
Yandere Sword Master's Servant

Earl Deckard, I congratulate you on becoming your lordship's servant....then I had to slap the old butler on the cheek and run away." [Sweet Thrill Romance]. #yandere #fantasy #MiddleAges #harem #romance

Kinzinho · แฟนตาซี
72 Chs

〈 Episode 14 〉 Yandere Youngae 14

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Two days had passed since then.

"Deacon, can we put the cloths over there?"

Aside from what had happened so far, I hadn't done much. I was worried that she would try to imprison me again, but I wondered if it was because she had given me the ring herself that things had gotten out of hand...but she hadn't done anything to force me to do anything but look worried afterward.

"I would appreciate it if you would."

After that, I took advantage of the time to watch Noel's clothes, my clothes, and other things being moved, and then said, "I'm a servant, too, and I'll work," and began to pull the cart myself.

[You don't have to do that].

[I'm a servant, you shouldn't let me do nothing, shouldn't you?]

I have nothing to do but eat with Noel and clear the tray. I told the butler to give me a job. I said it in a tone that said I was bored with nothing to do, and the butler, who was struggling, said.

[...I see, then I'll talk to the other servants and distribute the work among them.]

After that, most of the work related to Noel fell to me. Most of the servants had strangely avoided anything to do with Noel in the first place, and I was able to easily obtain new work as a servant.


A four-wheeled cart rumbles to life as it is wheeled to the laundry.

"Not much to load.

A small task, given to me for finding something to do. Noel's underwear, my underwear, and a bundle of cloths were gathered in the cart, and when I put them in the washer, I could get new clothes to take with me.

"Ding, ding, ding!

"Ms. Noel, I have your new clothes."


She was reading a book with a relaxed face. She slowly walks inside and puts the clothes in the closet.

"I'll change your sheets."

All the schedules of most of the other servants were thrust upon me. When I say I need work, she hands it over as if she's been waiting for me.

"I'm afraid of slitting my wrists...why are people here so afraid of Noel?

Normally, Noel is very calm and steady. If she didn't force herself on me, she would be the quiet young lady in a painting. Slowly, I put the sheets on the bed into the clothes cart, carry them to the washing machine, grab a fresh set of sheets, and go back into her room.

'More than I thought.

It was more work than she expected. After changing the sheets, I dust the room with a duster and sweep the dirt off the ground with a broom. It's not a simple task, even for one person.

"Lunch will be here soon.

The chef whistled at the food spout, waiting for the food that was almost ready. If he'd made up his mind to go from pickpocket to servant, he hadn't.

"Opportunities arise.

The scope of what I can do is expanding. For now, I'm just doing chores around Noelle, but in time, she'll give me more outside work. When everyone is comfortable with the idea of me as her loyal servant.

"Running away.

As long as Noelle makes sure I stay still, she doesn't change, as if nothing is wrong. After dinner, she gives me a hug and a kiss. I tell her I'm sleepy, hug her, and tell her there's another time. I feel like a favored concubine of a high-ranking official. Of course, the questions he asked me were not unreasonable.

[You didn't talk to any other women, did you?]

["Tir, are any of your maids bothering you?]

[Are you having trouble with your work? The maids must have left it to you. Can I help you?]

These were the kind of questions that could get you killed if you weren't careful, and each time I skillfully got away with some excuse or another. But.

"Did you say hello to the maid at the laundromat?"

Silence. I felt like she was choking on the T-bone steak the chef had bragged about making this time. It wasn't a proper greeting, just a quick glance in passing.

"How did you do that...

I thought to myself. If I was going to get out of here, it was important that I make some sort of connection with the people around me.

"Hey, Noel...is that..."

"Do you like her?"

"Oh, no!"

The maids here were also quite beautiful. Of course, objectively speaking, they were probably uglier than the fair-skinned Noelle, but the knife in her right hand glinted eerily.

"Why did you greet them?"

"...To wish him well in his future endeavors...OFF!!!"

I stumbled backwards, for she had somehow managed to snap my index finger to one side.


I grabbed my broken index finger and bowed my head in apology. If I couldn't talk to the maids, I had to talk to the soldiers or servants.

[We are busy with our work].

The soldiers and other servants also kept their distance from me. That they were too busy to devote time to me. But if I had, I wouldn't have had time to sneak a rum or a cigarette or a snack from the chef.

"So, there's this bitch I met on the estate..."

"Did you run off to the whorehouse again?"

"No. I thought I had a good shot this time."

"Hey, how you doing?"

Even the soldiers who were smoking and chatting run away from me, saying something is wrong.


I could tell that the soldiers had been instructed to avoid me, but I couldn't catch a clear reason.

"There's something more sinister.

These hints left me feeling puzzled, like a new puzzle. Still, the information I had wasn't enough. Three days after meeting the witch, I splint my index finger, wait for the priest to arrive from the church, and tidy up Noel's hair.

"Do I need to brush it?

Noelle's hair and clothes are organized on the schedule the butler handed her last night before he left with dinner. According to the butler, if you're a young lady of the count, you must always have your hair done, even if you're only going out for a short time. She felt her workload getting heavier and busier.


The thin comb glided down her hair without snagging a single strand. Having never touched a woman's hair before, I didn't know how to organize it, so I kept combing.

"Ms. Noel...is this...the way...to do it?"

I had never done anything like this before, let alone been handed over by a senior. Noel cupped my cheek with an amused look.

"Tir, do what you want."

What I want is to break that window right now and fly out and turn to sand like that witch. I couldn't say that to Noelle, who was blushing in embarrassment, so I just smelled the fresh, cool morning air and watched her hair blow in the breeze from the window I'd left open for ventilation.

'Maybe I shouldn't have done my hair in the first place...'

I should probably start with my own bushy hair, which has become a magpie's nest. Noelle's hair flows like silk without a crinkle, and then settles down. It was the exact opposite of my hair, which was a magpie with a hint of frizz.

"Now, let's go to the bathroom."

My job wasn't just combing. I was now responsible for escorting Noelle to the bathroom in the morning. Laughing, she grabbed my hand and dragged me along as if she needed an escort at all times, even trying to get into the bathroom locker room.

"No, Ms. Noel. I'll wait outside."

Noelle was dressed in a white robe, not the slip she usually wore to sleep in, but the one she wore to go out for a while. She smiled and tugged at me.

"I'm getting the scent of Tyr on me, don't you think you should wash it off yourself?"

She hadn't sent me to my room, and it had been more than five days since we'd slept in the same bed. I realized that if I refused, her obsession would only intensify, so we agreed to share a bed. Of course, somehow I managed to avoid making progress.

"Tir. You didn't touch me yesterday."

"I, I... Noel. I'm not quite ready to..."

"Shy is cute."

Noelle strokes my chin in her robe.

"If you keep coming out like this, you might think I'm so cute...you'll eat me up?"

A prickle of fear rises on the back of my neck.

"I'm just happy to live like this with Noel, so...that part...just wait."

"Okay. Tir is sweet and cute, so I'll try."

Noelle walks into the locker room. As far as I could calculate, her obsession was correlated with her progress. On the day I first met Noelle, I had walked into her castle holding her hand, which I assumed was why I was allowed to stay in the servants' quarters. However, when she came to my house after church, she went beyond holding hands and started hugging and kissing me. After that, she wouldn't let me go.

'Clinginess is roughly stage 3'

I categorized my current situation into three stages. Of course, I'm sure there are more stages, but I don't know what motivates her to become more obsessive because she's a stranger. At this point, I'd say it's stage 3, based on the changes in her behavior. Stage 1 was touching, stage 2 was hugging, and stage 3 was kissing and sleeping together.

"I'm going to have to run away before stage four.

Her behavior becomes increasingly aggressive. I felt like the obsession was increasing with each passing day, to the point where I could only drop it when I slipped away to work. But soon it was mealtime, and I had to go see her again.


"Yes, Noel."

A voice called out to me as I stared across the locker room.

"I've got a problem, can you help me?"

The most important part was how she was dressed. I'd seen her every day, in her skimpy underwear, and I'd done everything in my power to keep my sanity. I take a deep breath and ask.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm a little embarrassed to talk about it, so come inside and watch."

The slightly high-pitched note that comes from teasing me. Nervously, I pull back the locker room curtain and step inside.

"Can you take that hook off in the back, please?"

She points to the back of her bra, not showing me the front. Her long silver hair lifted slightly, revealing her neckline and her back. I could see the smooth line of her backside, her white panties, and her thin thighs and calves.


With slow, trembling hands, I unhook her bra. I hear the tiny clasp squeak and then it's free.


The bra fell lightly to the floor. She stares at the white bra in disbelief.

"Thank you. Tir."

Turning sideways, she caressed my chin. I hastily close my eyes, thinking there shouldn't be any more progress.

"Are you ashamed?"


"You're such a baby, I want to bite you for being so cute. Ha ha...Tir."

She came into my arms and bit my neck above the collar like a vampire. I try not to imagine her in just her panties, and with her tongue and lips, she slowly tastes my neck.


Her red lips sucked hard on my neck. Then, with a satisfied snort, she walked into the bathroom.

"See you later, then."

I caught a glimpse of the side of her breast, and it stuck in my head.


A round mirror hung in the dressing room. She glanced at her index finger, still in a splint, and then at the mouth-shaped mark on her neck.


A deep sigh escaped her. A little while later, Noelle came out of the shower, dressed in a red dress. I put her underwear in the hamper, slowly put my own clothes in the hamper, and got into the shower. As I soak in the hot, steamy water, I think to myself.

"How long can I...stop her?

I realize that her behavior is becoming more and more aggressive. It was as if she was being overcome by a strong attraction and temptation that she couldn't ignore.

'Get a grip. Are you going to stay locked up here forever?

I steeled my resolve. I showered and put on the clothes I had brought with me.

"Well, then, I'm going to voice my opinion that we should start going outside today...



Noelle's face appeared as if she had been waiting for me as soon as I came out. Showing off her red dress with an expression of a frog, she hugged her.

"You're surprised, aren't you?"

I was so surprised I almost had a heart attack. I felt like I'd been caught red-handed.

"Haaah!...haaah...Noel, really...don't scare me..."

"Tir is a surprising coward. How did you manage to pickpocket in the slums with that?"

"...That's right."

Normally, I wouldn't be surprised by her antics. It's just that she's Noel. If she wasn't, I wouldn't be this surprised.

"Why don't you wait in your room, I'm going to bring you breakfast anyway..."

"Why don't we have a picnic?"


The opportunity had come.

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