

Yennefer, a hybrid, is the only child of the gamma of the River stone pack. Being the child of the richest Man in the pack her life had been all rosy and beautiful on the outside but different on the inside. Things changed when her mate turned out to be the son of her father's sworn enemy. She got rejected because of a grudge of 20 years. After being betrayed, she took on the role of a strong and independent woman until he came. Silver eyes that made her tummy feel funny, long black hair that reminded her of the woods, his scent that always made her feel intoxicated, and his deep voice that made her weak. She was his everything. His life, His joy, His happiness, His other half, His obsession She found herself drowning in a sea of her desires until her past came back to seek her out. Hidden Secrets of many years prophesy of hundred of years, lies and deceit. Haunted by a future that makes her a monster she needs to fight the call of the woods and prepare herself for the dangers ahead. Victory is sure, but at what cost?

Tamara_Kuro · วัยรุ่น
6 Chs



Unknown POV

I looked left and right before sneaking into the room past the protection array formation...

There she lay sleeping sweet and sound in her cradle

I felt the urge to cry...

She lay on the bed with her auburn hair and soft sweet breaths

At this point, I have the feeling to take her away, far away from here but for now, I can't... It's too dangerous for her out there, she needs to be safe for me I'll come back but not now.

With a kiss on her forehead, I left just the way I came in...nobody must know of my existence and my relationship with her... I'm willing to wait...for the next 18 years...

End of Pov


18 years later....

Full moon Night...


Blood curling screams, shifting of bones, agonizing wimps, and painful groans that sent a chill down the spine of anyone who heard it...

It was that time of the year when animals hid in their houses, it's that time of the year when the woods were empty, it was that time of the year when new werewolves emerged.....

After a long period of time, there was silence and with one voice hundreds of wolves howled to the moon with the Alpha as the lead.

Far away from the scene in the dark stood a girl with red hair and a hoodie walking away


Yennefer's room

Why!! Why!! This is the second time this year and I can't shift, why bother creating me if you wanted me wolfless....

She screamed to the sky as tears fell from her eyes as she scattered her room

Average height, auburn hair, purple eyes, rosy skin...Meet Yennefer Aeden Mascot, daughter to Aeden Mascot, Gamma of the river stone pack...the only hybrid and outcast of the River Stone pack.....

The next morning....

The Gamma's Study...

Good morning Alpha, to what do I owe this visit?

Aeden said while stirring his coffee

Spare me the formalities Aeden, you know what I came for.

No, I don't Alpha?

Well since you want to play dumb it's fine...I'm here to talk about Yennefer.

What about Yennefer? Aeden asked

C'mon Aeden we had a deal...

Deal or no deal Yennefer is my daughter, she's the only one I have left after Aphrodite's death there's no way I'm sticking to that deal

You should stop letting your emotions get in the way of your duty Aeden or shall I say 'Gamma'... The Alpha shouted as he stood from his seat

You should be calm Greg, this is not something that requires you to be mad or do you have another purpose for coming here?

Aeden said down calmly and sipped his coffee gently watching the Alpha from his eyelids

The Alpha Stared at Aeden, rage visible in his eyes

I ask again this is not about Yennefer is it?

This wouldn't have been about Yennefer if you had taken care of Aphrodite. Greg shouted at Aeden

This has nothing to do with Aphrodite...

Aeden stood up angrily.

They stood face to face the tension in the room high

This has everything to do with Aphrodite, if Aphrodite has not given her life to 'your child' maybe she'll still be Alive but no She gave everything up for Your Child. Greg said with his veins popping out.

It was Her choice and no matter what you say or do it won't change the fact that Aphrodite chose me over you. Aeden said as they both stared right into each other's eyeballs

Aeden!!! Don't cross the line

Oh really, you crossed the line first Greg.

Aeden kneel your Alpha... Greg shouted

I won't kneel to you...

Greg released his Alpha pressure and every wolf in the building bowed

Aeden tried to stand but his wolf couldn't stand it...he whimpered and finally...bowed

I'm your Alpha...always remember that.

I give you three days after three days I'm coming for her

And with that, Greg left.

Clank!! The vases in the room broke one by one as Scattered his books and everything else he could lay his hands on and with a shout of agony he fell to the floor as only one thought crossed his mind..... Aphrodite


Standing at the doorway was Yennefer, she contemplated going in to confront her father over what she heard.

I know you're at the door Yennefer, come in...

She opened the door to see her father seated on the floor in a rowdy and disoriented office.

She sat on the chair and stared at her father various questions ran through her mind...

Silence reigned for the next four minutes each one of them preparing themselves mentally for the questions to be asked and answers to be given

Shoot..... Aeden said

What happened between you and Alpha Greg and how is mother involved?

Well... I don't know how and where to start, but I'll start from anywhere...

There is an array formation that prevents humans and any other creature from discovering our packs here deep in the woods but somehow... Your mother, Aphrodite, was able to step right in despite the fact that she was human.

This caused confusion and she was ordered to be on close inspection and not to leave the pack.

Greg and I were both ordered to watch her and one thing led to another, and we fell in love.

We both decided to get mated and it was okay by the council of elders that way she could also be watched and confined here.

Everything changed after two months....she started aging too fast and getting severely sick.

I took her to the best physicians and it was discovered that she aged because she couldn't thrive in this world it was not her world...

Before dying she wanted a child, one to keep me company when she left this world even when she knew she was going to die...

She died while giving birth to you....and the Alpha holds this as a grudge...

Aeden broke down into a sobbing mess...

This was the first time Yennefer has seen her father like this...He was always so strong, resilient, and unbreakable... She thought he was an iron when it came to emotions.

But she was glad, it proved he really loved her mother and now she had other questions on her mind.

After a long silence, she asked

What deal did you make with the Alpha?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Tamara_Kurocreators' thoughts