
Chapter 5 Policewoman (1)

A woman in white and pale as paper appeared silently in the door and stood behind the girl. She stared at me straight in the eyes, without any brilliance, and exuded a cold breath all over her body.

The girl suddenly saw her and screamed in fear. She wanted to escape, but the door was blocked. She was quite clever and ran behind me. She asked in a trembling voice: "Is she a real ghost or a fake ghost?"

"Mr. Xi has guests. If it's not convenient, I will come another day." The woman's voice was cold and her expression was dull. Anyone could see that she was definitely not a human.

The girl hiding behind me screamed again and fainted on the ground.

I ignored her and looked at the female ghost and said, "It's okay. What do you want from me?" When talking to ghosts, you have to put on a condescending attitude, so that they will obey you.

"Alas, every family has someone sending sacrifices today, but I am a lonely person who doesn't have this blessing. I feel depressed and want to ask Mr. Xi to give me medicine." She said it very sadly, which made me feel sad.

I got up and walked to the shelf at the back, took out a white porcelain jar from it, poured out some white powder, wrapped it with straw paper, and threw it on the table: "When you feel chest tightness and stagnation, pick up some medicine powder with your fingernails and eat it."

"Thank you, Mr. Xi." The female ghost bowed and thanked her. When she straightened up, there was a bloody tooth on her hand. She put it on the table, took the medicine bag and floated out.

I used tweezers to wrap the ghost tooth on a piece of wormwood, then wrapped it with a red rope and put it in my pocket.

"Is the female ghost gone?" The girl got up from the ground and clapped her hands, looking out the door with fear. From the fact that she woke up so promptly, the coma just now was just pretending.

I snorted coldly, sat back in the chair and stared at her and asked: "Who are you and why are you messing with me?"

"I... I'm a ghost. If I feel uncomfortable in my stomach, can I eat the white powder I just saw?" She turned her head and looked at the shelf.

"If you want to eat white powder, buy it on the black market." I said unhappily, "You just admitted that you were pretending to be a ghost. Is it fun to keep making trouble like this?"

The girl drooped her head like a deflated ball and said to herself, "Why am I so stupid? I just said everything." As she spoke, she took out a pack of tissues and wiped her face hard with a pout. It seemed that she was angry with herself.

I found it very funny. This girl is quite cute. She is the kind of woman with big breasts and no brains. I like this type the most because they are not scheming and there is no pressure to be with them. But when I looked at her, I still had a stern face. Big breasts and no brains do not mean no danger.

"You still refuse to say who you are and what your purpose is here?" I asked coldly.

"Who am I? I'm just a passerby. I'm looking for some fun. Okay?" She was angry with herself and vented it on me.

I sneered and said, "If you don't tell me, I'll tell you. You are from the provincial capital, your profession is a □□, you should have been in the industry for a short time, and you are still a newcomer..."

The girl's mouth suddenly opened wide, as if an eggplant was stuffed in her mouth, and she didn't even bother to wipe off the foundation on her face. Her expression was as surprised as if she saw an alien.

"You, how did you know?" After saying this, she may have realized that she had let the cat out of the bag again, and hurriedly said, "I am not a □□, nor am I from the provincial capital, why are you guessing."


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