
dear or darling~

"heh miss me?"


You turn around to see the one and only max

"Did you miss me dear~"


You say shocked.

You remember the moment's you spent with max.

But you might be thinking that max is your ex boyfriend well your wrong.

You see Max is you old best friend you guys have been best friends since middle school.

Tho you moved 2 years ago and away from max and soon you guy's out of touch.

You were planning to visit him but the infection came.

"I can't believe I found you dear~"

He takes a step towards you and you take a step back.

He walks towards you again and again until your back had hit the wall.

"Dear this won't hurt a bit"

After he said that your vision went blurry and before you passed out you heard him say.

"I'll be there when you wake up dear~"

you awake in a bed with max right next to you "dear~ I'm so happy that your awake and that your not with THAT person all you need is me"

he says with a smile it's obvious he is infected he then switches faces to a dark sinister face that send chills down your spin.

"dear~ why did you leave me? we were best friends you promised you would stay in touch with me. . . ". he clenches his fist and slams his fist above your head leaving a hole "YOU PROMISED YOU LITTLE" you then start crying and he stops "h-hey sorry no don't cry dear". he says.

" I was going to give you a surprised visit but the infection happen and I couldn't IM SORRY". he then stares at you his eyes open wide and smile's

"oh dear~",

"you did that for me??"

he then hugs you tight and say's " my girl should get a reward for being honest".

he comes close to your face and kisses you! "MMMMM".

you push him away

"MMM my dear tastes better then I imagine! so. . . sweet. . . " he smiles

"I just couldn't help myself so let's continue" he leaned forward and kisses you on the neck you couldn't help but moan out loud.

he smiles

"enjoying it I see"

you blush.

"shall we continue?".

you then say no thanks to the "shall we continue anyway max then start to speak when BANG! coming from the door and you won't believe who's there!.

Alex walks in.

"what are you doing with my darling!?"

"you mean my dear".

Alex turns to you.

"darling which do you prefer?"

he continues

"darling~" max cuts him off and says "or dear~".

before you can answer Alex noticed a hickey on your neck he charges at max after that and GRABS him by the neck.


you say worried you push him and runs over to max to see if he is ok.

"t-thanks dear~ well well well looks like you look nothing but a monster in my dear's eye's" max says.


he then goes to grab max by the neck but you jump in front of them



Alex then continues

"on top of that YOU! disobeyed me!".

you were confused for a minute until you remembered.

"what were you supposed to do when I left?".

you stay silent


you finally give in.

"t-to stay in the room and wait for you to come back"

you say your head down while getting scold.

"and what did you do after I left?"

he asks.

you speak up.


"l-leave the room".

max then starts laughing "HAHAHAHA ah . . . . it looks like your darling tried to escape". he continues laughing.

"I got no time in jokes so I'm going to take my darling back"

. he then GRABS your waste and pull you to him. you know in those ninja movie's we're there is a smoke bomb they throw it and they disappear?.

so uh. . . yea he did that. Alex throws the smoke bomb leaving max unable to see and coughing a lot.

"DAMIT" max yells while Alex takes you away.

during the smoke bomb you passed out you can't do well with smoke you wake up tied to a chair

"I should give you a punishment"

,"w-what do you mean?".

"you know exactly what I mean darling~ you know what you did wrong don't play dumb"

Alex says. you shiver and that unfortunately makes Alex notice this.

"darling I don't want to make you shiver because your scared of me. . . "

he says leaving his sentence trailing.

he suddenly continues

"I want to make you shiver due to pleasure~"

he smirks and he comes up to you and say's

"let's get into it. .. shall we?"