides would only benefit each other greatly. Laura's family especially looked forward to this.

Watching the scene before her, Violla felt as though an infinite number of cats were scratching at her heart. It felt agonizing.

'Stay calm, Violla. Stay calm. Stay calm!'

Then, along with the other secretaries, she carefully and politely placed the documents in front of everyone before preparing to take her leave.

Then, Mr. Stone noticed her. "Violla? You're back," he remarked amicably.

"Yes, Mr. Stone." Violla smiled and nodded lightly.

"That's good to know." Mr. Stone seemed pleased. "Do your best."

"I will!" Violla put the documents down and subconsciously glanced at Davon, only to notice the man gazing at Laura. The two seemed to have excellent chemistry as they communicated with their eyes.

With a tremble of her hand, Violla accidentally knocked Mr. Stone's teacup out of its place.The teacup fell over on the table, spilling its contents over Mr. Stone and Violla's thigh.

Violla's thigh instantly burned in pain.

"Ahhh!" Mr. Stone jumped to his feet and inhaled sharply.

"I'm so sorry!" Disregarding the pain on her thigh, Violla immediately apologized to Mr. Stone and began to clean up the mess.

"Are you alright, Mr. Stone?" Molly rushed over and growled at Violla. "What is wrong with you? Get out!"

"It's fine! Don't blame her." Mr. Stone quickly tried to ease the situation for Violla. In truth, he was wearing trousers, so the tea hadn't scalded him in any way.

"I'm sorry…" Violla apologized once more before lowering her head and left the room.

This time, Davon finally spared her a glance, but not before quickly looking away.

Laura, too, gazed at Violla briefly before immediately turning to Mr. Stone "Are you okay, Mr. Stone? Are you injured? Do you want to visit the hospital?"

"I'm fine. It's just that my clothes are wet."

"Go back to your office and get changed then," Davon instructed.

"Alright." Then, Mr. Stone left with his assistant.

"We'll start the meeting without him," Davon announced.

Arriving in the bathroom, Violla used a disposable towel soaked in cold water and pressed it against the area that was scalded by the hot tea.

It didn't look too serious, but her skin had turned red, and it stung.

'It should be fine after a while.' With that thought, Violla didn't pay too much attention to her thigh.

"Violla !" Molly briskly walked in with a tube of burn-aid cream. "Use this."

"Thanks, Miss Molly." Violla felt extremely guilty.

Molly was a great leader. Despite harshly reprimanding Violla every time she messed up, the former would still always help solve her problems at the end of the day.

"What's up with you today? You look so unsettled," Molly remarked with concern. "Did something happen at home, or are you not feeling well?"

"Maybe it's because it's my time of the month, so I'm not in my best performance." Violla quickly came up with an excuse. "I'm really sorry about what happened back there. Is Mr. Stone okay?"

"I just came over from Mr. Stone's office. He's not injured, but his clothes got wet." Then, Molly frowned. "You're lucky it was him. You'd be in huge trouble if it were another shareholder or a guest."

"Yes, Ma'am…" Violla lowered her head in shame.

"Since you're not doing too well today, you shouldn't work at the front desk. Go do some back-office work," Molly instructed. "Give the pantry a tidy, then go collect the documents in the meeting room at eleven."

"Okay!" After Molly left, Violla washed her face by the sink and reminded herself to be careful. 'You can't mess up again.' However, she turned furious at the thought of Davon.

'He's a one two-timing man and flirting with another woman right in front of me! Why does he get to stay so calm while I get all worked up? It's not like I'm the one who's wrong!'

'Still… we've never had a normal relationship. Everything's been transactional, to begin with, and we've always remained together in secret.'

'Can I really expect him to be as loyal as a normal boyfriend should be?'

'Now that I think about it, it's not like I ever wanted to be in a proper relationship with him in the first place.'

'I relented just because I was helpless against his incessant threats.'

'Haven't I always been hoping for him to grow tired of me so that I can finally be free again?'

'Why am I getting so worked up from seeing him acting all flirty with another woman?'

'No, Violla. This is just wrong. Stop it!'

Violla took a deep breath and used her fingers to pull her lips into a smile. 'Stay calm and relaxed. You'll be stronger if you rid yourself of all your desires.You won't be affected as long as you don't care!'

Reminding herself over and over again, Violla walked out of the bathroom and began to seriously immerse herself in work.The clock struck eleven just as she finished tidying the pantry, and the meeting had ended too.

As a few janitors cleaned the room, Violla and Elizabeth sorted out the documents and prepared to shred them.While they busied themselves, a tall, familiar figure walked in and stood in front of Violla.

"Hello, Mr. Roman" everyone greeted.

Violla glanced up at him before quickly lowering her head to resume her work.With a single gesture, Davon sent everyone out of the room. Violla prepared to leave as well, only to be held onto by the man who immediately pushed her onto the president's chair.

As the black chair began to move backward due to the force, Davon swiftly hooked one of its legs with his foot, pulling the chair back to him.

Then, he placed both his hands on the armrests and leaned toward Violla, just like a wild beast trapping its prey.Not saying anything, Violla glared at Davon with a pair of huge, livid eyes.

Boiling with rage and a ton of questions, she waited for an explanation.

"Heh!" Yet, Davon chuckled the moment he saw her expression and grabbed her chin. "Is someone jealous? Hmm?" He hissed before kissing her but Violla was unresponsive. "You are too cold Beautiful,is it because of her, Laura? No need to be jealous."

Violla remained silent, but she looked extremely grim. 'Should I not be jealous?'

'You're like a godd*mn lion when you're jealous, yelling about and complaining about everything! Am I not allowed to be mad, then?' Violla screamed in her mind.

"You look like a frog." Davon pinched her puffed-up face before leaning over to nibble on her red, pouting lips.

"Mmph." Violla furiously pushed him away,but Davon was unmoved as he tugged her closer and passionately kissed her.

"Let me take a look. Were you scalded?" Davon said after breaking the kiss. He lifted her pencil skirt to inspect her thigh and brushed the tip of his fingers on her red thigh. "It's not bad it will heal on its own."

Violla didn't utter a word. Understanding her feelings Davon said,"She is just a friend,we grew up together, we dated and broke up. She is here for business. You have nothing to worry about."

He was about to lean in and kiss her again...

"Davon!" Laura's voice suddenly rang from outside, and the door to the meeting room opened quickly.

Davon swiftly retracted his hands and slowly straightened himself up, holding the president's chair and walked to stand behind it. Anyone who didn't know better would think Violla was the president and Davon was her bodyguard. Violla wanted to stand up but Davon placed his hands on her shoulder gently holding her down. " Hey Laura can I do anything for you?"

Davon spoke calmly while looking at her, Laura sighed and said,

"I've been looking for you." Laura walked in with a smile. "Mind letting me visit your office for a short while?"

"Of course not." Like a gentleman, Davon gestured her to leave before heading outside with her.

Before leaving, Laura didn't forget to cast Violla a frosty gaze.

Violla remained seated on the office chair as she watched them leave, gritting her teeth in anger. 'You scumbag!' Davon was behaving like a man who in an entanglement but was playing safe on both sides. Trying to make both women feel comfortable and important to him.

As her colleagues returned, she suppressed her emotions and continued to take the documents.

Shortly after, Molly walked in. "Go clean up the president's office, Violla."

"I..." Violla intended to protest.

"Hurry up! Don't forget to take a cloth and mop with you." Then, Molly left in a huff.

With that, Violla had no choice but to grab some cleaning supplies from the equipment room before heading to the president's office.

Nearing the office, she wondered if she would bump into Davon and Laura.

'Will I end up seeing something that I shouldn't ?'