

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs


Davon's expression was icy as he brushed past her. Violla stared at his back in a daze. "Was he the one who bumped into me earlier? This is such a wide space, and with four security guards by his side at all times, how could he have bumped into me? Don't tell me... he did it on purpose?" Violla asked herself.

"Don't you watch where you're going, Violla?" Isaac roared at her, getting all worked up.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Violla chimed, pointing in the direction Davon had disappeared and explaining meekly, "It was the President who bumped into me, that's why I accidentally..." She was interrupted by Isaac.

"You are even pushing the blame onto..." Isaac started.

"Mr. Isaac," Cruze interrupted Isaac and asked coldly, "Are you saying that it's Mr. Roman's fault?"

"No, no, no. I wouldn't dare..." Isaac hastily explained, "I meant her... no, I meant myself. I'm the one who's blind."

"That's more like it," Cruze nodded with satisfaction, then solemnly reminded, "Watch where you're going next time, especially in a restaurant. It's not good to waste food!" Cruze told Isaac.

"Understood!" Isaac said, lowering his head in submission. Seeing the look of embarrassment on Isaac's face, Violla silently cheered in her heart. "This prick has finally run into a snag. He probably won't dare to harass me again from now on!"

Davon shot a glance at Violla and saw the way she was secretly rejoicing. His lips formed a faint smile. His phone rang just as the elevator doors closed, and he picked it up immediately. "Go on!" he roared to the caller.

"Mr. Roman, we've caught Paul, but he doesn't have the chip with him. He has probably hidden it somewhere else. I've used every method to force him into confessing, but he's remained tight-lipped so far. We may have to resort to more extreme measures!" the caller informed him.

"A man like him has undergone hell inferno training. Torture won't work on him," Davon said. "Check the surveillance footage at the Plaza and see if he passed it to his accomplices," he ordered.

"Yes, I will look into it immediately!" the caller said.

By the time Violla got home from work, a scrumptious meal had already been prepared by Mrs. Blake. Soon, the family of five enjoyed their dinner together. Finny flapped its wings and perched on Eliana's shoulder, rubbing its head against Eliana's chubby cheek. Eliana fed it a melon seed, but it didn't happily eat it like it usually did. Instead, it shook its head, struggling through a round of hiccups.

Eliana looked at its food tray, noticing that the food was completely untouched. She anxiously said, "Mommy, Finny hasn't eaten anything since last night and keeps having hiccups. Is it sick?"

"What's wrong?" Violla asked Finny while stroking its furry little head, but it looked completely restless.

"Maybe Finny hasn't recovered from the shock it went through at the mall the other day?" Mrs. Blake said before suggesting, "Let us take it to the vet."

"Mmmh, we'll do that," Violla nodded in agreement.

Jason looked at Finny and furrowed his brows, hesitating for a while. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and blurted out, "Mommy, actually, Finny ate a gold thingy. That's why it feels uncomfortable."

"Gold thingy?" Violla blinked in surprise.

"Yeah. It was this big…" Jason said, indicating with his fingers. "About the same size as my pinky finger."

"I don't think we have a piece of gold like that in our house," Violla was puzzled. "Not in our house. When we were at the mall, a masked man in black gave it to me…" Jason explained.

"Have you been watching too much cartoon?" Ryan asked, rolling his eyes at Jason.

"It's true..." Jason said and quickly recounted the events of that day in detail. By the time he was done, everyone had dumbfounded looks on their faces.

"Hahaha…" Mrs. Blake cackled with laughter. "Jason, your story is really interesting."

"See? Too much cartoon," Ryan said, rolling his eyes again and continued eating.

"Why don't any of you believe me…" Jason whined, his cheeks flushed red with anxiety. "Do you believe me, Mommy?" he asked.

"I do!" Violla stated and filled his plate with more food. "We will take Finny to see the vet after we're done eating, okay?"

"Yeah, let's take Finny to see the doctor first," Eliana, concerned only about her parrot and not the truth, suggested. Jason pouted, feeling greatly aggrieved.

After dinner, Violla and her three children took Finny to the vet. The vet checked Finny and said it was indigestion, probably due to eating something wrong. Therefore, the doctor prescribed medication to improve its bowel movement. Jason pouted and thought to himself, "Hmph! When that gold thingy comes out of Finny, all of you will know that I was telling the truth!"

Back at home, by the time Violla fed Finny the medicine and tucked her children into bed, it was already past nine.

She lay on her bed after taking a shower and sent a text to Escort In Debt: How is business tonight? He replied: Not good. No one picked me.

Violla became worried and typed a long message, teaching him how to flirt with rich women and talk business.

She wrote: Don't always wear a mask and pretend to look cool. Although some rich women are attracted to cold and aloof men, there are also those who prefer bright and bubbly men. You need to adapt and change your style according to the situation! Moreover, when those rich women start choosing their partner, you should wow them with your charm! Take off your shirt so that your abs and chest muscles are on full display, then move your hips slightly. Those rich women won't stand a chance; they'll be drooling all over themselves. Additionally, you should mention that you have good stamina and can last for a long time...

Escort In Debt replied: Good stamina and can last for a long time... It seems like you remember that night very vividly!

Violla's face turned crimson red upon reading his reply, and she sent an angry emoji back to him.

Then she wrote: I am teaching you how to do business and make money, but you're talking about useless things instead. If you don't reach your target tonight, you have to make up for the difference tomorrow. I have already told you that you must pay me at least five thousand every day.

Escort In Debt replied to her with a sweating emoji and added: I have to wear a mask; it's according to the rules of this place. We don't want to make our clients feel awkward if we accidentally meet them in the streets and they recognize us.

To which she replied: Okay then, but work a little harder, put in a bit more effort. The night is still young. Who knows? Maybe business will come knocking on your door after midnight. Don't be choosy. Who cares if those rich women are skinny or obese? As long as they take a liking to you, you can have intimate encounters with them...

Escort In Debt replied, "I am speechless!"

She responded, "Forget it. I'll head over to Empire Night right now and bring you some supplements, and maybe teach you some skills too while I'm there!"

Being a boss meant spending effort on winning over the workers instead of blindly squeezing them dry. A boss had to lead with virtue and sentiment; otherwise, the workers would eventually leave. Violla recalled the business lessons her father had taught her in the past and decided to treat her escort In Debt better from then on.

After Violla informed Mrs. Blake where she was going, she changed her clothes and went to the pharmacy near her neighborhood.

She kept her head low and scanned her surroundings first before walking toward the counter to ask the salesperson, "May I know if you have supplements for improving s*x drive?"

"For a man or a woman?" asked the salesperson.

"For a man," Violla said, lowering her voice to a whisper.

"These are what we have. Which one would you like?" The salesperson pointed at the row of glass cabinets behind the counter.

"I want the cheapest one," Violla answered without hesitation.

"Then this one." The salesperson took out a bottle of supplements. "It's buy three, get one free."

"How much are three bottles?" Violla asked.

"Three thousand three hundred and eighty!" the salesperson replied.

"It's too expensive. I'll just take the one!" she squealed.

Rendered speechless, the salesperson checked out one bottle for her. Violla stuffed it into her bag and left in a flurry. The salesperson then sidled over to a colleague and gossiped, "That lady just now is quite pretty. It's too bad she doesn't have a conscience."

"Huh? Why not?" the colleague asked.

"Just think about it. She squeezed her husband dry, so she came here to buy him some supplements, but she ended up buying only one bottle. I mean, come on, you can't have your cake and eat it too!" the salesperson said.

"Hahaha! What a vicious wife!" the colleague observed.

After leaving the pharmacy, Violla took a cab to Empire Night and searched for Escort In Debt. She went directly to the private room where the two of them had previously met. Sure enough, he was there.

As usual, his face was hidden behind that mysterious mask. Clad in all black, he assumed a lofty posture as he leaned back against the couch and sipped on his drink, emanating an insufferably arrogant and unapproachable aura.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Look at that attitude. No wonder no one picked you," Violla chastised him as soon as she stepped into the room. "Those rich women come here to seek pleasure, not to be at the mercy of a masochist. Who do you think you'll seduce with that grim face of yours?"

"Well, it's take it or leave it!" Davon said, swirling the glass in his hand and continuing to sip on his drink.

"How can you be successful by just making do with what comes your way?" Violla was exasperated. "You need to think big and strive to create a better life for yourself!"

"Even an escort needs to think big?" Davon questioned.

"Of course. You escorts have different levels too, right?" Violla said. She continued to educate him earnestly. "If your performance is good, you can become the top escort here. Others may only earn ten thousand a night, but you'll earn a hundred thousand. When that happens, you'll be able to retire after just two years. You have to make the most out of your youth in this line of work. If you don't work hard now, how are you going to get by once you're old?"

"It makes sense!" Davon nodded.

"So, you have to work hard to improve your performance." Violla took out the bottle of supplement from her bag. "Here, I bought this for you. Take it and close a big client later tonight."

"There's no need for that. My s*x drive is very good," Davon said, as he glanced at the bottle and his lips arched into a wicked smile. "Didn't you experience it first-hand?"

"Well, it used to be good, but after doing it for so many years, you probably have some problems now, don't you?" Violla sneered and gazed at him with pity in her eyes. "Everything excessively used will wear out with time." Her gaze fell on his groin, and she released a sigh.

Davon narrowed his eyes dangerously and pinched her chin to level their gazes. "Are you doubting my abilities?" he asked.

His eyes gleamed with an innate kind of dominance, making her heart flutter nervously for some reason. Violla scooted back slightly, keeping her distance from him. "I'm just worried about your physical condition. I even bought you some supplements. You should repay me for my effort." she told him.

"How do you want me to repay you?" Davon asked.

Davon abruptly closed in on her, exuding a dangerous aura that resembled a wild beast stalking its prey.

"Well, of course, by earning more money and clearing your debt to me sooner." she grunted.

Violla's mind was in shambles by then, and she began to stammer, "A-A-And also..."

She pointed at the expensive bottle of red wine on the table, trying to diffuse the sexual tension in the air. "Don't spend excessively! Don't falsify bank statements!"

"This was paid for by a client," Davon replied casually.

"Ah, I see. That makes more sense. I was wondering how you could afford to buy such an expensive bottle of wine," Violla continued, shifting away. "Has that client placed an order with you? And next time, don't accept wine; tell them to give you cash instead."

"I rejected her," Davon deliberately teased, "Fifty-eight years old and two hundred and eighty pounds. I'm too young to die in bed!"

A snort of laughter escaped Violla's lips at that, and she reached out to squeeze his arm. "You're strong and packed with muscles. There's no way you would die that easily!" Davon caught her wandering little hand and jerked her into his arms. "Why don't you try me out first?"

"No…" Violla rumbled, flabbergasted. She blurted out barely coherent words, "Don't try anything funny! If you touch me, I'll report you!"

"Go ahead…" Davon hissed. He gently bit her earlobe, which sent a ripple of electricity through her entire body, making her tingle all over. "If I get fired, I won't have money to pay you back anymore!" He whispered, tagging her hair back before burying his face in her neck. She visibly shivered.

"You…" Violla couldn't formulate a response to refute him.

"Mmmh, Mmmh!" Davon hummed. His lips traveled downward, brushing a feather-light kiss on her collarbone. Then, he trapped the button on her shirt between his teeth and nuzzled her chest tantalizingly.

"Don't…" Violla thrashed against him in panic, but she couldn't break free from his hold no matter how hard she tried.

"You're really sensitive…" he whispered. Davon was satisfied with her reaction and planned to continue teasing her, but a woman's loud and pompous voice came from outside, interrupting the peace.

"I'm tired of those male escorts from earlier. Don't you have any new ones?" the person's voice boomed.

"I want the best in Empire Night. The best of the best!" they said.

"That's right. We want the finest you have here. We can afford it!" Yet another voice boomed.

With a loud bang, the door burst open. Three affluent women with plump figures, reeking of alcohol, barged in and were taken aback when they saw the unfamiliar private room. "Huh? Where are the three escorts we ordered?" one of them asked.

"Why is it so quiet here? Did we come to the wrong room?" another questioned.

"You went the wrong way. Your room is on the opposite side!" the security guard, whom Davon had sent away, was about to handle the situation as he stood beyond the door. The room was only meant for Davon being the owner of the place. However, he immediately backtracked when Davon shot him a meaningful look.

Violla pushed off the couch and straightened her clothes with her back to the door. "Hey! There's one here!" Violla called out to the women.

The three women spotted Davon and excitedly gathered around him, undressing him with their eyes.

"His body and looks are top-notch! He's completely on a different level compared to the boring ones out there!" one woman stated.

"Domineering and ruthless. Just my cup of tea!" another drooled.

"Hey handsome, you're also an escort here, right? Name your price. We have the money!" another boasted.

Davon nursed his drink and didn't spare them a glance. His cold and domineering temperament only fueled the women's desire for him.

Noticing this, Violla seized the opportunity to make a fortune and deliberately provoked the three of them. "Oh, really? You don't look like you can even afford a drink here!" Violla sneered.

"Where did this bratty girl come from? How dare you speak to us like this?" the women shot hostile glares at Violla. "Don't you know who we are?" they asked.

"I don't give a damn about who you are," Violla retorted. She clung onto Davon's arm and warned, "I saw him first!" Davon's brows raised slightly as he studied her with intrigue.

One of the women took out a stack of banknotes from her bag and threw it onto the table. "Little girl, there are plenty of escorts out there. This money is more than enough for you to hire at least seven of them. Give this one to us!" the woman demanded.

"No!" Violla snarled.

Violla tilted Davon's chin and pressed her lips onto his icy ones. Then, she wrapped her arms around him and snapped, "I spent a hundred thousand today just to have this legendary escort god all to myself. I won't be giving him up to anyone. So get out! Go, go, go!" she growled.

Davon's brows shot up to his hairline, and then he pursed his lips, craving more than just a kiss from her.

"But escort god? Seriously? Is this some sort of upgrade?" Davon ruminated as he enjoyed the show.