
Cheesing Reincarnation

How does one communicate with an entity that doesn't speak your language?

You can use signs and facial expressions! Yeah...I'm a soul without a body. You can point at an object to try and ….no body again. You can use a translator! No sight of any technology in this place.

The modern man takes so many things for granted, I first. On earth, I would have taken a picture of the being and posted it on a forum asking for a captain! Here, whatever this place is, makes even the simplest of actions extremely complex.

That makes me realize how much of a cheat it is when the isekai protagonists meet gods that randomly give them all the powers they need. No need to work for it. No need for pain or sweat.

In other stories, there would actually be lots of pain involved. Then an inevitable power creep and a godly revenge arc. Then the novel would become stale for a while and usually harem members make their apparition. There are many such examples.

But I don't remember anything about a situation as confusing and seemingly non-life-threatening as this one. Then again, it may be my memory failing me. Maybe it required more OUMF, or maybe more weirdness overall. I do remember the weirdest of things usually.

But this is not the time for this. Right now is the moment for a plan of action! What am I supposed to do right now? Perhaps this state may just be temporary.

This thing nearby doesn't seem to prove dangerous. I cannot seem to move away from where I am much either. Not that I'm restrained but that no matter where I go nothing changes.

I get the feeling I am floating in an endless void. Again, no physical sensation, just gut feeling. Eh, soul feeling. Well, you get it.

My companion follows me. I can always feel it nearby. Nearby too is a vague concept at the moment. Distance itself is hard to gauge for the current me.

I need to gather information! Adventurer tip #1: ask the NPCs in case they know anything about this world. I also have an NPC right here! Nice!

It cannot communicate with me! Less nice!

It seems friendly! Nice!

That doesn't actually help! Not as nice again.

At least I have a friend?

I'm not sure.

This whole thing is new to me. For now, I'll just patiently wait. Actually, what if this is in itself the reincarnation system? What if the whole purpose of this place is to host my soul through the passage of time? Maybe I am in the waiting queue for a new vessel on earth?

I can also think of something scarier. What if this whole place is designed to make one go insane and lose any sense of self? Would explain why babies are mostly born innocent. They would lose their identity here and reincarnate afterward!

I might be on to something! The thing talks again.


I get the feeling it is trying to gently nudge me. I don't think it has a body either so good luck with that buddy.

Wait... What if this thing next to me used to be some human? What if that is the result of this place? I might be overthinking this, but what if? I do not want this to happen to me! At all!

What if unknowingly all one needs to do to have a reincarnation cheat in the next life is to hold on to one's sanity? Aka being born with your old memories!

I could imagine myself swaggering at school acting like a genius. You guys don't know how to read yet? *Scoff* I know how to read, write, count and flirt! Bow down to your god hahahahaha! Or something along the line.

Who knows how kindergarten would play out truly? Well maybe I could also do something even better with such a cheat, but I'll see in time.

Either I am overthinking this or this place is truly what I think it is. I look at the nearby entity with pity and resolution. I mean I don't have eyes or anything. But the soul equivalent, kinda.

"Don't worry little one I will not let you down.

I will survive this and so will you! They might want to crush our spirit and sense of self, but we will stay strong and won't succumb!" I'm not sure who I'm referring to.


It seems to feel puzzled and somehow happy I am paying it attention. How many days, weeks, months, or years will I have to stay sane here? I do not know, but there is one thing I do know for sure. My whole life has prepared me for this single moment!

Get stuck in one place? I call that a usual day. Not knowing what to think about? Not a problem for me.

I am that guy that always had trouble falling asleep. I would think about my hobbies even when laying down on my fluffy mattress.

That game was fun, but the developers should really nerf this and buff that other thing. Maybe I should send them a strongly worded letter tomorrow with empirical evidence that their game mechanics are unbalanced.

That novel was really good, but what if the main character in it got summoned to a completely new world? How would he react? What would happen? Maybe I should draft something about it.

That movie was awesome, but will there ever be a sequel? What are the chances? On one hand, the main actor is dead. On the other hand, that didn't stop them from finishing that one movie with lots of cars and angry dudes. After all, technology is getting better and better.

Right, thinking about technology… how likely is an AI taking over earth kind of situation to happen IRL. Seriously? Eh, who knows. I should probably do some real concrete research about it tomorrow.

This is how my brain always is. So what if I have to survive a few centuries here or even a few millennia? I have enough memories to last me long enough!

Wait I don't think I even have a brain at the moment. How am I remembering anything? How am I thinking? How is my consciousness not freaking out from the absence of breathing and heartbeat?! Hum, all these are valid questions.

I turn to my companion with a radiant smile on my face. Well, I would if I had a face.

"Little one, let me tell you a story!"

I am ready to resist oblivion through sheer fucking will! All so I can get a cheat in my next life!

Alright, MC has a background.

He assumes a lot of things.

Is any of this true?

Who knows...

Zombiecreators' thoughts