
An Offer

A resounding silence…

Both Alice and Jasmin stared at him, mouths open in surprise and eyes clearly showing their confusion, this was not what they had expected, of the ways this would end neither of the two girls had expected this!

In their mind from the moment they arrived they had only seen 4 endings,

1 He chose Alice, this would of course end up a bad decision as there was no way Jasmin would let this slide and therefore someone would end up dead or worse

2 He Chose Jasmin with the same result, blood, and death

3 he rejected both of them, which would in no way work as they both loved him far too much to let him run away, causing either his death or for them to end up in the same situation

And 4… he chose to date them both… an option being both the most difficult but the most rewarding, as if he were able to keep them from murdering each other there would be no need for the spilling of death and likely a LOT of casualties

As he watched their reaction this was what he deemed their thoughts to be, as a therapist, even one that was trained to the exact minimum (in order to enter the catacombs as fast as possible) it was not that hard to ascertain a simple thought process. Likely both of the girls had expected him to go with the fourth option, Blatantly being a playboy and practically offering his head to the chopping block as in all honesty the chance of evenly juggling two insane women was extremely low

Continuing before they could say anything he continued "as it stands due to our circumstances and my own background there is no way rejection or sharing is possible" he paused, looking at both girls directly and looking into their eyes before continuing "within my family polygamy is against tradition and as such, I could never date or marry multiple women… at least not without being in a position to change the rules"

Regaining her witts and giving him a glare that demanded honesty Jasmin spoke "so what do you propose?"

Noticing she sounded unhappy he answered, smiling and holding his glass up slightly "you work for me, continue to kill my enemies as you already have been, protect me and support me and I give you whatever you want"

"Whatever we want?" both girls asked, now deadly serious. Their dislike towards each other momentarily ignored

Gently gulping due to the intensity of their gazes he said "within reason" giving a nod before continuing "we will continue our normal lives, WITHOUT fighting. Continuing our counseling sessions and whatever else is required by my work, and each month you will be paid with whatever it is you want… the reward is only limited by your own behavior and what you assist me with"

In silence, both girls seemed to mull his idea over before beginning their questioning

Speaking first Alice asked "will we have to behave in a professional manner?" she looked at him, like a wisened businessman, clasping her hands together in front of her " as in no flirting, touching or… kissing?"

Surprised by her straightforwardness and halted by the glare from Jasmin, he chose to phrase his words carefully "I don't see any real need for us to fully act professional aside from in a formal setting however, larger acts of romance could cause some issues amongst the group" he says looking towards to Jasmin for her opinion

She seemed to be fluctuating between happiness and murderous intent for a moment as she thought it over before eventually making a decision and speaking " I will allow moments of romance… as long as nobody goes further than the limit and it stays even" she seemed to be fully calculating every scenario in her mind before she continued "and nobody can do anything if they are ahead" she finished sending a dark look at Alice

"Ahead?" Cane asked confused

For some reason Alice looked rather pissed as she began to speak "she means you and I can't do anything until she gets even" he hands were digging into the side of the kitchen bench making him worry she might shatter it "meAniNg… shE Gets a kiSs" she explained her voice warping in anger

"Oh" cane let out in surprise, he had forgotten the kiss he had shared with Alice, back in her solitary confinement

"Oh indeed" Jasmin answered, sounding smug and licking her lips, her eyes looked at his lips and seemed to get sharper before she markedly relaxed to both Alice and Cane's surprise, continuing " first however we would need to set limits and… payment," she said the final word with a look in her eyes that made cane feel very worried

Staying silent for a moment and simply staring at the woman Cane couldn't help but think that hiring these two could prove far more troublesome than any assassination attempt " realistically the reward would be completely based upon what happens during the time prior, should we agree between ourselves anything could be a reward, it could be freedom, dates, blood, money or sex… though sex would definitely be something that we would have to all be okay with"

Letting that sink in for a moment he saw a blush rise on both the girl's faces, as they began to go over the possibilities of this agreement before he got up, straightening his jacket and checking his watch

"I believe a week would be a fair amount of time for you to decide to whether you want to take my offer or not," he said, beginning to walk towards his door "now I hate to be rude but I must leave as I have a prior engagement I must attend. I genuinely hope you agree and wish the best in sneaking back into the catacombs" he finished before quickly walking out the door, as to avoid any drama