
Chapter 14: I am Issei Hyoudou's Uncle

"Owner! Owner! Ownerrrr nya!" Cheshire cried out in happiness after seeing Ray safe and slowly walk toward her. She was badly injured by the nuclear explosion and cannot move. Her rigging is basically melted slag that she quickly dismissed.

Before the explosion, she heard Ray shouting through all communication devices and told the entire city of the income nuke. She quickly equips her rigging while Yao uses her magic to turn herself into a barrier against the explosion.

Cheshire managed to survive although barely with most of her rigging destroyed beyond repair.

The rest of the city isn't as lucky because they all take the full brunt of the nuclear strike. Only a few that 'zealots' in the underground were able to survive and escaped using emergency exit to somewhere in the north.

"Shh, it's alright Cheshire." Ray quickly buys a healing medication from the Hub Marketplace and uses it on Cheshire.

Thank goodness Cheshire isn't exactly a human and her biology is different from human that radiation didn't affect her much.

"Owner, how about Yao and Myui nya? We must save them too." Cheshire said while looking at Yao who was already burnt to death while Myui is unknown and surely also suffer the same fate as the other who was exposed to the blast.

Ray only looks at her with a blank look as if remembering something. His face then morphs into a pained expression under his armor. He rubs Cheshire's head very delicately before bringing her to his arm.

"Sorry Cheshire but it's already too late for them. We cannot stay here any longer. They will attack another time if we linger too long." Ray said to her slowly with a loving tone, afraid that his anger might accidentally leak out and upset Cheshire.

He already saw another fighter jet taking off from the JSDF air base that will arrive in a few more minutes. He wanted to fight back. However, he would risk Cheshire's safety if he did.


"Please Cheshire, we cannot stay here any longer. They will drop another bomb if we do. So, please… Listen to me this one time, okay?"

Cheshire cannot see Ray's face under the armor but she can feel that her owner is sad and she will also be sad if he is. She then reluctantly nodded and agreed to Ray.

"Ok, Owner. Let's go…" Cheshire said without her usual 'nya' at the end of her sentence.

She can feel Ray's hug on her tight but not tight enough that it's suffocating. Just tight enough that she can snugly rest on Ray's chest that is covered in armor. The cold surface felt very comfortable when their surroundings were very hot.

In his last act of revenge, Ray force the AI that control the satellite to override the system and unload all the bombs it posses on the gate on Alnus Hill.

Then he quickly enters the system to initiate a random world jump to escape this place. Looking at Cheshire that rested on his chest, he felt a tunnel expand and engulfed his body along with Cheshire before he disappeared from the continent of Falmart.

In Dimension Gap, the Great Red was following his normal routine of cruising in the dimensions gap and doing a flip. Suddenly an abnormality appeared and a crack in space and time opened near him and two creatures passed through him before he could react.

"Meh, look human enough. They also have no presence of those eldritch beings." The Great Red then continued his routine as if nothing happened.

The creatures are Cheshire and Ray in his armor. They fall into Japan, then Kuoh town and finally Hyoudou residence. No one noticed that after their arrival, fate and destiny changed rapidly. Only the dragon gods, Great Red and Ophis aren't affected but they hardly care about the two nobody that just appeared.

Ray's identity is the adoptive son of Issei's grandmother who lived overseas and just returned to Japan because he messed up at work and got fired. He went to seek help from his adoptive brother, Gorou Hyoudou for a place to stay for a while.

In the morning, Ray opened his eyes and saw an unfamiliar ceiling. His Combat Suit is unequipped and he is wearing a gray t-shirt with dark blue shorts. Cheshire is sleeping on top of him as usual but her face isn't a smile like usual.

In his mind, there is plenty of unknown information like how he has a new relative and he is currently staying in their house. His adoptive brother is Gorou Hyoudou and his wife is Miki Hyoudou. They have a son which is his nephew, Issei Hyoudou who also is a massive pervert.

Ray sighed before he gently shook Cheshire to wake her up. Looking at her, he reminded Yao, Myui, the maids and the people of Italica. He feels regret that he cannot save them and indirectly the cause of their death.

When he thinks back, the reason why the Japan or JSDF dropped it on him is probably the slaughter of the Imperial army. Perhaps they feel threatened by my existence or afraid of what I can do to them if I were given time to grow stronger.

"Owner? Meow… Cheshire is still sleepy nya…" Cheshire stretched her limbs as usual before rolling off my body to the bed and continuing to sleep.

"Wake up already, we need to wash up and eat breakfast soon." I nudge her a little before she reluctantly wakes up while rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"Also, don't call me Owner from now on. Call me papa, father or daddy instead since you are now my adopted daughter apparently." I informed Cheshire as I remembered that in this world, Cheshire is a daughter I adopted from overseas.

"Ok, papa." Cheshire said which made me almost skip a beat. She then lifted both her arms to me, asking me to lift her.

I sighed at this lazy kitten before bringing her to the toilet to wash her face and brush her teeth. Then I noticed that she was still wearing her maid outfit. I quickly buy a pyjama from the Marketplace that is a little bigger for her size and change her outfit.

After Cheshire is done, I quickly brush my teeth too which has already been months since I last brushed. They can stay clean even if I don't brush but I just do it since I can.

Then we went downstairs to meet Gorou and Miki Hyoudou. Gorou is reading the newspaper while Miki is still in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

"Ah, you wake up quite early, Ray. Hope you had a good rest last night." Gorou folded the newspaper before talking to me.

"No worries, having a bed is enough already. I cannot expect you to prepare everything when I just returned suddenly and knocked at your door in the middle of the night." I laugh a little while explaining myself.

"Still, what happened to you when you returned unannounced last night? You look like you are running away from someone." Gorou asks with a worried expression.

I feel touched by his worries even when our relationship is fabricated by the system. According to the memories added to my head, the company suffered heavy losses because of me and is now trying to get me to pay them back. I rather not impose my problem in them.

"Nothing, I just wanted to find a place for my daughter to sleep but I ran out of money and couldn't rent a place."

"Also, meet your niece. Her name is Cheshire." I lifted up Cheshire who was limping on my lap and fell asleep again.

Gorou chuckled when he saw Cheshire's sleepy face.

"So, who is the mother? You never contacted us for 9 years after you left our mother's house to study in Europe. Did you really marry in silence? Mother will be very sad if she knew what you did." Gorou said with a sigh before taking a sip of the coffee.

"She actually isn't my biological daughter. I adopted her when I was still living in England." I answered Gorou according to the memories in my head.

"Adopted huh" Gorou said before his wife, Miki, walked out of the kitchen with scrambled eggs, bacon and toast.

"Yeah, I am an adopted son too. I feel pity for her since she had no parents. That's why I adopted her." I answered with the truth since Cheshire indeed didn't have any parents but a shipgirl isn't a human to begin with and they are created rather than born.

"Then, Cheshire-chan is she? She looks so cute that I instinctively want to squeeze her cheek." Miki put down the food before fawning over Cheshire's cuteness.

"She is right Ray, you are lucky to get such a cute daughter, adopted or not." Gorou added before Miki excused herself to wake up her son who was still sleeping.

Minutes later, Issei Hyoudou who inherited many features from his father like his brown hair and eyes. He then looks confused when seeing Ray and Cheshire.

"Who are they, dad? mom?" Issei quickly asks his parents.

"Meet your uncle, Issei. He is Ray, my adoptive brother. You probably never met him before since he stayed at your grandmother's house before going to Europe. The girl is your Cheshire, your cousin."

"Oh, nice to meet you uncle Ray." Issei greeted me but skipped Cheshire because she is still sleeping.

"Let's have breakfast quick, Issei is starting his first day at Kuoh Academy." Miki said, which made everyone start eating their breakfast.

Ray struggles a little as he needs to wake Cheshire up before feeding her slowly. Gorou and Miki keep smiling as they watch the father daughter duo. Issei finished his breakfast quickly before leaving after saying goodbye to everyone.

"Mrs Miki, can I ask for a cup of milk?" I ask since Cheshire usually washes down her breakfast with a cup of milk if she isn't traveling with me.

"Just Miki is enough. You can also call me sister instead if you want." Miki laughed before getting a cup of milk from the fridge for Ray.

"So, what will you do today? You said you ran out of money then that means you have problems in Europe then running back to Japan right?" Gorou said, surprisingly sharp to deduce it.

"If you want, I can lend you some money for now." Gorou added.

"No, no need. I have another emergency fund. I will try to find a job and rent a place here to live. I can't exactly keep staying in your home right."

"But if you need someone to take care of Cheshire-chan, then just let me take care of her. I feel lonely after Issei grows up and I wouldn't mind taking care of a child to keep myself busy." Miki suggested to me that Gorou agreed too.

I see no reason to reject that proposition from them and will leave Cheshire in their care temporarily. I would probably hire someone else to take care of Cheshire after I exchange my golds for money.

An hour later, Gorou already left to work leaving only me, Cheshire and Miki. I leave Cheshire with Miki but Cheshire still looks sad after what happened in Italica. I didn't know how to improve her mood but I promised to take her for a walk later after I finished with the task in hand.

I bid them goodbye before leaving while wearing a more appropriate outfit.

I feel that I recognise this is another anime world. Mainly Issei's name. His name sounds very familiar but I don't remember very clearly which anime world this is.

Walking to the busier area of Kuoh, I check my status and everything else. My satellite is intact, strangely enough and it uses an invisibility cloaking function to hide itself from the rest of the world. Using the satellite, I guide myself into the shady part of the town to exchange my gold. There is no way I can exchange it legally when there are no papers that legitimize my gold or my ownership of the gold.

Before entering the alley, I equip the ACE Suit and hide it under my clothes. Then a HMV 005 assault rifle and HMV 001 pistol just in case they try to get rough. I bought a long sleeve hoodie from Marketplace to replace my t-shirt because the t-shirt cannot fully hide the ACE Suit.

Only after that did I walk into the alley with a bag of gold and meet 5 gangster looking guys. They quickly surrounded me and stopped me on my track.

"Oi oi, holup there mister. Do you know who's turf you are walking into, huh?" The leader of the group tried to intimidate me then lit up a cigarette to enforce his image of a gangster or yakuza. He takes a quick puff before blowing it on my face.

Instead of answering him, I forgo the pistol and pull out the assault rifle then point it on his chest.

The people back off immediately in panic since no one randomly just pulls out an assault rifle in broad daylight. With Japan's strict gun policy, even a pistol will be hard to come by unless they are a big syndicate.

Ray then gives the bag that contains 20 bars of gold to the leader of the group.

"Tell your boss or whoever to buy this at 80% market value." I said which the group's leader nodded and quickly ran into the building to find his boss. His other underlings only wait stiffly while praying that their leader will return quickly.

I sighed after seeing one of them almost pissing his pants when I looked at him. His leg almost turns into jelly by how strong his legs are shaking.

"All I want is to exchange gold for money. I don't seek problems with you or your group." I assured them which made all of them feel slightly relieved but still afraid.

Since it might take some time, I pull out a cigarette to my mouth and about to light it up but the underlings are quicker and light up their lighters for me. I gave them a nod as thanks before lighting it up and smoking it while waiting.

About halfway through the cigarette, the leader ran out while panting with the bag again. The bag are filled with Japanese Yen instead of gold this time. Should be enough for me to get started, maybe opening a convenient store or whatever business that can generate income for me.

"Uh, the boss wants to meet you… She wanted to see you in person."

She? I thought the head of a gang would usually be male but this one seems to be the odd one among others. Honestly, I wanted to leave and no longer be associated with the gang since it could be problematic.

"No thanks." I said then fish out a stack of the cash and throw it to the leader who manages to catch it. "That's my thanks for the help."

Then I leave the alley immediately and walk around the area, trying to find an idea to earn a stable income and finding a place to rent.

After almost an hour of walking, I reached the area near Hyoudou residence. Coincidentally, I found an apartment complex that is rented out mostly to students of Kuoh Academy that is also nearby. Around 15 minutes walk from the apartment complex.

Then coincidentally again, I saw an empty shop for rent. The price is 400 square feet for 90k Yen per month. The place has already been furnished and only needs a little adjustment then he can turn this into a convenience store. This place is only a 3 minute walk from the apartment complex which means he has many potential customers if he chooses this place.

After a few minutes of deciding, he decides to take it but he will need Gorou help. He isn't knowledgeable with paperworks. Hopefully Gorou could help him out.


(Note: Ray isn't uncaring of what happened to Yao and Myui who loyal to him but Cheshire is more important to him than the other two. Sorry if anyone have hope with Yao and Myui.😞😂 Sorry is all I can offer.)