

Yennefer, a hybrid, is the only child of the gamma of the River stone pack. Being the child of the richest Man in the pack her life had been all rosy and beautiful on the outside but different on the inside. Things changed when her mate turned out to be the son of her father's sworn enemy. She got rejected because of a grudge of 20 years. After being betrayed, she took on the role of a strong and independent woman until he came. Silver eyes that made her tummy feel funny, long black hair that reminded her of the woods, his scent that always made her feel intoxicated, and his deep voice that made her weak. She was his everything. His life, His joy, His happiness, His other half, His obsession She found herself drowning in a sea of her desires until her past came back to seek her out. Hidden Secrets of many years prophesy of hundred of years, lies and deceit. Haunted by a future that makes her a monster she needs to fight the call of the woods and prepare herself for the dangers ahead. Victory is sure, but at what cost?

Tamara_Kuro · วัยรุ่น
6 Chs



On the way to Cleo's house, Yennefer was restless, her head ached so bad and her ears tingled then she caught a familiar scent that calmed her down.

She could swear she saw Blaze's blue eyes staring at her from the tinted glass of the car just beside her, even if it was for a second.

She panicked.

What's wrong with me? Why does my head hurt now and then and why do I think I see Blaze? This is confusing.

Fernández turns the car around... She said softly while taking heavy breaths as she felt suffocated.

What did you say, ma'am?

Turn the car around!! Yennefer shouted.

The car immediately screeched as the driver instantly turned the car and headed home as fast as possible.

On the way back Yennefer kept on hearing different voices and it sounded so loud in her ears. Her headache increased, and she felt so hot she started sweating...

She stretched out her hand to get water but she saw hairs at the back of her hand.

She screamed and passed out


Yennefer sat up in the woods, how did she get here? Wasn't Fernández taking her home?

She got up and walked for a long while.

Everywhere was very dark and she could only use her hands to feel the trees as she walked.

She walked into something very hard and fell.

An arm stretched forth and lifted her, she looked up to thank her helper and the only thing she could see was silver eyes... Deep silver eyes.

Yennefer, I've been waiting for you, I've been looking for you, where have you been?

Me? How do you know me?

You're the only one who can help me Yennefer, find me.

She saw tears run down his silver eyes and it felt like a knife pierced her chest. She reached out to clean his tears but she couldn't touch him.

She tried to get to him over and over again but she couldn't. She heard the rattling of chains and saw him being pulled far away from her.

Wait...Yennefer screamed out of her sleep with her hand stretched out.

She panted loudly... What was that all about?

Standing up she looked outside to see it was late, she checked the time and it was 2:30 pm.

Just then a message popped into her phone.

Hello sugar,

I'll be over at yours in 30 minutes, I hope you're getting ready.

Your mate


Oh no, I need to get prepared for my date. Kicking the sheets off her legs she ran to the bathroom to freshen up.

Yennefer sat in the mirror applying her Lipstick, it was thick and red.

Okay, today is my first date and I need to calm myself down. Yennefer said to herself.

Putting down her lip matte she checked herself over and over again to make sure she looked good.

Packing her hair in a bun and applying light makeup, Yennefer looked dazzling.

Yennefer's Pov

I wore a purple dress that matched my eyes and red heels.

Searching for jewelry through my Box I saw a pearl necklace that sparkled it reminded me of the oceans deep at night.

I had to remove my mother's necklace if I wanted to put on this beautiful pearly baby. But then, Father's warning resounded in my ears.

Never take it off... Hmmm, I guess I'll just put it on.

Just as I was about to pull off the necklace, silver eyes flashed in my head.

They seemed... Familiar... Where have I seen this before... I had this Deja'vu feeling. This is really strange, I don't know anyone with silver eyes.

Why do I feel so strange right now? What's happening to my head?

I felt different and my body slightly tingled. Hmmmm... Where have I seen silver eyes before?

Just then my maid walked in

Ms. Yennefer, you have a guest.

A guest? Who is it?

It's Mr. Blaze and he's waiting for you downstairs.

Okay, okay tell him I'll be there in two minutes.

Once Arianna left I checked my makeup over and over again picking my bag I turned and left the room.

As I walked downstairs I heard a conversation downstairs. It was Dad and Blaze.

Blaze's face was swollen, it looked like he had been beaten badly. But who would do this kind of thing to him?

He was talking with Dad and when they noticed my presence they both stopped and looked toward me. Standing at the stairs I observed what was going on, despite the fact that he was hurt he still smiled.

I was moved, but the thing is how did this happen?

Just as I was about to walk down the remaining stairs there was commotion outside.

It was Alpha Greg, he walked in with the security right behind him.

Blaze what exactly do you think you're doing? You're going against my orders for her?!! Is she more important than I, your father? Answer me. He shouted startling me.

I know you asked me not to come see Yennefer but I can't dad, no matter how much you hit me it won't change the fact that She is my mate chosen by the moon goddess for me.

You should have nothing to do with that hybrid Blaze. The Alpha thundered

I felt so scared at that moment, the Alpha looked like a raging beast... Well, he is a beast though, a wolf at that.

You need to calm down Greg, I'm sure Blaze is a grown-up and can make the right decisions for himself. My dad said

At this point tears almost ran down my face, it's not my fault that I can't wolf out. Am I the moon goddess? I didn't ask to be born. I didn't ask to be a hybrid. I was born like this and I'm being criticized for it. What was my offense?

Enough Aeden!! This is between me and my son you have no right to speak. What do you know? There's no way I'm letting my son get mated to your wolfless daughter, how will she rule the pack, she can't even protect herself how will she protect the pack? Tell me, how will she fulfill her duties as a Luna?

Tell me what she's going to do in time of war. How will she carry his pups? At this rate, she'll die from carrying children who are stronger than her.

Greg!!!! Dad!!!

At the same time, their voices echoed.

What? Don't dad me...

Whatever it is I'm sure we can take care of it ourselves. Don't butt into our business. I don't have a problem with the fact that she can't wolf out. I'm okay with it and like Sir Aeden said we're grown enough to make decisions for ourselves, when we get to a problem we'll scale through it...together. Blaze said as he looked at his dad

Oh, now you're big enough to talk down on your father eh? Others will laugh at you, your pups will also be hybrids, do you want your children to be unfortunate and miserable as their mother?

That moment did it for me, I turned around and walked to my room crying but Blaze came and hugged me from behind.

Let me take care of this Mi Amor. He whispered.

I nodded my head without looking at him. At this point, with tears, I can't even look at him

Blaze faced his father and looked him in the eye before saying, Yennefer is my mate and there's nothing you can do about it, no matter how much you hit me or argue.

With the speed of lightning, Alpha Greg hit Blaze slamming him into the wall.

Blaze!! I screamed and ran towards him. He groaned as his bones shifted and his wounds began to heal

Are you alright?

I got a glass of water from the table and gave it to him

Greg this has gotten too far, I'll have to ask you to leave. My father shouted at the Alpha

You don't have the right to oust me from your house, I'm your Alpha. Mr. Greg shouted and I shivered I was beginning to get very scared.

Blaze held my hands and shook his head before hugging me while closing my ears.

I shut my eyes tightly while my ears were being held by Blaze.

The flow of air behind me told me that a lot of things were flying around Including my Father and Alpha Greg.

Blaze's heart was beating so fast and that was the only thing I could hear.

Suddenly I was turned around and I heard a groan as Blaze's hands left my ears.

He fell with a thud and I opened my eyes to see.....