
Yet Another Ray With A System

Yet another victim of Ray Elliot, Emperor of a multiverse. He return to the time of his transmigration just after his death and killed the ROB but in another parallel multiverse to change his parallel self fate just for fun. His parallel self didn't take it too kindly though after all the abuse he have to face in the name of tutorial. He was thrown into a zombie infested world to be baptized by fire before starting his real multiverse transmigration. ——— I'm bad at making synopsis but that's the gist of it. (Disclaimer, My fic is trash. Don't read if dear reader dislike trash fics - Sincerely, Author.) ——— Upload is not yet confirm since I made this at the spur of moment. ——— Cover isn't mine, I just snag it from google. ——— Also, whenever I ask for a vote. I wouldn't care anymore after the next chapter released because the decision already been made and change according the the votes would be incredibly bothersome and time consuming. (Sorry if this sound rude but some people are voting after the decision are made and they might have expectations that their choice will be followed. I have to clarify this to prevent some of them getting angry I didn't follow the vote anymore.)

Daoist_KittyKat · อื่นๆ
121 Chs

Chapter 43: Observation Day and Miki Hyoudou Assist Xenovia

Ray arrived at Kuoh Academy just a few minutes before 8 am with Cheshire and they met up with Gorou and Miki Hyoudou at the entrance where they were waiting for him.

"Morning Ray." Gorou and Miki Hyoudou greeted Ray. "Ah, my adorable Cheshire too." Miki cooed as she tried to get Cheshire off Ray. Ray wouldn't even doubt that Miki secretly liked Cheshire more than his own son.

"Good morning aunty Miki!" Cheshire cutely greeted Miki as she lifted her kitten slightly. "Say hello too kitty." Cheshire said and the kitten meowed as response. Ray lets Miki bring Cheshire along as he stands next to sighing Gorou who looks at his wife with a troubled look.

"Your sister-in-law, she didn't even have interest in attending her son's Observation Day but when you told us you will attend with your princess she immediately became excited to attend." Gorou sighed as he and Ray looked at Miki and Cheshire playing with the kitten. "This morning, she couldn't even contain her excitement and demanded that I arrive an hour early. Do you understand my suffering Ray?"

"Maybe you should give Issei a sister. I mean you have only one son, probably Miki wanted a daughter which is why she adored Cheshire too much." Ray goes with the most logical answer in his mind before looking at other parents that are now moving into the academy ground led by the student council members.

"Let's get going. They are about to get started and our destination is the same since Asia-chan and Issei-kun are in the same class." Ray notified Gorou and Miki. Miki immediately leads Cheshire away before Ray can even bring her to his side. Well, their destination is the same and Cheshire is having fun so why not. The group of four then followed their guide which is a student with a badge on their left sleeve which indicates they are part of the guide that is helping the student council.

On their way to Issei and Asia class, Ray noticed two red heads that stood out among the crowd but he ignored them and went his ways. His group arrived in a class where he saw Issei, Asia and Xenovia. The three waved at him while he waved back and observed them moulding clay which is an activity they are tasked to do currently.

Miki finally released her attention from Cheshire to observe Asia and Issei with Gorou. They use a camera to record them while also encouraging but the latter one made the two more shy than encouraged.

As predicted, Issei mould an exact image of naked Rias using the clay which caused Motohama and Matsuda. The entire class went into a frenzy to acquire it but Issei wouldn't be willing to part with it. Asia created the moulding of her familiar dragon while Xenovia created nothing as she is having difficulty forming an image in her head that isn't supernaturally related.

While most parents look worried, Gorou and Miki are excited that Issei created something wonderful. "Look, husband. Issei created something beautiful!" Miki exclaimed to her husband.

"I thought perversion is his only talent. I didn't expect him to have talent as an artisan! I didn't need to worry about his future anymore with this." Gorou exclaimed with excitement that his son isn't a hopeless person that is only obsessed with his perversion.

While the class is in chaos, Ray brought Cheshire behind Asia to check on a Sprite Dragon familiar clay replica she moulded. The replica is praised by Cheshire and receives a light approval stamp of a kitten paw on it.

For Xenovia, she didn't look disappointed that she failed to create anything but she is more focused on deciphering the purpose of Observation Day.

When the class ended, everyone went to their other destinations like Issei and Asia went to find Rias. Gorou, Miki and Ray take up the offer from Xenovia to give us a short tour around the Academy. Coincidentally or not, we stumbled upon a handsome redhead man which Ray would assume is another sibling of Rias if he didn't have prior knowledge that the person is Zeoticus Gremory, Rias's father and the Duke of Gremory.

Zeoticus looked very amicable and friendly as he greeted us nicely. Ray didn't know if this is an act because he is in front of Issei's parents or not. Ray seriously developed trust issues because of Sirzech. Zeoticus greeted me and Cheshire politely and also complemented how cute Cheshire is. His praise looks sincere enough that Ray gives Zeoticus the benefit of doubt as he will continue to observe his stance toward Ray himself.

Gorou and Miki later invited Zeoticus to have lunch at their house which Zeoticus accepted without hesitation. Our group later met Issei, Asia, Rias and Akeno and we informed them we will be having dinner at the Hyoudou residence, courtesy of Gorou and Miki for inviting Zeoticus and his son Sirzech.

When Sirzech arrived, he stared at Ray for a moment. Definitely not a friendly gaze but hidden immediately.

(Sirzech PoV)

'It's him again… Raymond D'Angelo.' Sirzech said in his mind. The entity called Raymond D'Angelo, no matter how high or low he dug, no information can be found prior to his arrival in Kuoh town other than his normal life in Europe which is definitely fake. Ray is human with supernatural ability which didn't match the information he dug out.

An orphan adopted by Issei's grandparents. Later a student who left Japan to study overseas and ended up working there almost ten years before returning to Japan after he messed up at work. When returning to Japan, he suddenly has abilities to summon futuristic weapons and armors.

Everything about him smells very suspicious especially when a human that never interacted with the supernatural world suddenly knows about his beloved young sister's engagement with Riser Phenex and the existence of Boosted Gear in Issei.

He couldn't put his finger on it but he is extremely sure something is wrong around Ray. His theory is enhanced further when Azazel gleefully accepts Ray into Grigori to shield Ray away from him and put a stop to his digging on Ray.

Sirzech is worried that Ray might be a harm toward his beloved sister although he doesn't have proof but better safe than sorry. Ray. The fact that Ray knows a lot of information he isn't supposed to know and supporting his sister too much without any benefit made him very wary of Ray. His sister even opposed him when he advised her that Ray may have bad intentions toward her or was planning to use her for something which would explain his overly generous acts.

Rias however isn't having any of it due to the trait of the Gremory clan. She considers Ray as a friend and ally that she can trust. Sirzech knew he was already too late because Ray had wrapped his hand around his beloved sister very tightly by taking advantage of their clan trait that he started to despise. The last straw that broke the camel's back is when got angry at him when he tried to make her cut ties with Ray for her own safety. Even Grayfia frowned on him and said he is too paranoid.

Grayfia's stance on Ray changed overtime as she observed him very closely on Sirzech's order. She found no proof that Ray is colluding with other factions that opposed the New Devil. Ray generally just minds his own business and gets stronger through his mysterious method that she found very intriguing. Other than that, there's nothing suspicious about him at all and she informed this to her King but he is too paranoid as a siscon because this involves his beloved sister. Grayfia words held little sway on the paranoid siscon Satan and she couldn't do anything about it other than making sure he didn't go overboard.

Perhaps blinded by his paranoia, jealousy and bias towards Ray, Sirzech couldn't open his eyes wide to see the facts that Ray is in fact innocent from the accusations Sirzech made up himself.

At the Hyoudou residence, Gorou, Zeoticus and Sirzech are laughing while reviewing the recordings of Issei, Asia and Rias while drinking beer. Foods are cooked by Miki with the help of Asia and Ray who volunteered because they have nothing to do. Issei, Rias, Xenovia and Cheshire sitting around the table while also watching the recordings.

Issei and Rias are very ashamed by it that she ran away to hide her reddening face followed by worried Issei. Xenovia is playing with Cheshire as she thought being on Ray's adoptive daughter's good side might increase her chances because his lovers become Cheshire's mother too if they get married with Ray.

Ray noticed Xenovia's sneaky tactic but he didn't mind because Cheshire got new people to play with. He himself felt guilty that he couldn't spend as much time as he wanted with Cheshire and let her interact with people her own age or enroll her into a school as she should. That is why he usually tries his best to fulfill her whim and spoil her a lot when he can.

"Xenovia-chan does have natural talent as a mother." Miki told me in a low tone that I could hear since I stood next to her. "Really?" I asked in slight disbelief. Someone that lacks common sense has the talent to be a good mother.

"Mhm, I raised a son and I know Xenovia-chan has qualities of a good mother." Miki said as she dried her hands with a towel as she looked at Xenovia who was talking with Cheshire. "She might look very serious and rarely shows her emotions but I can discern that she is a very patient, attentive, empathetic and most importantly very tolerant person. Rarely a teenager her age is very tolerant of a child with ten years of age gap and she also has good instinct with empathy." Miki added. Miki is actually helping Xenovia with her love for Ray.

(Flashu backu taimu!)

"Eh! Is that true Xenovia-chan?!" Miki exclaimed in shock when Asia brought Xenovia to consult with Miki about what Ray told him that day. Asia recommends Issei's mom because she definitely is experienced with matters of love as someone who is already in love and married with a husband and a son.

"Yes, Mrs Hyoudou." Xenovia replied without a change of expression or any shyness as a usual teenager her age would.

"Miki-san or mother is better. Calling me Mrs Hyoudou makes me feel distant from you. I treat Asia-chan as my daughter and her best friend are no different." Miki exclaimed with her eyes shining with stars.

"Yes Miki-san." Xenovia responded and Miki looked slightly disappointed.

"Anyway, are you sure you are in love with Ray? Your age difference with him is quite big. Besides, you are still quite under the legal age and will have hurdles when dating someone at his age." Miki talks about how society will view their relationship. A middle-aged man and underage girl.

"I don't care how those people I didn't know care about my relationship with Ray. He is a very strong and dependable person in my eyes and a good ge- father for my future child." Xenovia almost said good gene but quickly corrected it. When she talk about being strong and dependable, she ment his martial prowess but Miki thought Xenovia is talking about his financial stability to support a family.

Ray told Gorou and Miki that he recently landed a nice job that paid a lot and signed an employment contract with a company(Grigori). However the job required him to relocate which is why he moved away but gave his old apartment to Issei in case he wanted to live independently. She and Gorou thought the job must pay real good that he literally just gave away a good apartment that he finished paying for free to Issei and even did the ownership transfer to Issei.

"Don't worry, Xenovia-chan. I Miki Hyoudou swear on my name I will definitely support and help you to conquer Ray!" Miki exclaimed excitedly and even held Xenovia's hand with her both hands.

"Thank you, Miki-san!" Xenovia also replied gratefully. "No, call me mother! You and Asia are already my daughters in everything but name."

Asia on the side looks confused because if Xenovia accepts Miki as mother, wouldn't that make Xenovia into Ray's nephew and make the love between Xenovia and Ray an incestual relationship? Just the thought of such forbidden love made Asia blushing madly as he repeated the words 'incestual love' in her mind.

"B-but Xenovia, you forgot to tell Mik-mother that Ray already has two lovers in the line before you." Asia reminded Xenovia as she tried to vanquish the previous thought and make her mind into a mess.

"Indeed, mother. Unfortunately Ray already has two lovers before me." Xenovia repeated what Asia just reminded her. Her words sent Miki into shock and speechless. Ray already has two lovers, not one but two! And Xenovia still wants to love Ray? Also how didn't Ray have two lovers? Did he two timing them?

Multiple thoughts appeared in her mind but no answer appeared to answer those questions.

"Ray has two lovers living with him and they boasted that Ray has a great performance in bed too that just two of them isn't enough to satisfy him. Which is why they give me their blessing and permission to also pursue Ray." Xenovia informed Miki of the little talk she had with Raynare and Mittelt after her duel with Ray.

To say Miki was in shock is just putting it mildly. She remembered a few years she met Ray when he was still young and before she and Gorou even married. The younger Ray is very timid and rarely ever interacts with the opposite sexes because he is very socially awkward. But now he is having a harem of women? Miki is shocked beyond words that her jaw dropped at what Xenovia stated. She couldn't relate that Ray with the current Ray.

(The world creates the illusion of Ray's background based on Ray's original life. Those memories are extracted from Ray's own mind to be used.)

Definitely someone from Hyoudou lineage. Her father-in-law, Gorou, Issei and now Ray. All of them have very strong libido although her husband had tamed after Issei grew up. She is sometimes worried about Issei's love life since even Gorou is lucky to find a wife that is equally perverted like her when he is young. For Issei, he is lucky to find very tolerant girls like Asia and Rias.

(Flashu backu taimu endo!)

(Note: Idk why I did these cringy Shiz…)

"I see… Thank you, Miki-san. I will keep your advice in mind." Ray thanked Miki for her crash course on qualities of a good mother but she weirdly kept using Xenovia as an example or emphasizing the hidden quality in her that he failed to notice. "Ah, it's nothing. I just wanted to make sure dear Cheshire got a proper mother in her life. That lovely girl didn't deserve being motherless." Miki said while shedding tears talking about poor Cheshire who was missing a mother figure in her life. Miki's performance moved Ray's heart with how well she did and Ray didn't even suspect her at all. She deserves an Oscar for this.
