

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs


"Hey..." Violla started, her voice trembling with anger. She checked her bank account and realized she only had three thousand left. How on earth was she going to foot the bill?

"Don't tell me you can't afford to pay the bill?" Isaac sneered, intentionally moving closer to her. "You can ask for my help. As long as you agree to spend a night with me, I'll foot the bill. With my help, no one will dare to bully you at work, and..." His words were abruptly cut off as she slapped him across the face. "Scumbag!" she snarled.

Isaac touched his cheek, but instead of getting angry, he chuckled like a pervert. "This is the first time you've touched me. Your hand is so soft!"

"You are a disgusting piece of sh*t!" Violla spat, her anger boiling over. She stormed off, determined to put some distance between them.

"If you fail to pay the bill today, your colleagues might refuse to befriend you anymore," Isaac shouted after her. "Imagine them being so disgusted by you that they start ostracizing you! Do you want to risk losing this job?"

Violla walked down the hallway, feeling dejected and lost. She couldn't afford to lose that job, but she had no idea where she could get the money to pay the bill. Her mind was consumed with worry as she continued to walk, lost in her thoughts.

As she turned a corner, she saw a familiar figure sitting in a private room up ahead. The man was seated on a couch, his back straight, and his white shirt tied around his waist. Violla's heart skipped a beat when she noticed a vicious cobra head tattoo on his exposed skin, along with a long scar on his back. "That's him," her mind screamed. Violla froze in shock, her heart pounding faster than ever.

The last time she had seen the man in his car, she was so nervous that she held her breath, dazed. But he had left before she could say a word. And now, the man who had destroyed her life was right in front of her eyes!

As she gazed at his back, images flooded her mind of waking up in the hospital back then, after being run down by a car while she was running from reporters. She had failed to see her father for the last time. Instead, she had only seen her father's stiff corpse at the crematorium. At the funeral, her relatives and friends had pointed fingers at her, cursing her harshly and chasing her away.

She had gotten pregnant before marriage, and people looked down on her when she attended her monthly prenatal checkups at the unremarkable clinic in the countryside. When she gave birth to her babies in the hospital, she had nearly died of excessive bleeding because she was pregnant with triplets. It was all that man's fault!

Fury overwhelmed her heart. She clenched her hands into fists and rushed into the room. "Hey! You! Get out. This is a private area," a man in black standing in the corner spoke sternly. The mysterious man on the couch raised his hand, and at his silent order, the man in black left the room silently.

Violla was stunned. "Oh? So escorts are rich enough to afford bodyguards now? Looks like he has been enjoying life for the past few years!" she thought to herself.

She bit back her agitation and inched nearer carefully. "It's you!" she growled.

The man buttoned his shirt and turned around slowly. On his face was a black masquerade mask, covering half of his face. The mask exposed his thin lips, and his steely and enigmatic gaze gleamed in the dark. There was a gold fire emblem on the top right of the mask, which appeared menacing and wild to her.

Violla took a step back instinctively. "Why was he so imposing? Isn't he just an escort? Did I get the man wrong? No, I'm right. There is that unmistakable tattoo," she thought.

"Do you not remember me?" Violla snarled. "Four years ago, I was drinking in this very room when my friend requested a male escort for me, who turned out to be you. We went to Roman's hotel together..." she started before he cut her off. "There's a red mole on your chest," the man said, narrowing his gaze at her. "We did it seven times that very night..." He blurted out.

"I'm going to kill you!" Violla dashed ahead and raised her arm to slap him, but the man swiftly grabbed her arm and pushed her onto the couch. "How dare you!" he snarled.

"Scumbag... idiot... moron!" Violla rained insults at him as she leapt onto him like a wildcat, waving her arms around to scratch him. "It's all your fault! You ruined my life!" she yelled.

The man placed his hand on her head, keeping her at a distance. She couldn't reach him even as she waved her hands wildly.

He stared at her coolly, as if she were nothing but a clown. "Let's get the facts right. You were the one who requested my services. It was consensual. You make it seem like I raped you," he snapped.

Violla bristled. "You're an unprofessional escort! You didn't even use a condom when you served your client. Screw you! You deserve to be castrated!" she squealed.

"Mmmh?" The man's gaze turned dangerous. "Did you get pregnant?" he asked. Violla stiffened at his question. Her babies flashed across her mind. Yes, she got pregnant and gave birth to triplets! But the man in front of her didn't strike her as someone who could be a responsible father.

"Answer me!" he demanded.

"Yes, I got pregnant!" Violla blurted out. She immediately changed her mind and corrected herself, "But I had an abortion later. I won't give birth to a shameless escort's child!" She knew that if anyone else found out the kids' father was a male escort from a club, they would be ridiculed in school.

"No, I must keep it a secret. No one is to find out about this!" she thought. "Good!" The man nodded in satisfaction. He reached into his pocket to retrieve something.

"I can't believe you're still working here as an escort after four damn years. How many innocent ladies are you going to harm? I'll file a complaint with your manager now!" Violla bellowed, stomping away furiously. The man's hand, holding the checkbook, froze. Furrowing his brows, he left the checkbook in his pocket. He wanted to settle her.

At the door, Violla received a call from Isaac. "Violla, if you don't show up, the rest are going to leave, and if so, don't bother showing up for work at Roman's Corporation tomorrow."

"Go to hell!" she cursed over the phone before hanging up, her body shaking in rage. "Why are there scumbags everywhere? These two men are both disgusting scoundrels!" she ruminated.

Suddenly, something occurred to her. The escort had ruined her life. She couldn't give up just like that. She couldn't let him live luxuriously while she and her kids were suffering!

With that thought, Violla tightened her jaw. She barged into the private room again and demanded, "Stupid escort, you ruined my life. You must bear the responsibility."

The man was sipping on his wine when she made that proclamation. Looking up icily, he replied, "Oh? How do you propose I do that?"

"By compensating me!" she declared sternly. "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been this miserable! If it weren't for you, I would've met my father for the last time before he died. If it weren't for you, my reputation wouldn't have suffered such irreversible damage," she spat.

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have become a single mother. But my kids are still adorable to me!" though she didn't voice that part out.

"Anyway, I'm demanding money from him now. I have to be stern and forceful!" she ruminated.

"How much do you want?" he queried. The man lounged on the couch arrogantly as he buttoned his shirt up. His sexy abs gleamed alluringly in the dimly lit room. Violla was momentarily dazed by his abs. She swiftly regained her composure and cleared her throat, then held up three fingers.

"Three hundred million?" she blurted out. "If you can pay me three hundred million, I'd wake up smiling in my dreams!" she scoffed before continuing. "You're just an escort. Why are you so cocky? Listen, I demand three months of your salary. From today onwards, give me half of your nightly earnings!"

"After all, I can't even afford to buy milk for the kids now. Luckily, I bumped into this escort when I had nowhere to turn to! I need to fleece him to make him pay for what he has done to me. Also, he needs to bear some responsibility as the kids' father. Three months will be enough to get me through this hurdle. After my probation period, my salary will increase to ten thousand. We will be able to survive then. Then, we can go our separate ways," she internalized.

"How much do you think I earn in one night?" The man twirled his glass lightly and shot her an amused glance. "What if no one requests me?"

"You're quite good-looking. If you're willing to work hard, you might end up as Empire Night's top male escort," Violla scanned his figure carefully before her gaze landed on his groin. "I heard normal escorts get paid four to five thousand for each session and eight to ten thousand for overnight service. You can earn at least ten thousand per night, right?" she chimed.

"So, I just need to give you five thousand every night?" The man's smirk deepened. "You're easily satisfied, huh?" he mused.

"Of course not!" Violla retorted hurriedly. "I mean, at least five thousand! At least five thousand every night! To make up for that mistake you made that night, you need to work hard to compensate me, got it?"

"Money isn't a problem," said the man carelessly. Curious, he inquired, "But how did you recognize me?"

"Through the cobra head tattoo on your waist. I won't get it wrong!" Violla was afraid he might deny it. "So you don't know what I look like?" The man's gaze was penetrating.

"Duh!" Violla replied in exasperation. "I was so drunk that night that I didn't even know what you looked like." The man sipped on his wine and smiled, saying nothing.

"Don't try to shirk your responsibility. Otherwise, I'll file a complaint with the manager." Violla added, "Oh, I heard you're also a transvestite. If they find out about that, you'll lose your job for sure."

The man stiffened and narrowed his eyes dangerously. "Transvestite?" he asked.

Violla harrumphed. "Are you scared?" She took a pen from her bag and wrote out a simple contract.

"Here, I've made it all clear. From today onwards, you need to compensate me with half of your daily salary for three months. Sign here, and stamp your thumbprint here. It's a done deal!"

She stuffed the pen in his hand. "Am I the only escort you have?" The man gazed at the scrawny words on the contract and raised a brow. "Don't tell me you have a stack of these contracts at home?"

"Are you crazy? Do you think I'm that desperate? Sleeping with you was an accident. You were the only man I have ever slept with!" Violla blurted out angrily. When she realized what she had just said, her face flushed in embarrassment. The corners of the man's lips lifted in a smirk. He signed the contract without a word, but his signature was an illegible squiggle at the bottom of the page.

Violla felt that wasn't enough and pulled his palm towards her. She bit his thumb hard, and when a drop of blood trickled out, she immediately stamped his finger on the contract.

Now the contract was valid, and Violla was pleased. "There's no going back on your words now. Alright, give me your salary for today!" she demanded.

"I haven't started working for tonight yet," he told her.

He pulled her into his embrace and wrapped his arm around her slender waist. Brushing his lips across her cheek, he breathed, "Why don't you be my first client for today? I'll give you a 50% discount."

"Don't even think about it!" Violla said, struggling out of his embrace and pushing him aside. "Stay away from me. From now on, your job is to work hard and pay your debt!"

"Are you that willing to let me sell my body?" the man inquired, staring deep into her eyes.

"You're just my cash cow. Why wouldn't I be willing?" she spat. Violla whipped out her phone. "Let's exchange numbers to stay in contact," she said.

The man took her phone and entered his number. He was about to save his name when Violla snatched it away from him, saving his name as "Escort In Debt." Upon seeing that, his brows snapped together in displeasure.