

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs


Violla bent down to search for the ruby necklace on the roadside. It was late at night, and although there were street lights, the lighting was somewhat dim. After about forty minutes of searching, Violla finally found the dazzling ruby necklace in the shrubs. Elated, she quickly picked it up, dusted it off, and put it in her bag. She took out her phone to call a cab and noticed that her phone had only five percent battery left. As a result, it lagged as she scrolled through it.

In such a situation, if she called a cab, the driver might not be able to reach her later. Moreover, Violla had no idea where she was, and she doubted that the GPS could accurately pinpoint her location. She could only look through her contacts to seek help from others. However, besides Mrs. Blake, the only other contact in her list was "Escort In Debt." Violla had no choice but to call him.

Davon, sitting in a Rolls-Royce, was drinking his wine disconsolately when he heard his phone vibrate. He glanced at it with furrowed eyebrows and saw that it was a call from "Stupid Woman," which was how he had saved her number. Staring detachedly at the blinking alert on the screen, Davon was fuming. "This ungrateful wretch! I just kicked her off the car, and now she's calling this other man who's actually my alter ego. What is she trying to do?"

His phone continued to vibrate, but he declined the call directly. He was infuriated and didn't want to see her at all. Soon after, he received a location from "Stupid Woman" along with a voice message saying, "Escort, I'm left on the roadside, and my phone is about to die. Help!"

"It turns out she's asking for help now. She's exactly what her name suggests – as stupid as a donkey!" Davon ran through his thoughts, gritting his teeth with contempt at the thought of that ungrateful wretch. He decided to ignore her, but on second thought, he couldn't let such an irritable woman off the hook so easily.

"It's only fair that I give her a taste of her own medicine." With that thought in mind, he asked the driver to stop the car, changed into another outfit, put on his mask, and got into a different car brought to pick up Violla.

Immaculate stood by the roadside and watched as the Aston Martin sped away. Puzzled, she asked Cruze, "What is Mr. Roman doing?"

"Cosplay," Cruze replied in a mystical manner, "Mr. Roman by day and Mr. Escort by night!"

"Huh?" Immaculate's eyes widened in bewilderment.

"I didn't say anything. Nope, it wasn't me." Cruze hastily slapped himself lightly on the mouth. "How dare I ridicule Mr. Roman! I must be going crazy!"

While driving, Davon changed Violla's name on his phone from "Stupid Woman" to "Ungrateful Wretch." He even drove slowly on purpose to make the ungrateful wretch wait.

Meanwhile, Violla waited at the roadside, her chin resting on her palm, expectantly watching the cars passing by. Out of the blue, a dashing green Porsche stopped in front of her.

Four fashionably dressed young boys got out of the car and approached her, smirks and cheeky grins adorning their faces.

"Wow, is this a fallen angel from heaven? How beautiful!"

"Beautiful angel, are you lost or waiting for someone?"

"Why don't you come with us? Let's have some fun at the bar!"

Violla glanced dispassionately at the little brats and rolled her eyes. "My boyfriend is coming to pick me up soon. He is known for his foul temper, so you better leave now."

"Hahahaha..." the young boys laughed aloud.

"It seems like our beautiful angel here has had a fight with her boyfriend. Don't mind a man who makes you angry. Be my girlfriend instead. I can buy you branded bags!"

One of the boys, dressed in a hip-hop outfit with a mo-hawk hairstyle, leaned over and laid his hand on Violla's shoulder.

"Get lost!" Violla jerked his hand away but inadvertently irritated her own wound, gasping in pain.

"Oh! What happened to you? Are you hurt? Were you beaten by your crappy ex? This is no way to treat women." Again, the boy drew himself shamelessly closer. "Come, let me pamper you!"

Right then, two dazzling rays of light flashed directly at them, blinding the boy with their radiance.

Violla closed her eyes instinctively and heard the screeching sound of an emergency brake alongside the boys' curses. "What the fck! That scared the sht out of me. Who the hell is looking for trouble here?"

Followed by that were punching and fighting noises, along with the boys' screams.

She could feel the wind gusting by her ears and slight tremors caused by someone collapsing nearby. All of this happened in an instant.

Violla panicked, and when she opened her eyes to see what had happened in front of her, she was stupefied. The four boys were rolling and crying out in pain on the ground.

Especially the boy who had touched her shoulder earlier. Both his hands were fractured, and he was bellowing and struggling beside her. Blocking the light, a masked man dressed in black stood tall in front of her like a wild lone wolf. Looming over the defeated figures at his feet, he spat out indifferently, "Garbage!"

Violla froze as she looked at him. The figure of Davon flashed across her mind inexplicably.

Although the two men's dressing styles were completely different, at that moment, his domineering aura, his pair of aloof and distant eyes, and even his voice were eerily identical to Davon's!

"What are you thinking?" Davon knocked lightly on Violla's head before sweeping her off her feet and carrying her to the car. Then, the car whizzed off into the gloomy night.

Flashes of what had just happened continued playing repeatedly in Violla's mind. "Indistinguishable, they're just too alike!" Violla thought.

"Are you dumb?" Davon berated her in fury. "Did you just stand there stupefied after being harassed?"

"Then what should I do? It's not like I can beat them." In an aggrieved tone, Violla added, "And I'm still injured."

"Useless!" Davon lowered his voice as he rebuked her.

"Anyway, I didn't suffer any losses," Violla uttered casually, "But don't you think you were a little too ruthless to them?"

"Why?" Davon's face turned murky instantly. "Are you feeling sorry for them? It seems like I might have disturbed you and the boys, huh?"

"What are you babbling about?" Violla snapped.

"Do you want me to send you back to have fun with those little hooligans?" Davon sounded like he was in a state of frenzy.

"What's the matter with you?" Violla abruptly slapped the back of his head. "How dare you talk to me like this! Do you want to die?"

"You..." Davon snarled.

"Get your facts straight! I'm your boss here; you're only an escort," Davon was about to lash out when Violla splurted these words haughtily, reminding him of his current identity.

"I'm not Mr. Roman now; I'm Mr. Escort!" Davon reminded himself.

"You better not test my limits!" Violla stared at him aggressively and warned, "It seems that I've been too kind to you, which makes you grow more overbearing by the day. How dare you ridicule me?"

"That's enough, stop running on about this," Davon bared his teeth as he uttered those words and tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

"Ungrateful wretch! She has just rejected me, and now she is beating me. If it weren't for concealing my identity, I would have dealt her a blow," Davon internalized.

"Hmph!" Violla shot him a dagger through her eyes and took out her phone to charge it. She was pondering secretly in her mind. "It can't be that he's actually Davon, can it? A pre-eminent man like Davon would definitely jump and choke me to death if I were to beat him. But other than his face turning gloomy, this man over here dares not do anything after being beaten and reprimanded by me.

Still, when this escort came to my rescue just now, his voice and the aura he emanated were so identical to that of Davon. Now that I come to think about it, it sounded all the more identical.

Besides, both of them like to chase people off their cars halfway through the journey and kick people in the ass from behind."

Thinking of this, Violla was overwhelmed, and she asked tentatively, "Why are you always wearing a mask? We are not in Empire Night now, and you're not being picked by some wealthy women. Aren't you tired of this mask?"

And as she said that, she reached out to take off his mask. "Hey!" Davon pushed her hand away and shouted, "Don't touch it!"

"Why?" Violla grew even more suspicious. "Why can't you let me see your face?"

"Of course not!" Davon replied indifferently. "If you see my face, I'll be threatened by you for a lifetime. There'll be no end to this!"

"Hmm..." Violla was rendered speechless. Since she recognized the tattoo on his waist and forced him to sign the debt repayment agreement, he had to pay her fifty percent of his income every day.

Half of the agreed-upon period had passed, and he would soon be free. After all, since she didn't know what he looked like, she wouldn't be able to recognize him even if they did meet each other again the next time.

However, if she had seen his face, they might be entangled forever in this messy situation. What he said seemed to make sense. Maybe she was thinking too much.

"If it wasn't for that night over four years ago and the fact that I caused you to experience a miscarriage, I would never have gotten involved with you," Davon added.

He had been drugged that night while playing escort, after Violla mistook him for someone else at his own club, Empire Night, and had sex with him in a trance-like state. Moreover, he had been rough and lacking tenderness in bed that night.

He could still vividly recall how she cried out for mercy beneath him. Every time he thought about it, his blood would boil, and he would feel an overwhelming sense of guilt.

"Well, at least you have some conscience," Violla replied, her doubts somewhat cleared. On second thought, how could a prestigious man like Davon pretend to be an escort at Empire Night and engage in such acts with her?

Besides, he had just chased her out of his car. It seemed highly unlikely that he would change cars and outfits just to pick her up. Even if he had the time, his temper wouldn't allow it.

"Don't call me for such matters anymore in the future," Davon changed the subject. "I'm not your security guard. Why should I come when you ask me to?"

"I didn't want to trouble you either, but besides you, I have no one else to seek help from," Violla said, sounding helpless.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Davon asked in a detached manner.

"I don't have one," Violla rolled her eyes.

"No?" Davon was suspicious. "You can never tell the truth from lies when dealing with this woman."

"Your question reminded me..." Violla remembered that she had lied to Davon about having a boyfriend. If he found out she was bluffing, she would be in trouble. "That's why I have to make this act a reality."

With that in mind, Violla tugged at Davon's sleeve and said, "Escort, be my boyfriend!"

Davon was speechless. He was utterly baffled. "What in the world is happening? Just an hour ago, this ungrateful wretch rejected me. The prominent, distinguished man that I am! And now she's taking the initiative and wants an escort to be her boyfriend? Is she crazy or just stupid? Why am I even jealous of myself?"

"Don't be nervous. I mean 'pretend'," Violla explained. "Someone has been pursuing me recently, and to discourage him, I told him that I had a boyfriend."

Davon squinted dangerously. "Very well, this ungrateful woman was bluffing me?"

"Escort, do me another favor, won't you?" Violla tugged at his sleeves and fawned. "I'll buy you more supplements.

"There's no need!" Davon cut her off. "Who is courting you?"

"You don't need to know the details," Violla answered casually. "You're only pretending; it isn't real after all."

"That's not fair." Davon was taking advantage of the situation and continued, "What if that guy is a vicious man and seeks revenge on me?"

"He's my boss," Violla finally answered honestly.

"How can that be possible? Your boss likes you?" Davon shot a scornful glance at her. "With this stunted look of yours, is he blind?"

Violla was at a loss for words. She was convinced then that she had really overthought because Davon would never give her such a remark.

"Besides, you should be very grateful to have such an exceptional admirer like your boss. Why are you rejecting him?" Davon asked her on purpose.

"I can't handle such a big shot," Violla heaved a sigh. "He's only looking for novelty now. Once the glam wears off and he grows tired of me, I'll be abandoned. To whom should I cry and complain then? Plus, with his unpredictable and fickle mood changes, he's just like a creep. Who knows what kind of fetish he'll have? It's better that I keep away from him. I'm still too young to die!"

Davon was tongue-tied. He didn't know what was running through her mind all day.

"That's it, it's been decided. I'll call you when I need your help. Don't worry, if you be my fake boyfriend for a day, you can be exempted from paying me that day."

"Shut up. Give me your address!" Davon snarled.

"32 uplands!" she replied immediately.

Violla felt that she had been disdained by him. He was stern and paid no attention to her since then.

When she reached home, Mrs. Blake was watching television quietly and waiting for her in the living room. As soon as she saw that Violla was back, she served a bowl of soup to her.

Violla had a bowlful and reached out her uninjured right hand to hug Mrs. Blake. Then, she went back to her room and turned in after showering.

"It's Monday tomorrow and I have to work in the office," she reminded herself.

Violla had been keeping her mission in mind. She had to find a way to return the chip that week. She had a good sleep that night, so she woke up early the next morning. After kissing her three children, she went downstairs carrying her breakfast bag and took the bus to work.

After recuperating for so many days, returning to her normal routine made Violla feel more at ease and secure. "Only a life made up of concrete realities is real!" she thought.

"There are no such things as a glamorous auction, a hundred million worth of ruby necklace, and a detached and domineering Devil president. All those were only some unrealistic dreams. You have to get back to reality after waking up from dreams," Violla consoled herself.

Violla arrived ten minutes early to change her clothes at the security department, but the manager of the security department informed her, "Violla, you've been reassigned. Go get your transfer letter from the HR department and report to the new department."

"What?" Violla was astonished. What a familiar scene! Not long ago, she was transferred from the administration department to the security department. It was just the same as what's happening now.

"However, at that time, I was implicated by Isaac and was punished together. What is it for now? Is it because I turned down the president? Or what?" She should have been mentally prepared for that.

"That cruel and ruthless Devil must have never had a taste of rejection before! With such impudence from me, how can he ever let me go?" Violla paled. A scene from the tragic play flashed across her mind. She could roughly guess the department to which she had been transferred.

"The janitorial department! The Devil, no, the jackass has been threatening me with this. He has finally found the reason to do it! What is the big deal? Worst comes to worst, I can just leave. Even if I have to wash the dishes at some bistro, I can still raise my kids. Why should I suffer through being harassed by the jackass?" Violla contemplated.

"Violla, Violla…" Sean's call interrupted Violla's thoughts.

Coming to her senses, Violla took a long breath and answered rather sadly, "Sean, Mr. Manager, thank you for taking care of me all this while. Goodbye!"

With that, she bowed to them, and soon, she left with tears in her eyes.

"Huh…" Both the manager and Sean were puzzled. "What's happening here? Why is she making it like a separation by death?"

Coming out of the security room, Violla was very dispirited at the thought of cleaning up the place, including the washroom, after being transferred to the janitorial department and working as a janitor.

She cursed Davon in her mind. "He's taking revenge on me just because he was rejected. What a jackass, jackass!"

Davon sneezed twice in the elevator. Hence, he covered his mouth and nose with his black and gold handkerchief. "Is someone cursing me?"

The elevator door opened. Davon stepped out of the elevator and happened to bump into Violla, who was walking into the elevator next to him.

He glanced at her indifferently and noticed that she was staring at him with animosity in her eyes. He almost couldn't believe his own eyes.

The door closed, and he turned around to ask Cruze, "I didn't misinterpret anything, right? Was she staring at me just now?"

Cruze cleared his throat and replied carefully, "It seems that... you're right!"

Davon frowned, and his eyes lit up with a fiery glint. "So I've been sneezing because she was cursing at me!"