

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs


"Very good." Davon gave him a satisfied smile. "A man who knows and submits to his own circumstances is a wise man."

"Mr. Roman, can you....." Franklin started.

"Escort him off." Davon gave no opportunity for Franklin to speak.

The security guard entered the room to escort Franklin out of the villa.

The entire time, Franklin's guilt-filled eyes were fixed on Violla, but the latter never lifted her head to look at him.

What happened four years ago had been fate's cruel trick, but everything that happened now was his choice.

No matter how stumped he was about the options, he still made the same decision he made back then,to give up on her in order to protect his family's century-old company.

Four years ago, they were engaged when he abandoned her. She could feel aggrieved by his actions back then, but now, they barely had a relationship. She could not possibly hold a grudge against him for making a choice like that.

Nonetheless, his action was like a knife to her heart that could never be removed from then on.

This was the very end of their long love and regretful past.

"How do you feel?" Davon nudged Violla's leg with his toe as he crowed, "Have you finally given up on him?"

"Are you happy now?" Violla glared at him with eyes filled with hatred. "You've destroyed my last hope. Do you feel elated?"

"Has your mind not cleared up yet?" Davon looked at her as if she was a fool. "The one who destroyed your hope was Franklin, not me."

Not wanting to continue speaking to him, Violla turned to leave. However, he tugged on her shirt, and she fell into his arms.

She tried to break free from him, but his mighty arms locked her in place.

"Let me go," Violla snarled as she struggled.

"I dare you to move again," Davon growled after lifting a brow.

Violla was furious, but she had no choice other than to tamp down her anger. The only action she could do to convey her wrath was to glare at him.

"Sign it." Davon shoved the debt repayment agreement to her.

"Why should I?" Violla argued. "You've already gotten back the necklace. You were the one who gave it up, using it to threaten Franklin with it. What makes you think I'll sign it?"

"Are you arguing with me?" Davon sneered. "Let me make this clear for you, you're the one who lost the necklace in the beginning. As such, it's only natural that I'll look for you as the one being responsible. Now, Franklin is the one who took the necklace away. You can sue him for theft and scam, but it doesn't change the fact that you still owe me."

"You....." There was no way Violla could win against him in the argument. He was always the one to decide the right and the wrong.

All she could do was to yield to his words.

"Be good now, and sign it." Davon slotted a pen into her hand.

Looking at the debt repayment agreement, fury surged from within her, and she tore the paper into pieces. "Don't ever think of controlling me! If you want to sue me, go ahead! I won't do what you're trying to trick me into."

With that, she flung the torn pieces of paper at him before storming off.

Davon's face fell as a grim look entered his eyes.However, this time, he did not punish her with violence. Instead, he simply let her leave.

'Seems like I need to teach her a lesson so that she'll know what it feels like to be hopeless and in despair.' He thought.

"Mr. Roman, Miss Milan…" A guard wanted to report.

"Let her leave." he roared.

Davon walked to the windowsill and looked down at her moving figure.

He saw that the woman had changed back into the clothes she came in and she left the villa without taking anything with her.

After receiving Davon's instructions, none of the maids dared to stop her. They parted when she walked past them.

As she strode out of his residence, she felt as if she was walking out of his world. There was a spring to her steps and she held her head high, looking like a battle-worn warrior who had achieved freedom.

Having the feeling that he was probably watching her from afar, she waved her hand without turning around, seemingly bidding him farewell.

A taunting sneer grew on Davon's lips as he retreated back to his bedroom and drew the curtains close. He then leaned back on his couch and returned to his drink.

He was sure that in less than an hour, she would be back to plead for mercy.

It took Violla half an hour before she reached the main gate of the villa. Outside was a greenway with trees planted on both sides that had street lights installed on them, illuminating the road to her freedom.

Puffing up her chest, she continued her way out.There was a breeze that night, and it enveloped her in a comfortable chill. As she looked at the patchy moonlit road and listened to the cacophony of frogs and insects, she felt as if she was in a painting.

The beautiful scenery calmed Violla and also strengthened her determination to stay away from Davon.

'I can't let him control me… I won't become a slave of that Devil!' she was determined.

Just then, a beast could be heard howling in the woods.Violla paused in her tracks and stood transfixed.

'Are my ears deceiving me? Was that a cry of a wild animal I heard just now.Nah… It can't be… I must've misheard.' Clutching her chest where her racing heart lied beneath, she continued her way.

A howl echoed in the empty road again, and it sounded closer this time.Violla's eyes widened as her heart thumped loudly.

'No way… There can't be any wild animals here, right?'

Tensing up, her head snapped to the side as she observed her surroundings. However, no other sounds seemed to be coming from the woods.Yet, she was still afraid.

Although she went up and down the hill in a vehicle each time, she knew that the distance between Davon's villa and the main road was at least six miles.

She would need four hours at the very least to walk on foot for those six miles.

There was no guarantee that a wild animal would not pounce and feast on her while she was on her way down the hill.

With that thought, cold sweat beaded on Violla's forehead.

She twisted her head around to look at the nearby villa. 'I've only walked a mile. If I want to head back now, I can still do so.' Without any hesitation, she started walking back toward the villa.

However, she only took two steps before she recalled Davon's cold gaze and domineering demeanor. Violla hesitated.

'But if I go back now, I'd have to sign the paper.And from then on, I'd owe him ninety-eight million. When will I be able to clear the debt? Not to mention if I can't clear the debt, I'll be his slave. I will have to obey everything he says.' The thought of being a slave made her hair stand on end.

'No. As long as I breathe, I will not go back.' She clenched her jaw and continued. At the same time, she fished out her phone to make a call.

She decided to hail a cab. Once I'm inside the cab, I'll be safe.However, Violla was dumbfounded upon taking out her phone.

Because her phone had fallen into the pool earlier, the screen was now malfunctioning. Not only was she unable to swipe on the screen, but it was even flickering.

As she walked briskly forward, she shook her phone hard, hoping to get the water out.

'Maybe I'll be able to use it once the water's out.' Evidently, she was too naive.

In order to save money, she had bought the cheapest phone that came with a free electronic fan.In other words, it was ludicrous for her to hope that her phone could survive after getting soaked.

Violla felt like crying as a sense of helplessness crashed into her. All she could do now was to pray that she could get out of that hell-hole safely.

Other than calling for an escort that one time four years ago, she had never done anything bad.

'Good things happen to good people, right?' Violla picked up her pace as she prayed in her heart.

Seeing that there were no creatures to come lunging at her even after she had walked for several hundred meters, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, her pace slowed down. 'I must have misheard it earlier.'

Just as that thought flashed into her mind, however, she noticed a pair of green eyes in the woods nearby, watching her.

Her feet were instantly rooted to the ground as her eyes widened. Staring at the green eyes, she thought, 'It must be an illusion. It must be. It has to be.'

She shut her eyes. When she opened them again, not only did the green eyes not disappear, but they had also gotten even closer.

Under the moonlight, she could see an animal covered in fur slowly stalking toward her.

It was a wolf. The hairs on Violla's arms stood as her legs shook.Slowly and carefully, she started inching backward, ready to flee the scene.

However, the wolf quickened its step as it narrowed its eyes. She could sense the murderous aura from it.

"D-Don't eat me." Violla choked out her words before she took several steps back. Then, she sprinted back the way she came from.

For a few seconds, there were no sounds coming from behind her. When Violla turned around to look, she saw that the wolf stood at its spot for a while before it slowly padded behind her.

Evidently, the wolf was looking down on a weak prey like her.It was a game of cat and mouse. Once she was tired, it would pounce on her and eat her.

Violla ran as quickly as she could, all while trying to get her phone to work. She wanted to call for help, but the screen refused to work.By now, her terror was at its peak, and she screamed, "Help! Help!" Unfortunately, no one heard her.

Not far ahead of her was the Romans' residence. She knew that the moment she entered the gates, she would be safe.She was overwhelmed with regret.

'Why did I have to anger Davon? Why did I have to come out here alone at night?

Does being courageous bring me any benefit? Can my dignity help me survive? No! Of course not! Who the f*ck cares about that damn agreement? I'll sign that paper. As long as I can live, I'll do anything! I still have three kids, Mrs. Blake, and Finny. I even have a hundred thousand that I haven't spent yet.I can't die now!' she ruminated.

The wolf had finally lost its patience and it was now loping at full speed toward her.Her heart leaping to her throat, Violla sprinted.

The Romans' residence was right in front of her, but no matter how quick she tried to run, it felt like she would never reach it.On the other hand, the wolf was getting closer and closer.

Violla could hear the howling of the wind behind her, and she could sense the murderous aura of the wolf. Her legs gave out on her, and she collapsed on the ground with a loud thud.At that moment, two words flashed into her mind. ' I'm screwed! I'm done for.'

Behind her, the wolf unhinged its jaw and pounced toward her.Instinctively, Violla closed her eyes.Right then, a silver glint flashed from the side and hit the wolf's neck.

Less than a meter away from Violla, the wolf slumped to the ground. It shook its weakening body before it swiftly escaped into the woods.

"Don't eat me. Don't eat me…" Hunching on the ground like a shrank-up tortoise, Violla wailed in despair.A pair of eyes watched her coldly from the woods, and in them was disdain.

After a long while, Violla finally came back to her senses. Stiffly, she turned to look behind her, only to realize the wolf was gone.She clambered to her feet on her shaky legs and bolted toward the villa.

In the woods, the slender figure cupped his mouth and mimicked the howl of a wolf.

"Ah!" Violla screeched as she sped up. In a trembling voice, she cried out, "Help me! Help me!"

When she finally reached the entrance of the villa, she realized that the dark green steel gate was tightly shut, sealing Violla off from the safety of the house.

She slammed her palms onto the gate and screamed, "Open up! Hurry and open the door! There's a wolf outside!" No one answered her.

She could see a few guards just a distance away who remained as still as a statue. It was as if they had not heard her cries for help.

"Help! Help!" Violla stomped her feet as she continued to yell, "It's me, Violla. Let me in!"

Still, no reactions came from the guards.

"What's wrong with you all? Let me in!" Violla was close to tears by now. "Davon, let me in! There's a wolf outside about to eat me!"

"Weren't you the one who wanted to leave in the first place?" A pathetic voice entered her ears.

Turning in the direction of the voice, Violla noticed that Davon was sitting on the wooden bench beside the flower bed. He was in his sleeping robe, holding onto a cigar in one hand and a wine glass in the other; he was the epitome of nonchalance.

"Let me in, please," Violla begged as she sobbed. "There's a wolf out here about to eat me."

"Uh-huh," came Davon's unconcerned reply. He then stood up and slowly walked away.

"Hey!" Violla was on the verge of breaking down. She slammed her fists on the steel gates and screamed, "You won't just stand there and watch me die, will you? If you don't let me in, I'll die!"

Davon ignored her as he continued walking into the villa.

"Davon Roman." Violla bellowed. "You heartless animal. Karma will get you soon!"

Davon stopped to turn and look at her. "You're still cursing at me at a time like this?"

"D-Don't assume I have to beg you," Violla ground out. "If I die here, you'd have to bear the responsibility. If the cops come, you'll be the primary suspect."

"I see…" Davon nodded solemnly. He then pointed at the surveillance camera by the gate. "See that? It will film the process of the wolf eating you. You do realize that a wolf is wild, right? I'm not the one who raised it and there is no law stating that I have to save you."

"You....." Violla could not formulate a response to refute him.

"Let me teach you something," Davon said with a smile. "When the wolf bites you, just scream and shout like you did just now. It'll think that you're annoying, and it'll snap its jaw on your throat. Blood will spurt out of you like a water fountain, and death will be instant. That way, it won't hurt."

Violla's face turned colorless as her entire being trembled. All words died in her throat.

"I wish you a merry death. Goodbye!" Davon waved and turned to leave.

"Davon Roman!" Violla roared as she slammed the steel gate. "You heartless b*stard! You'll die a horrible death!"

Once again, howls of wolves sounded behind her.Violla immediately lost all her courage as she fell onto her knees with a thud. She wailed and pleaded, "Please save me! I don't want to die!"

Davon, who had his back to her, finally grinned in delight and glee.He was even more exhilarated now than when he got a business deal worth tens of billions.

However, he was not in a rush to turn around. Instead, he took a slow step forward.

"Davon, as long as you save me, I'll do anything." Violla cared for nothing then; staying alive was the only thought in her mind. "Give me the contract. I'll sign it. As long as you save me, I'll sign it."

"Are you sure?" Davon finally turned around. With an innocent expression on his face, he asked, "Are you going to claim that I'm forcing you again?"

"No, I won't. I'm doing this willingly," Violla guaranteed. "Let me in first. Let me in quickly. The wolf is here. It really is."

"All right. But remember, you're the one begging me." Davon slowly raised his arm and made a gesture.It was then the bodyguard stepped forward and opened the steel gates.

The gates had only opened a fraction before Violla rushed in. As her legs were still weak, she fell to the ground.

Lifting her head, she could see numerous pairs of green eyes watching her covetously from the nearby woods.Widening her eyes in fear, a shudder wracked through her body before she fainted.

Davon clicked his tongue and sighed before shaking his head. "How fragile is she to pass out just like this?"

He then walked over to lift her up into his arms before instructing the guards. "You may leave now."

"Yes, Mr. Roman." One of the bodyguards pressed a button, and the green eyes immediately disappeared.

Davon carried Violla into the villa and placed her on the bed.

Just then, Immaculate came in with a new copy of the contract.

Holding Violla's hand, Davon bit on her thumb, and blood immediately seeped out.

He then pressed her thumb at the signature section of the contract before a satisfied smile grew on his face. "I told you. There is no escaping me ."