

Volume 2: Ydeo's Adventure and the Last Order of the Immortal Bishop - CHAPTER 15: MALA-LAYA

"Wait, Ydeo!"

I should not have agreed on to this!

"Just follow me!" Ydeo shouted.

"You don't even know where we are going!"

"Can't you hear that sound?" Ydeo asked.

"What are those soun--A festival?!" I said in surprised.

"I told you! This must be the city!"

Sixteen Hours Ago on the Ship of Princes Mayari.

"Ydeo this is an Island beneath the Mala-Laya. We will be staying here for a while. I am willing to let you go because you can't run anyway".

"I can swim!" Ydeo said as he laughed out of it.

"Feel free, the ocean is big. Can you even fight against the Sea Monsters?"

"I already beat some Sea Monsters a month ago." Ydeo said with confidence.

"Yes, sure you do." I agreed without thought

"My lady, we already set our camp and for the mean time we will stay here for a week." My Knight said.

"Then we will go back home afterwards."

"Why not just go straight back to your house instead of departing here in a deserted island?" Ydeo asked.

"You do not know what will happen if my father and brother see me again."

"Is that scary enough to stay here instead?" Ydeo asked.

"I can deal with my perverted father but my brother is different."

"Why stay in your house then? Why not go away?" Ydeo asked.

"Where would I go? Half of the Garsula Continent is my father's territory!" I groaned.

"Go to the Great Desert." Ydeo suggested.

"Only Monsters lives there."

"Isn't it better than in your house? I'll take you with me if you want." Ydeo said.

"I know you're strong but the world is not a park." I denied thinking it is not logical.

"Okay. In case if you change your mind, just let me know.” He agreed fast.


"My Lady, you may now enter your tent." The Knight interrupted our conversation

Before I finally entered them say.

"Hey Knight, what is your name?" Ydeo asked

"I have no name." The Knight said apathetically.

"Why everyone here is so dramatic..? I'll go over there to catch some fish." Ydeo contemplated.

"Do as you wish."


Ydeo went to the shore and seated on the sand thinking about going in Mala-Laya.

"So the next island is the Mala-Laya."

It is still bright even it is already late. Knowing the time and date is not hard as what other people think. They just have to look at the sky. If the Great Light of Apolaki is not in the Sky then it means it is already evening. The other Royal Moons might change its position but the Great Lamp of Mayari moves in one direction. I guess the other Gods are busy while Mayari has nothing to do.

Is that where Princess Mayari name came from?

‘Well she's like a moon.’

However I never saw all the moons come together in one sky. The other moons have different sizes and colors while the Great Lamp of Mayari is somehow white but changes depend on its position.

I wish I could fly to see what's above in the Sky. Father said it is where all the Gods live. Father said that our world is like floating in the sea.

Speaking of Sea, this island is beneath the Mala-Laya.

Wait a minute--"I can swim there!"

I can see some of the Islands of Mala-Laya from here. Looking at the distance, maybe 2-3 hours of swimming?

"Yosh! I can go there!" I finally decided.

I'll be back tomorrow morning, I promise!


The Morning came in the Island beneath the Mala-Laya country.

"Where is Ydeo?!" Princess Mayari yelled.

"My apologies, My Lady. He was fishing then suddenly he's gone." The Knight explained.

"Have you tried to search for him in this small island?" Princess Mayari is livid.

"We've already searched but we can't find him anywhere." The Knight said dejectedly.

"There's only one place he can go to."

"Could it be?"

"Yes! Over there, the country of Mala-Laya." Princes Mayari said.

"But how can he go there? Even if he is a good swimmer there is a big chance of him encountering Sea Monsters? There are also the Sharks, the Giant Octopus, and the Giant Squids that might attack him. There's no way he can easily cross there." The Knight said.

Swimming in the sea is dangerous, it is simply asking for your death. However, all those creatures deemed by the Knight as ‘Dangerous’ were all beaten up by a certain someone.

That certain someone is named Ydeo, the Sharks, Giant Octopus and Giant Squid he encountered, was all edible and tasted delicious in his dinner plate.

“You cannot use logical reasoning when it comes to that guy. We have to expect the unexpected but one thing is for sure, Ydeo is strong.” Mayari said.

"Do we really have to follow him?" The Knight asked.

"Of course!" Princes Mayari said like it is the most obvious answer.

"Yes My Lady, we will now prepare to sail."

"Make it quick!" She makes haste.

"Yes My Lady!"

Ydeo! I'll cut your feet when I see you! You will pay for this!


Meanwhile in Ydeo’s side…

"Wow! This is a great island! There are a lot of animals that I've never seen before!"

I've been eating since I came here, that's squid is sure delicious! But these Island’s wild animals are also quite a delicacy!

So far my favorite is this long neck chickens! I wonder how they call this bird.

I was supposed to go back before the sun rise but I am lost. Princess Mayari must be mad.

"Hey you! Who are you?!" Someone called me, a kid?

"Me? I am Ydeo! And you?" I asked, more like shouted.

"That's quick! Aren't you suspicious of me?" the boy said.

"Just tell me your name boy since I told mine." I said.

"I am Zymon!" he introduced.

"That's a strange name. Do you know where we are?" I asked.

"This is Quesi, Island in the South East of Mala-Laya." he answered.

From what I’ve heard the Mala-Laya looks like a jolly roger. Jolly Roger is a flag used by the merchants of Mala-Laya, they call it as such to honor the great merchants of Mala-Laya.

So everyone would know that a merchant is from Mala-Laya if they have the flag of Roger.

"Where are we exactly then? Are we near in the capital of Mala-Laya?" I asked.

"The capital of Mala-Laya is in the center island, it is called as the Manyala. There are 4 other big islands we have. In the North Eastern Island is Hanalulu, the North Western Island is Siquijor, the South Western Island is Kudaratan, and here which is in South Eastern island of Mala-Laya is Quesi.” Zymon explained while we trekked out of the forest.

"I've already seen the Quesi from the top of its mountain. Why are there neither towns nor cities in here?" I asked.

"That is because we live inside the caves." he said.

"What are you a Caveman? Aren't we in a civilized era for you to stay in the cave?" I interrogated.

"We are, but the Bishop says that we still must live with the nature. We should not be like the Viyato who only knows to colonize other countries." he said.

"Hey Zymon, take me with you. I want to see how beautiful Mala-Laya is." I pleaded.

"Sorry I can't, I have my duties as servant." he refused.


"What is that for?!"

"I know someone like you, so stingy." I said.

"He must be handsome like me." he said.

"Just show me the way okay? Let's go!" I insisted and dragged him faster out of the forest.

"Hey! Don’t drag me like a luggage! I am a human! Someone help! Human Rights! Human Rights!” He complained.

"Don't be like that friend!" I laughed out his complaints.

A silent wind came, suddenly a forced pushed me, then before I was able to react, and I was in the ground.

Everything happened so fast. "What happened?!"

"Are you alright kid?" A strong looking man asked.

He is short! Shorter than me however he is strong!

"Who are you?” I asked in bewilderment.

"Why would a man like you want to learn my name?" he asked in suspicion.

"You, You, You, You, You are Lapu-Lapu!" The kid referred to him with excitement.

"Lapu-Lapu?" I said."My name is Ydeo and I think you got the wrong idea."

"I know, since I hold this kid, I sense no feeling of danger from him. Then why did you ask for help?" Lapu-Lapu asked Zymon.

"Well, I just like to shout like that, my apologies." Zymon said.

"Who are you? Looks like you are a great man." I said.

"I live in this island, I am its Protector, and my name is Lapu-Lapu!" he introduced.

"You seem strong, I can't beat you right now but one day, I'll be back to defeat you!" I declared.

"Why would you like to fight me?" Lapu-Lapu confused.

"Well, I'm neither a muscle-head nor a man who wants nothing but to fight, however fighting strong man like you is a different matter. You're no ordinary man, I love fighting someone's stronger than me." I affirmed.

"I don't know how strong I am though." Lapu-Lapu said.

"Well because you are trapped in this country, why not travel?" I suggested.

"I have my duty as a Protector of this Island. The Bishop gave me this title and sent me here because this is where pirates and thieves would hide. I've been chasing them away since I became a Protector of this Land." Lapu-Lapu said.

"Isn't that amazing?! It seems safe enough to walk here alone."

"I see, then if you have no business from me I'll be going then." Lapu-Lapu dismissed.

"See you around then!"

"Wow! You are amazing! How can you talk to a great man like him like it's nothing?" Zymon asked his eyes still looking at the disappearing figure of Lapu-Lapu.

"What are you talking about? Can't you see my excitement?”

"I feel you!" Zymon agreed.

Ydeo and Zymon is talking about Lapu-Lapu however on the ship of Mala-Laya, an expected incident occurs.

"How long it will take?" Princes Mayari asked.

"We will be there in half an hour, My Lady!"

"Make it qui--what is that?!"

It is a Sea Monster! Princes Mayari's ship accidentally bumps in to a sleeping Sea Monster.

"My Lady please evacuate to the emergency boat!" The Knight said.

"Why now?!" Princess Mayari said.

Meanwhile in the Throne of the Emperor of Viyato.At the Throne of Viyato!

"My Lord, the Princess ran away." The Fleet Admiral reported to the Emperor.

The Army Forces of the Viyato Empire has 5 main forces. The Real Army which serves directly to the Emperor; the Nacional Army who serves to protect the Empire from its nearby countries but mostly from the monster of the Great Desert and it is the most number of men; then the Coppers Force, it serve as law enforcement force of Viyato; the Aria force which is the aerial force of the Viyato. The empire is developing a vehicle with the ability to fly in the sky; then lastly is the Nasus Force which is the naval force of the empire; it serves to protect the Sea territory of the empire.

"Ran away, you said? Don't worry about it; it is her silly game again. I know she did it so that I and my son won't try to kill each other again. Just try to find her. Knowing her she would go to where we would not expect us for her to go." The Emperor ordered.

"Yes My Lord!"

The Fleet Admiral asked permission to leave then walks back however, the prince entered the throne.

"Hello My Father!" The prince greeted.

"Good day, Young Master." the Fleet Admiral saluted.

"You may take your leave, Fleet Admiral."

"Why are you here?" The Emperor asked.

"My week of rest is already over. I have to go back to the land of the Yong." The prince explained.

"You may leave then." The Emperor dismissed.

"So my sister hides again? Where did she go this time?" The Prince inquired.

"I do not know, my son." The Emperor said.

"Are you words true, Father?" Smirking, the Prince challenged.

The atmosphere changed, the two men might start a fight in any moment.